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Phenom Apr 30th, 2005 04:34 AM

Games you would like to have redone.
Yesterday I decided to hook up the old NES cause I felt like going old school and such. While hooking up the console I came across a few games that I would like to have redone/made.

One of them was Double Dragon. (What company made this game?) I like the series very much, but when they brought it to the SNES.... bleh. I guess it was because it was turned into a fighting game. Although I do like fighting games (I think it's the best genre ^_^) DD5 didn't really cut it for me. I would like to see this game redone in a Shenmue type style.... that'd be interesting. (I also want to see Street Fighter done this way)

Another game was good ol' Kung Fu. Nice little action game if I do say so myself. That's all I can really say for this one.

I would also like to see either a Power Stone remake, or some fighting games be done like them.

Anyway, uhh what games do you want to see be redone/re-made?

kupoartist Apr 30th, 2005 11:38 AM

Deus Ex 2 - They should redo this one. Though by "redo" I mean, "Take this piece of dog crap back and give me a proper sequel." Erase all my bad memories of Invisible War and give us a sequel worthy of the Deus Ex name ^^. Oh and someone should redo Homeworld 2 as well, and make that with one of the good storylines they had lined up. Instead of the forgettable crap they ended up rushing out.

Metal Gear 1 & 2 You really expect me to work out how those damned MSX emulators work?

Alex Kidd in Miracle World Mid 80s SEGA mascot abandoned because he wasn't Sonic or Mario. Not sure how they'd pull this one off exactly, but seeing old Al' chomping on a bump-mapped humburger might be interesting.

Dynamite Heddy Heddy! Heddy! Heddy! Bring back this psychadelic head-banging platform game set in a bizarre puppet world. Make it slightly less difficult though :P

Final Fantasy VI Just for the hell of it I suppose. For no better reason than it's probably my favorite staright down the centre FF game, and it'd be nice to see all my favorites in a beautiful PS3 generation world. Though frankly the English VA work would suck like a Black Hole in a Vacuum Cleaner factory.

System Shock 1 & 2 - Step One: Purchase the Doom 3 Engine.
Step Two: Recreate classic horror/sci-fi/fps/adventure/rpg game on that engine.
Step Three: sign licensing deal with rubber underwear company to ensure that your company is no sued for creating a game too scary and brilliant for human consumption.

Nelo Angelo Apr 30th, 2005 05:28 PM

The following:

Chrono Trigger
Perfect Dark(With online play!)
Goldeneye(With online play!)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy VIII(Because kupo already said VI >_>)
Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Hybrid Heaven
Castlevania 64

I have more, but that's all I can think of right now. >_>

Beretta55 Apr 30th, 2005 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nelo Angelo
The following:

Chrono Trigger
Perfect Dark(With online play!)
Goldeneye(With online play!)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy VIII(Because kupo already said VI >_>)
Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Hybrid Heaven
Castlevania 64

I have more, but that's all I can think of right now. >_>

I like the way this man thinks. Redone command and conquer would be pure genius :lick:.

But there is only one game to me that comes to mind that I feel needs to be redone. That game is River City Ransom on the NES. Since I love the brawling genre and this game paved the way for the brawling genre. I would love a redone version with today’s technology. But for now I will be content with my GBA version of River City Ransom, deformed dwarf gang violence will live on in my heart XD.

Redpyramidhead May 1st, 2005 01:59 AM

Right now I am thinking something like Super Castlevania IV Remix or somethign like that with updating graphics, audio, and special effects, and possibly with new moves and extra levels. I'm thinking possibly even a SOTN style sequel to this particular episode. Careful care should be taken to capture the same mood and atmosphere of Castlevania IV. Yeah... something like that.

Also, possibly a remake of Silent HIll 1 would be in order. Resident Evil saw a remake on the Gamecube. Imagine a remake of the original Silent Hill. I would drool over this. However, I think I remember reading somewhere that they had no intention of doing this, despite the requests. This was a while ago, though.

_RED_ stuff

Vic Viper May 1st, 2005 11:43 AM

meh, i hate remakes, id rather the developer create a new game rather than possibly ruin a classic game. :frust:

Phenom May 1st, 2005 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Vic Viper
meh, i hate remakes, id rather the developer create a new game rather than possibly ruin a classic game. :frust:

Lol. I know a couple of people like that.
In my case, I just need them to remake DD. It's like they just forgot about it or something "shrugs"

Anyways. I have a couple more.

