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merylsilverburg Nov 4th, 2007 05:48 AM

MGS4's BB Corps - What do you think?
This may be pretty late since probably everyone knows about these ladies now but just wondering what everyone thinks about them.

For those who don't know, the BB Corps is the new unit in MGS4. The "BB" stands for "Beauty and the Beast." They consist of 4 females dressed in armor relating to their codename: Raging Raven, Laughing Octopus, Screaming Mantis, and Crying Wolf. Their names obviously were inspired by the codenames for the bosses in MGS (Vulcan Raven, Decoy Octopus, Psycho Mantis, and Sniper Wolf).

I think this is a unique concept and although I admit I'm not too crazy about the entire team being female (although it makes sense since the Cobra Unit were all men), I'm pretty sure they will deliver. Thankfully, Kojima tends to make his female characters have rather strong mentalities and personalities with a lot of depth, so it shouldn't be too painful (hopefully).

I also love their gear and how it relates to their codenames - they look rather formidable. Also, I can understand why Kojima wanted to use the same codenames for the BB unit (recreating MGS' FOXHOUND unit thereby tying the series) but I don't know whether this unit can live up to the reputations of the original bosses...they were so memorable. :)

MakgSnake Nov 9th, 2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg

For those who don't know, the BB Corps is the new unit in MGS4. The "BB" stands for "Beauty and the Beast." They consist of 4 females dressed in armor relating to their codename: Raging Raven, Laughing Octopus, Screaming Mantis, and Crying Wolf. Their names obviously were inspired by the codenames for the bosses in MGS (Vulcan Raven, Decoy Octopus, Psycho Mantis, and Sniper Wolf).

I think this is a unique concept and although I admit I'm not too crazy about the entire team being female (although it makes sense since the Cobra Unit were all men), I'm pretty sure they will deliver. Thankfully, Kojima tends to make his female characters have rather strong mentalities and personalities with a lot of depth, so it shouldn't be too painful (hopefully).

I also love their gear and how it relates to their codenames - they look rather formidable. Also, I can understand why Kojima wanted to use the same codenames for the BB unit (recreating MGS' FOXHOUND unit thereby tying the series) but I don't know whether this unit can live up to the reputations of the original bosses...they were so memorable. :)

See, there is one thing I DONT like about these BEAUTY and the BEAST is that....... the main idea or the concept has been taken from the Shadow Moses Incident (Metal Gear Solid on PsOne).

I hope you guys are getting what I am actually saying. So these Beasts that we talk about aren't ORIGINAL. They are not someone we havn't seen before, I agree that they dont look like the original villans of the series and def are not going react and battle the same way, and might have new personality of their own. BUT STILL, the names and the idea is taken from PART 1 of the game. This is what bothers me alot. Kojima did the same thing with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty........ taking the whole back story of the original Metal Gear Solid and making a new game out of it. And he is kinda doing it again. Always stealing from his own old games! He should stop it already. I love this game (not in the same way you love your lover!!) but he has gotto stop this.

Also the Johnny Scene with Solid Snake in the trailer....(Have you even taken off the safety rookie) is from Metal Gear Solid... which Snake had with Meryl. I mean all this is been there and done that, and I know that we like the fact, these scenes are going to bring back some memories, we need new scenes and comdey and actions that we shall remember for the rest of our lives.

I am not at all disappointed with these BEST AND THE BEAST....antagonists. I just hope Kojima can come with some Original villans as well, so we can get excited like a little 6 year old girl.

merylsilverburg Nov 14th, 2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by MakgSnake
BUT STILL, the names and the idea is taken from PART 1 of the game. This is what bothers me alot. Kojima did the same thing with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty........ taking the whole back story of the original Metal Gear Solid and making a new game out of it. And he is kinda doing it again. Always stealing from his own old games! He should stop it already. I love this game (not in the same way you love your lover!!) but he has gotto stop this.

I agree and disagree. It's true that Kojima does seem to have a tendency to rehash his materials from the previous games and add a new twist here and there. But I think I can see why he's does this. If this is truly supposed to be the final game in the MGS line then by recreating some parts of Shadow Moses and the bosses is bringing the series full circle. I suppose by doing this, Kojima shows that history repeats itself or that incidents in the past always comes back to haunt us. Only through confronting it or taking care of the problem (ala MGS4) will end it. So I guess it's to say that the Shadow Moses incident wasn't truly finalized so with the same events recreated in MGS4 will things finally be done and finished.

