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fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 02:59 AM

-So You Think PS2 is a Better Online Solution??? Take This Scientific Test First..."
Let's rate your online IQ:

1) How important is voice gaming??
a) Absolutely important!!!
b) Well, kinda useless for some games...

-If you choose a, you are clearly an Xbox gamer. You are the kind of gamer that likes to express your feelings to others!!!
-If you chose B, you probably have difficulty making decisions. Some days you want to talk trash and strategize online and other days you'd rather fester in your silent gloom. Some PS2 online games support voice, others don't. Besides, voice is really crappy on a dial-up connection

2) Do you enjoy using coins to assemble peripherals??
a) Coins? Are you nut???
b) Yes, I enjoy using coins to do something "FUN" and "CONSTRUCTIVE"!!

-If you chose A, you must have an Xbox. See, your Xbox already has a built-in Ethernet port all ready and waiting for you to plug in an Ethernet cable.
-If you chose B, you must have a PlayStation 2. You must go to the store, purchase a network adapter, and then use a coin to screw the thing in. You'll need all the coins you can get what with buying all those peripherals and paying monthly subscriptions for games.

3) How many personalities do you have?
a) Duh! One of course!!!
b) Several...I am kinda moody, like a girl.

-If you chose A, you and Xbox Live are a match made in gamer heaven. When you sign up for the Xbox Live service, you pick a single Gamertag. How convienient.
-If you chose B, you'd probably get along real well in the land of PS2 Online. Because in that world you need a new name for each and every game you play. So what if you have to remember 16 different names and passwords? So what if your friends can't find you online? You're a free spirit, right? Or is it just schizophrenia?

4) What do you think about dial up??
a) Dial up??? I can't wait to play online!!
b) Dial up is as good as high speed, I am a patient boy. I love waiting.

-If you chose A, you're obviously a happening, with-it kind of gamer who would no more try to play online over a dial-up connection than attempt to suck pizza through a straw.
-If you chose B—wait, wait, someone's still laughing… okay. We're better now. Um, dial-up is a fine way to play online. It's especially cool because that way you can have a special club of gamers to play with—since you won't be able to play with the high-speeders. You can call it the "Slow Club."

If you chose mostly A, congratulations! You are terrifically smart and talented. You know what's good and you know where to get it. Now get back to your Xbox!

If you chose mostly B, congratulations! You will have some fun with your coin-screwing, multiple names, laggy games, and hidden friends.

Thanks for participating!

Beretta55 Jan 3rd, 2003 03:21 AM

i already have xbox live. played unreal championship and mechassalut on it for two day's. till the freaking computer room sprung a leak so i have to wait to play it. cause we are getting new carpet:P

1. B-i never really talk much in games im too busy concentrateing on the match
3.a-only need one
4. a

fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 03:26 AM

So Frogman, did you picked mostly "B"??? :laugh:

Beretta55 Jan 3rd, 2003 03:27 AM

no i did not FW. i picked b on question 1 and a on the rest.

dan da man Jan 3rd, 2003 09:31 AM

i picked all A
i have a xbox now i am wating for march 14th when xbox live comes out in the uk cant w8! looks like we are a match made in heaven!:cool:

fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 02:09 PM

I am still waiting for someone that chose all "b". :roll:

DSgamer Jan 3rd, 2003 02:10 PM

y r u bothering us with your stupid question, u spam like hell. oh, and BTW SOCOM doesn't Lag so you can say that every game lags.


fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 02:19 PM


Originally posted by gamer

y r u bothering us with your stupid question, u spam like hell. oh, and BTW SOCOM doesn't Lag so you can say that every game lags.

Yep, got it. You are the one who chose all "B"s!!! Congrats! Please look at your result.

"If you chose mostly B, congratulations! You will have some fun with your coin-screwing, multiple names, laggy games, and hidden friends."

Spank-A-Thon Jan 3rd, 2003 04:09 PM


Originally posted by fantasywave

Yep, got it. You are the one who chose all "B"s!!! Congrats! Please look at your result.

"If you chose mostly B, congratulations! You will have some fun with your coin-screwing, multiple names, laggy games, and hidden friends."
Dude, what is your problem? All this post appears to be is nothing more than an attempt to rile on-line PS2 owners...

If you wanna get into the merits of on-line gaming, my PC set-up (600kb broadband, P4/2.4Ghz, GeForce 4 Ti) would make a mockery of anything XBox Live can throw at me.