Bad Dudes- This was a nice beat em up game I played at the Arcades.
Final Fight- Why not remake a classic like this. Another one that's been gone and forgotten >_>....

the_spoiler May 9th, 2005 07:39 AM

id love to see a remake of the game shining force (an old sega game)anyone ever play that it was good they had a sequal that was iffy i want the original redone :ninja:

absinthe_fairy May 9th, 2005 09:26 PM

I'd like to see a re-make of the original Silent Hill on PSX. Just like it's newer editions, with improved graphics and maybe some extra stuff added in, but with no change to the plot whatsoever; that would just destroy the game completely. I guess, like the re-make of the original Resident Evil; that would be cool.

Berserker Aug 22nd, 2005 03:52 AM

Super smash tv, not really a remake maybe but more of a follow-up would be nice.
Ghouls and ghosts
What if they should make super mario bros 1 completely the same only first person 3D....that would be a trip!!!

TtTackler Aug 22nd, 2005 10:49 AM

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Faile Sep 2nd, 2005 09:15 AM

Final Fantasy VII! Yeah!

MakgSnake Feb 15th, 2006 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by kupoartist

Metal Gear 1 & 2 You really expect me to work out how those damned MSX emulators work?

These two games are being included in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance. But I would still want them to re-make with new cinematics and dialouges on Ps3 (I know I am asking for too much, but you really think I care??.??)

Chara Mar 31st, 2006 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Faile
Final Fantasy VII! Yeah!

Oh yea, FFVII for sure. :D

REChick14 Mar 31st, 2006 09:16 AM

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare. I loved the psx version and i know i saw some screenshots on this site about this game for the ps2 a while ago but I never found the actual game. Im not sure if it came out at all or if it was just in the makes and they stopped the process of finishing it.

TtTackler Mar 31st, 2006 01:28 PM

I'm not quite sure if it was confirmed or just a rumour as my friend was telling me about it, but there are supposedly plans to remake Silent Hill on the PS3. But they want to change the characters to those in the upcoming movie, which would mean they would have to remake at least 3 as well as the storyline would be all messed up..

And Tetsuya Nomura has mentioned that a FF7 remake WILL be done on PS3, but not until some current projects are finished.

Redpyramidhead May 7th, 2006 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by TtTackler
I'm not quite sure if it was confirmed or just a rumour as my friend was telling me about it, but there are supposedly plans to remake Silent Hill on the PS3. But they want to change the characters to those in the upcoming movie, which would mean they would have to remake at least 3 as well as the storyline would be all messed up..

Uhhh... that is the most horrid idea I have ever heard! I may have been one of the very few here who actually enjoyed the movie, but they sure shouldn't try to take the movie and turn it into a game! No! How can you do that to a classic! :S I feel sick...

That better be just a rumor and nothing more. Somehow, it doesn't quite sound likely.

_RED_ stuff

Frozen May 27th, 2006 01:34 AM

I agree with Nelo Angelo, Beretta and Redpyramid on their selections. On top of those I'd love to see redone:

ALL the Final Fantasy games from I to IX (graphics and gameplay ala FFX)

Metal Gear 1-2 (and prequel to those, where Big Boss was showing Snake the ropes)

Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross

TtTackler May 27th, 2006 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Redpyramidhead
Uhhh... that is the most horrid idea I have ever heard! I may have been one of the very few here who actually enjoyed the movie, but they sure shouldn't try to take the movie and turn it into a game! No! How can you do that to a classic! :S I feel sick...

That better be just a rumor and nothing more. Somehow, it doesn't quite sound likely.

_RED_ stuff

Well, the rumour was semi-right, I guess. The game wound being Silent Hill: Origins for PSP, which will tell the story and take place in the time period when Silent Hill first became the hellous town we've all grown to love.


Metal Gear 1-2 (and prequel to those, where Big Boss was showing Snake the ropes)
Actually, Metal Gear Portable Ops for PSP will be a prequel (and sequel to MGS3 in a sense) of Metal Gear 1 which will detail the events leading up to Big Boss becoming the evil man we've all grown to love. Think Star Wars with Anakin turning to Darth Vader, except with Big Boss.

kupoartist May 27th, 2006 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by TtTackler
Think Star Wars with Anakin turning to Darth Vader, except with Big Boss.

Will Big Boss do a really badly dubbed "NOOOOOO!!!!" scream towards the end of the game?

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