Sorry if my post doesn't make sense, I'm a little bit tired and my brain isn't working at full gear at the moment. :P

Frozen Feb 27th, 2008 12:39 PM

To tell you guys the truth it never reallly bothered me to see old characters or enemies revived in the shape of a "descendant", I enjoyed a lot all the MGS that have been out (including POPS) and I much rather see some repeated action of something I enjoy a lot than to see something "original" but suckier. Of course I would support something completely original and better than before but that hardly ever happens. I mean, think about it, it's got to be pretty damn hard to make a MGS game better than the previous one, it's the same as for a super athlete trying to break his/ her own record (it happens, but not very often)

I definitely like the BB concept, I can't wait for this game to come out! It's the only reason I got right now to buy a PS3. (and maybe the next FF games for it)

BTW, meryl, The Boss might have been a bit of a butch, but she was a chick nonetheless :D (in reference to your comment about the Cobra Unit)

merylsilverburg Apr 26th, 2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Frozen
BTW, meryl, The Boss might have been a bit of a butch, but she was a chick nonetheless :D (in reference to your comment about the Cobra Unit)

Ah, you're right! There is a woman in the Cobra's just the number of times she kicked my a$$ in the game made me forget this fact! :laugh: XD

Sorry for the mega late reply btw. :right:

Phenom Apr 30th, 2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
This may be pretty late since probably everyone knows about these ladies now but just wondering what everyone thinks about them.

For those who don't know, the BB Corps is the new unit in MGS4. The "BB" stands for "Beauty and the Beast." They consist of 4 females dressed in armor relating to their codename: Raging Raven, Laughing Octopus, Screaming Mantis, and Crying Wolf. Their names obviously were inspired by the codenames for the bosses in MGS (Vulcan Raven, Decoy Octopus, Psycho Mantis, and Sniper Wolf).

I think this is a unique concept and although I admit I'm not too crazy about the entire team being female (although it makes sense since the Cobra Unit were all men), I'm pretty sure they will deliver. Thankfully, Kojima tends to make his female characters have rather strong mentalities and personalities with a lot of depth, so it shouldn't be too painful (hopefully).

I also love their gear and how it relates to their codenames - they look rather formidable. Also, I can understand why Kojima wanted to use the same codenames for the BB unit (recreating MGS' FOXHOUND unit thereby tying the series) but I don't know whether this unit can live up to the reputations of the original bosses...they were so memorable. :)

I don't have any issues at all with this. But then again, this'll be my first time even seeing what the previous characters were like. (If I ever get a ps3) I never played the first MGS, or rather, I couldn't get used to playing the first one without being able to shoot in FPV.

merylsilverburg May 1st, 2008 11:48 PM

I see what you mean by the lack of FPV in MGS but Snake's gun does semi-automatically aim at the target when you're pointing. The red beam points towards your target and you just shoot.

Of course, if you're not used to it then you can always play MGS: The Twin Snakes provided you have a GameCube (I forget, do you still have one or did you get rid of it?). Twin Snakes is simply the remake of MGS and you can use the same FPV that was implemented in MGS2. I would highly recommend playing the original one way or the other because while the BB Corps may be similar to the FOXHOUND unit, there's nothing like experiencing the original's bosses with their individuality and personality. Of course, the only things I found wrong with this remake is the new dialogue for Snake (I still can't get over his stupid and annoying yells of rage when talking to some of the characters like Kenneth Baker when he did NOTHING like that in the original) and Snake's newfound acrobatic skills such as doing backflips and stepping atop airborne missiles. :sarcasm: This is merely everyone's own opinion though - I just don't like it as much.

Phenom May 2nd, 2008 01:28 AM

I still have the GC. Money has been shot lately though, but once things start flowing right, I'll pick it up. I won't touch MGS4 for about 2 years :). Price of the ps3 and MGS4 should be even cheaper by then :D

merylsilverburg May 2nd, 2008 09:20 PM

Good plan to wait for the drop of the PS3 and MGS4, especially if you're not an extreme fan of the series and/or if you're running low on cash. This will give you enough time to check out Twin Snakes and get the feel of it. :) Hope you can still find a copy of Twin Snakes though. :P

dan da man Dec 6th, 2009 03:06 PM

At first i was like hmmm, just total pychos who work for liquid, the battles were cool though. Drebin filling you on the backgrounds was good but they wasn't as awesome characters as previous metal gear solid bosses

I don't have a clue why they looked so beautiful though after a horrifying life, nice to watch some camel toe in the cutscenes though.

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