Each on-line system has it's own merits, as well as disadvantages - please bear that in mind before you post something that is nothing more than a rip on PS2...

I hope to God to you don't turn out to be another Funky Monk - I'd hate for you to end up looking foolish and then finding yourself banned....

- S

fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 04:37 PM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

Dude, what is your problem? All this post appears to be is nothing more than an attempt to rile on-line PS2 owners...

If you wanna get into the merits of on-line gaming, my PC set-up (600kb broadband, P4/2.4Ghz, GeForce 4 Ti) would make a mockery of anything XBox Live can throw at me.

Each on-line system has it's own merits, as well as disadvantages - please bear that in mind before you post something that is nothing more than a rip on PS2...

I hope to God to you don't turn out to be another Funky Monk - I'd hate for you to end up looking foolish and then finding yourself banned....

- S
So you picked all "B"s, too?

-P4 doesn't mean anything in gaming cuz you don't need that frickin' crazy speed to run a game. You say that you have 600kbit BB. In fact, Xbox Live!'s standard BB is 1Mbit, 100Mbit max, so it's better than your what you called "computer" system already. In fact, GeForce 4 is not even a good video card. Let me tell you more. Xbox has the technology called "pixel shading" which GeForce 4 doesn't even have. In fact, there are 5000+ players on Xbox Live! JUST for Unreal Champ. So imagine, adding up all those Xbox Live! games' players would be 70,000+...PC online gamers are only around 6000-8000. In fact, I am not mocking the PS2 system, I owned more PS2 online games than Xbox. I am just telling the truth. In fact, I know that Funky Monk guy you talked about, he's an Xbox Addict forumer. It's foolish to compare PC with Xbox cuz Xbox costs only $199 and what you get was Pentium III, DVD rom, ethernet port, 4 usb ports, HDD, and geforce 4 + a tremendous sound device. While you have to pay 500 for P4, 300 for sound card, 120 for speakers, 2000 for monitor, 210 for motherboard, 99 for CD rom (slow shit), 20 for floppy, 560 for GeForce 4, etc.... That's a total of $3909!!! Wow, at least I don't have to pay that much money just to play online!! Also, it takes 3 min to operating a PC and 20min to install a game + 4 min to enter cd key and 3 min to log on. (total of 30min) While I just turn on the Xbox, 2 sec to put in a game, and 1 min to load, then 3 sec to login. (total of 1 min and 5sec) Spank, how's the brief comparison? You judge...

kupoartist Jan 3rd, 2003 05:54 PM

- P4 doesn't mean anything in gaming cuz you don't need that frickin' crazy speed to run a game.
--- umm... shall I tell him, or shall you? higher processor speed = higher performance = better graphics = higher framerate. take a look a a screenshot of Unreal Championship, and UT2003 against each other. UT2003 looks better, and has tweakable options. UC also has serious framerate issues.

- You say that you have 600kbit BB. In fact, Xbox Live!'s standard BB is 1Mbit, 100Mbit max, so it's better than your what you called "computer" system already.
--- what the standard is doesn't matter for anything. It's all down to the line which a person is served by. 1mbit is only available in Cable areas, if you don't have cable, you must use ADSL.

- In fact, GeForce 4 is not even a good video card. Let me tell you more. Xbox has the technology called "pixel shading" which GeForce 4 doesn't even have.
--- "The NVIDIA nfiniteFX II Engine incorporates dual programmable Vertex Shaders, faster Pixel Shaders" - - go figure

-In fact, there are 5000+ players on Xbox Live! JUST for Unreal Champ. So imagine, adding up all those Xbox Live! games' players would be 70,000+...PC online gamers are only around 6000-8000.
--- "PLAYING NOW: 177,440" -
--- "1 Half Life 113,707" -


1. anyone who pays $4000 is an idiot who buys from their armpit.
2. pc games do not have to be installed everytime you play them, and as a game such as UT2003 only requires a 25second load up time and roughly 20 seconds to get a few servers up, it will eventually be a quicker process
3. sorry spank for stealing the thunder that you would probably throw.

