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Spank-A-Thon Jan 5th, 2003 08:59 PM

M$ bashing PS2
Well, the post that our banned friend Fantasywave presented us (the one about PS2 online vs. Xbox) was not thought up by him.

It turns out it's actually from the official XBox web-site right here.

To say I'm extremely disappointed to see M$ do something like this would be an understatement. M$ are insulting the choices I have made as a gamer, and insulting my intelligence. This is just yet another example of the advertising practice M$ adopts.

The XBox appears to be a decent machine - but advertising like this does nothing other than to put me off giving M$ any of my money.

It saddens me to see this - I don't recall Nintendo ever bashing their competitors, or potential customers, like Microsoft have.

- S

Harry Jan 5th, 2003 09:26 PM

So true Spank-A-Thon!

I frankly enjoyed many games on the Xbox, but Microsoft's campaign is so idiotic that I really think they are influencing in a bad way the gaming industry.

They offend gamers in general, and it really seems they are unable to understand that they can't buy new fans bashing Sony and/or Nintendo - as a gamer, I consider their campaign a proof of their serious difficulties in finding their place in the industry.

Decifer Jan 6th, 2003 09:20 AM

thats really a piss off. i've never seen a gaming company do something so pointless and stupid.:mad:

dan da man Jan 6th, 2003 10:48 AM

yes i saw this on the other day! it is war between xbox and ps2 IMO!

MakgSnake Jan 6th, 2003 11:53 AM

Damn, thats the cheapest and the lowest thing I have ever seen........ever! Does M$ really think that people would think they are acting "SMART" with this or "Dumb, Childish". But I have to say, Xbox Fanboys would love that quiz and they are probably telling everyone of their friends and having a couple of laughs. I hated M$.........from before, so this is not that big of a surprise.

Next thing we'll see is a TV advertisment of Xbox, bashing PS2 and GameCube visually, or verbally.


but Microsoft's campaign is so idiotic that I really think they are influencing in a bad way the gaming industry.
I totally agree with you, and I mean completely. Its really sad to see all this.

EDIT: By the way, I just mailed them by click on "Comments about this article".....and told everything I thought of it.

Spank-A-Thon Jan 6th, 2003 02:12 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake
EDIT: By the way, I just mailed them by click on "Comments about this article".....and told everything I thought of it.
I also did this yesterday, and quelle suprisé I received the following:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

[email protected]
Seems M$ isn't so keen on receiving comments from potential customers...

What I don't understand is why they would want to alienate a potential consumer-base of 30 million people (i.e. PS2 owners). Don't M$ understand that owning more that one gaming system is very common these days?

- S

Sword 4 Hire Jan 6th, 2003 03:36 PM

Y'know, lately I've been playing basically just my xbox with live...and I've even started defending it between my friends...but now I question what I'm defending...

Nelo Angelo Jan 6th, 2003 04:02 PM


I'm not really taking this quiz seriously since it doesn't really matter to me.

Then again, pride can be one's downfall.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 6th, 2003 04:17 PM

I was thinking of getting an XBox for Shenmue II and Munch's Oddysee but now I don't know.

dan da man Jan 6th, 2003 05:38 PM

i used to hate xbox as well, but now i luv them!

btw guys, most of my friends have ps2 and they always slag xbox off! i think ps2 does slag xbox aswell, but that quiz was going over the top putting it on!

for all the haters of each platform, this is what i have come across on the net and my firends!


i dont call other consoles anymore i mean how childish!

Spank-A-Thon Jan 6th, 2003 06:20 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

I was thinking of getting an XBox for Shenmue II and Munch's Oddysee but now I don't know.
Well, perhaps I have a solution for your dilemma Trunks. Buy a second hand XBox, and buy only second hand games.

That way, M$ do not get any of your money, but you still get to enjoy the console and games. If there is ever enough games that interest me in XBox, it's what I intend to do.

If there's a way I can enjoy XBox without profiting M$, I will find a way. I have nothing against the console, but everything against the way M$ have marketed the damn thing.

- S

MakgSnake Jan 6th, 2003 11:40 PM

Well I am gonna wait for reply...I dont know what'll happen. By the way I am glad that I bought my Xbox (Open Boxed), and it was a 2 week old Open Box (Still Wrapped, Brand New and stuff) and it costed me $152 (Canadian Dollars) so its a good thing I didn't buy it at the normal price $299 (Canadian Dollars).

I guess I dont have anything against Xbox too, but its the marketing campaign that really ticks me off now. And M$ "THINKING" they'll be able to take the video game industry.

Few days back I was talking to an Xbox representative and all he was saying was "I want my games to be beautiful and powerful and colorful and graphical top notch and only Xbox has the ability to do that".......... and he kept saying that to everyone. I was just wondering how come he is not saying "Anything" about "Gameplay".....which happens to be the most important thing.

