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Deathwatchz Oct 11th, 2003 05:51 PM

I'm Baaack! For a limited time only
Heya, this is detahwatchz here, from hell, otherwise known as fort sam houston, texas. I just made it out of basic training, and i'm three weeks into AIT. They don't give me very much free time here, and when i do get free time, i usually have to spend it doing some other stuff like polishing my boots. I'm kind of extatic, this is the first time that ive had internet access in three plus months. i wish that i had the time to look at all the posts on the site, but that will have to wait for when i have more than 20 mins. on the comp a week. Totally blows i tell you. I've been enjoying my time learning hand-to-hand combat, rifle marksmanshi[, and the like, but not really enjoying the 4:30 wake up calls from a drill sergeant, followed by an hour of pt, and a monotonous work schedule for the day. Right now im training to be a combat medic, so nothing more than pre-med classes mixed with EMT-training so far. after the initial few weeks, we are really gonna get into the soldier section of a medic, but till then im just gonna try to stay awake in class. Hope i can reply to anything, let me know any major things that have happened on the site, maybe i will be able to get online next weekend when they give me pass again. Once again, its great to be back, for everyone that knows me, HELLO!, for those that don't nice to meetcha.
Adios for now.

neomarik Oct 12th, 2003 12:28 AM

welcome back man, i dont know if anyone told you, but im here now.

Deathwatchz Oct 12th, 2003 01:36 AM

Well, it wasnt exactly just the space of a post, it was more like the space of 20 mins, but there was too much for me to catch up on with the web at once, so i had to go thru getting all of that as well as trying to get ahold of you guys. Its nice to see that i actually am getting a little more time than i thought. I actually got another on-post pass today, even if the wait in line for a comp. was about an hour and a half, i have to say, f&(k the other guys who have to use the comp. for 2 hourrs vefore they leave, even when they have all weekend to go, and i only get a few hours off. Training so far is fun, my aim with the rifle has improved. I got expert with the m-16, which wasnt that easy, let me tell you. Other than that, we have done a lot of stuff that is pretty much the basic survival skills that we would need in combat. We had a few road marches, and let me tell you, marching for 9 miles up and down huge hills with 70 pounds strapped to your back isnt fun. I have to say im in a lot better shape than i ever had been before i joined. all the push ups and sit ups do you good. other than that there isnt too mcuh to say about whats going on around here. Neomarik, nice to meet you, Fortune, how's everything been with you? whats harry been up to? and Rei, how have ya been? hopefully ill be able to post a little more than two or three posts a week, but even if i do, dont expect it to be anything other than on the weekends for at least another few weeks. Well, im gonna try and reply to another couple posts. see ya around.

Dont know what the hell happened, but i think that this post should be underneath rei's.... the time system might be a little out of whack.

Gadzoox Oct 12th, 2003 02:17 AM

Yaaay!!! ^^
It's nice to hear from you again!
I'm glad your having fun and have a little more time to yourself than expected, that's always nice!
Keep us posted once in a while, eh?!

Pu the Owl Oct 12th, 2003 04:45 AM

Hey, welcome back man! Even if it's only for a very short time (the space of a post?)!
How are you? Are you enjoying your training? :D

Rei Oct 12th, 2003 05:56 AM

Welcome back deathwatchz! :cool:

Carlito Oct 12th, 2003 07:00 PM

Hey, it's cool to see you again man!

Berserker Oct 13th, 2003 02:39 AM

I'm glad to hear your doing fine man, I'm sure you're gonna be one hell of a medic! Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.

Take care bro!

fantasytiger Oct 13th, 2003 08:33 AM

you probabaly won't read this but welcome back D.O.L we have all missed u

Meiko Oct 13th, 2003 08:10 PM

I don't know you, but welcome back!
It seems you're having a tiring training!

Redpyramidhead Oct 14th, 2003 01:18 AM

Deathwatchz, my man:cool: How have you been??? Well you kind of answered that, but it's one of those standard conversational questions, isn't it? Training sounds rough, man. I don't think I could handle such isolation from the outside world. Although, I am very much against war in my beliefs, I understand the need for good soldiers such as the one you will make. Personally, one side of me hopes they don't ship you over to Iraq, which is probably the worst place for any soldier to end up right now, but the other side realizes that you would probably make a very valued medic to your fellow soldiers there who needed you and since I support our troops in terms of the good they do I'm sure you'll be the best at what you do. You are a brave man, sir!

_RED_ stuff

Frozen Oct 14th, 2003 11:01 AM

Hey brother, I'm glad you're making it in there, at least now I have a heads up of how is it going to be for me in about a week from now :P

so you became Expert in rifle huh... *bows* I hope I do get to be an Expert too. But I just broke my god damned finger in a martial arts tournament... I'll probably have to shoot left-handed XD

Well, I hope to hear from you again, soon.

ssjtrunks13 Oct 14th, 2003 09:10 PM

Hey man, wish I could come up with something to say. Well, except for good luck. Oh, and return safely

Chara Oct 15th, 2003 03:22 PM

Welcome back, man. Its cool that you are becoming a combat medic, that is what my dad was when he was in the Army.

I kinda know what you are feeling, I went to this 3 week, officers training camp during the summer for ROTC. Waking up at 4:30 was no fun, the hand to hand stuff was fun but man, nigh****ch sucks bigtime. I dunno if you will have nigh****ch but if you do, your eyes are gonna be bloodshot for the next day. But then again I was doing an writing assignment that was due the next day before it was my shift.

But I see you havent gotten shot it in the foot so its all good. I'll be going to Air Force bootcamp sometime next year. So I'll be enduring some similar hell like you are.

Deathwatchz Oct 18th, 2003 11:37 AM

Thanx for all of the support everyone. Red, im not sure if im actually gonna get shipped over there, because im going to go to ROTC in college, and student cadets are non-deployable, since they want me to make officer before they ship me out. After i get my bachelors, im not gonna be a medic anymore, cause im transferring to field psychology. Frozen, i dont think you are going to have to worry about your finger, cause you will not be able to shoot for the first four weeks. they want to make sure that you are not nuts before they give you a rifle. It'll probably give you enough time to heal up properly. Chara, yes they do have fire guard here, but unlike basic training, it is 2 hour shifts, instead of one. Yo-yo, i wil be updating myself on the net as much as possible, so you can e-mail me if you want to keep in touch easier, but what the H^&& is D.O.L.???? Oh well, we just took midterms for my E.M.T. course, and I have a 91% average so far, so im probably gonna get thru here no problem. Bad news is that I developed a stress fracture in my left Tibia (the bone in your lower leg for the non-medical people) so im limping around here, but they have me on a no running profile, so i get out of some of the crap in P.T., which is cool. Hopefully it'll heal quickly, so i dont have to stay around here any longer than needed. well, that's about it, talk to you all later.

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