DSgamer Jan 3rd, 2003 05:54 PM

dude, talk all the shit u want, PC is better than both ps2 and Xbox, i got a AMD1.8, 80g hdd, ati radeon 9700, water cooling system, audigy Xgamer sound card, logitech 5.1 speakers, a 21' flat panel monitor, an Asus a7v333 mobo,Win Xp pro. (which i got off kazaa), and over 1gig of ddr ram. my pc whoops ur damn xbox(not every1 else's xbox), and my beautiful ps2

w00t bitch!!!!

fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 06:00 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

- P4 doesn't mean anything in gaming cuz you don't need that frickin' crazy speed to run a game.
--- umm... shall I tell him, or shall you? higher processor speed = higher performance = better graphics = higher framerate. take a look a a screenshot of Unreal Championship, and UT2003 against each other. UT2003 looks better, and has tweakable options. UC also has serious framerate issues.

- You say that you have 600kbit BB. In fact, Xbox Live!'s standard BB is 1Mbit, 100Mbit max, so it's better than your what you called "computer" system already.
--- what the standard is doesn't matter for anything. It's all down to the line which a person is served by. 1mbit is only available in Cable areas, if you don't have cable, you must use ADSL.

- In fact, GeForce 4 is not even a good video card. Let me tell you more. Xbox has the technology called "pixel shading" which GeForce 4 doesn't even have.
--- "The NVIDIA nfiniteFX II Engine incorporates dual programmable Vertex Shaders, faster Pixel Shaders" - - go figure

-In fact, there are 5000+ players on Xbox Live! JUST for Unreal Champ. So imagine, adding up all those Xbox Live! games' players would be 70,000+...PC online gamers are only around 6000-8000.
--- "PLAYING NOW: 177,440" -
--- "1 Half Life 113,707" -


1. anyone who pays $4000 is an idiot who buys from their armpit.
2. pc games do not have to be installed everytime you play them, and as a game such as UT2003 only requires a 25second load up time and roughly 20 seconds to get a few servers up, it will eventually be a quicker process
3. sorry spank for stealing the thunder that you would probably throw.

>:-( !!!! Stop messing up the thread!!!

BTW, your "logics" are very wrong. Xbox Live! supports voice gaming which UT2003 doesn't have!! HA! Also, you can't have a friends list like Xbox Live! does that can track friends and send invitations!!! HA!

fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 06:02 PM


Originally posted by gamer

dude, talk all the shit u want, PC is better than both ps2 and Xbox, i got a AMD1.8, 80g hdd, ati radeon 9700, water cooling system, audigy Xgamer sound card, logitech 5.1 speakers, a 21' flat panel monitor, an Asus a7v333 mobo,Win Xp pro. (which i got off kazaa), and over 1gig of ddr ram. my pc whoops ur damn xbox(not every1 else's xbox), and my beautiful ps2

w00t bitch!!!!
Again, will I bother paying 3000 bucks just to play online? Also Xbox needs no stinkin' operating systems. Win XP also costs 500 bucks which I can buy 2 Xboxes already!!! Go to hell kid, you know nothing.

Also, Xbox needs no stinkin' drivers like PC does and never freezes like PC does every 6 mins!!!

kupoartist Jan 3rd, 2003 06:23 PM


Originally posted by fantasywave
Win XP also costs 500 bucks which I can buy 2 Xboxes already!!!
... do you buy on the black market only?

as for voice communication in UC making the X-Box the best thing ever:

1. Not everyone has the kind of connection that can support streaming audio. a tiny proportion of global internet users have broadband, so X-Box live is full of a very select bunch.
2. UT2003 probably doesn't come with voice communication as standard, because there are about 10 different voice communication utilities for games that are already out there.
3. Microphones for the X-Box are an extra. Many PCs come with microphones. they're pretty poo, but what the hey!
4. There may be certain people on x-box live that I really don't care to talk to. The added strain of silencing them may cause me to have a major anuyerism, or subject me to repetative strain injury

and drivers actually squeeze more performance out of hardware. a decent PC will rarely fail over and over again. (I do not have a decent PC then :laugh: )

fantasywave Jan 3rd, 2003 06:39 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

... do you buy on the black market only?
I don't buy games and software, I download them. In fact, I have a copy of WinXP in my HDD and I can burn it whenever I want.

I never paid a cent for the programs in my PC!! :P

Harry Jan 3rd, 2003 10:36 PM

As an administrator, I shouldn't say this, but fantasywave is stupid. Thankfully, he was banned. I'll now close this useless thread - a thing I should have done earlier, damn it.

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