Chara Jan 7th, 2003 07:31 AM

Yeah, I saw this a while ago. Once Microsoft gets something that's superior than everything else, they take advantage of it... in a bad way... of course... if that makes any sense at all...

Anyway, as I was saying Xbox live is currently the best online solution out so Microsoft used this as a chance to bash the PS2. That is just a low blow, Microsoft. And this isnt the first time microsoft did this. They made a flash movie about a killer robot killing mario and other nintendo characters. It seemed like it was made by a bunch of 13 year olds.

I used to somewhat like microsoft but now they are losing my respect.

dan da man Jan 7th, 2003 10:59 AM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

That way, M$ do not get any of your money, but you still get to enjoy the console and games. If there is ever enough games that interest me in XBox, it's what I intend to do.

- S
that remark sounds like u dont like microsoft or xbox.

Spank-A-Thon Jan 7th, 2003 12:03 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

that remark sounds like u dont like microsoft or xbox.
I don't like M$. I don't like their business ethics, i.e. how they become so large. Remember M$ claiming they couldn't remove IE from Windows because it was an integral part of the OS? Well, it isn't - do a search on Google for Win 98 Lite... It's a hacked version of Windows without any IE involved.

I hate the sound of Palladium, I hate having to use their OS at work all day, I hate the way their Licensing program is going...

You do realise that if XBox had the dominance of PS2, M$ would introduce Licensing for the XBox... I can feasibly see one day where you would have to pay a monthly fee to play your games... Ooop - my bad, it's already happened with XBox Live...

As a machine, I have nothing against XBox. As yet there are not enough games that appeal to me, but as soon as there are I would like to get one. But only if I can acquire said XBox without having to give my money to M$.

Microsoft are so large and powerful now, they're practically above the law. Anyone remember the days of the home computers? Remember Commodore 64's, Atari STs and Commodore Amigas? Where are their successors? Nowhere, because M$ has domintated the Computer market with their bad business practices.

And that's what they're trying to do with consoles and entertainment in general.

M$ want to control all forms of electronic media - be that games, audio, video, documents, whatever - why do you think they are heavily researching DRM (Digital Rights Management)?

I'm not a mindless 'anti-M$' bandwagonner - I have done my research, and I can back up my statements with facts.

Yes, I don't like M$ - but I have no problem with XBox as a console.

- S

XboxKiller Jan 7th, 2003 02:41 PM

damn I never thought this day would come espacially with m$. have you guys noticed that everthing that M$ does with the xbox it has to be competitve against sony or nintendo.:frust:

I mean damn they need to stop it seems that m$ is being run by a hole bunch of 20 year old's virgins who have nothing else to do but offend other gamers on the internet so the can feel good about them self's :phew:

sure ps2 fans sometimes make fun of other console. thats normal every body does that with any console its a mark of pride;)

and why does M$ always bag on the ps2 harder then anything out there. damn just cause they aint making any money on the xbox does not mean they have to go and do something stupid like that


dan da man Jan 7th, 2003 02:44 PM

ok spank, that was good i agree with u, but i like microsoft, thats why i have a computer with microsoft software and a xbox!
yea i think there power is making them greedy!

MakgSnake Jan 7th, 2003 06:26 PM


Originally posted by goodman

You got a hellacious deal there, Makg. You couldnt go wrong.
Yup, that was a pretty good deal and on TOP of that, I got my Xbox Controller S an Open item as well, the Controller normally goes for $39.99 (Canadian), I got it for $19.96 (Canadian)......and well I dont like M$ as well at all. I just think they or "Billy Boy" wants to take over our lives. You never know sometime soon, they'll release a camera where you can scan your own face images on games, and what we wouldn't know is that the Microsoft Hidden Network Centre is looking into our rooms with the help of that camera and creating electronic products according to our dislikes and likes, invasion of privacy.

Daedaelus Jan 7th, 2003 07:58 PM


damn I never thought this day would come espacially with m$. have you guys noticed that everthing that M$ does with the xbox it has to be competitve against sony or nintendo.
Competetion is the basis for achievement. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending M$ for what they've done here. Secondly, if you say that everything M$ does is against Sony or Nintendo, then how could you not see this coming?


and why does M$ always bag on the ps2 harder then anything out there.
They compete with Sony because overall in the console wars, PS2 is still on top. Of course any good business man would take out the leader first and then go after the lesser-threat, which is what Bill Gates is doing.


What the hell does that hve to do with anything? Just because you've had sex means that you are more mentally stable? Please explain your logic to me.

P.S. Congratualtions on your purcahse, Makg. Great console.

dan da man Jan 8th, 2003 10:56 AM


Originally posted by Iguana

What the hell does that hve to do with anything? Just because you've had sex means that you are more mentally stable? Please explain your logic to me.

P.S. Congratualtions on your purcahse, Makg. Great console.
i know what the hell!:laugh: i think i know what he means like they never had any experince like a virgin!

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