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blindman Jun 17th, 2003 04:03 PM

I want to get to know the Moderators.
Umm...well sometimes (and everyone knows this) i post a thread that 1) doesnt belong in that place 2) has already been done before 3) its just plain stupid and useless.
Well, i do get locked, moved etc. by moderators.

I just wanted to get to know the moderators since i dont know them all (so i can watch my mouth more often).

Uchiha Sasuke Jun 17th, 2003 04:08 PM

Well I'm the moderator of the Other consoles forum. I enjoy gaming, rock music, guitar, 4 wheeling, etc. I'm 19 years old and i'm a normal guy. I can be your best friend or worst enemy depending on how you act :). Any whoo I don't what else to put. I guess I can just end by saying Creed and Metallica freakin rule.

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 04:13 PM

I agree.
Is there anyway that a member can become a moderator?

Redpyramidhead Jun 17th, 2003 04:46 PM

Well, I'm not a moderator, but I've started to contribute articles. I've got one review up so far. Want to get on my good side? (I'm sure the staff would be grateful, too.) Go check out all the articles on the main site and not just the forums. Look for updates, everyday! Besides that, I'm not that important, just another poster. Oh and you're already on my goodside so don't worry :laugh:

_RED_ stuff

happy_doughnut Jun 17th, 2003 05:04 PM

I'm a moderator.

Yes, that's right. I- well, me and my fellow Digimon moderate the invisible forum. Yep. The forum only we and special elite members can see. Cool, eh ? :O!

Anyway, it doesn't really matter how well you know the mods. If a thread is of no relevance or runs the danger of becoming overly spammy, they'll most likely close it, without matter who it is.
It's not like they pick favorites. :)

Of course, knowing them is cool and all, but it's best to get to know the community as a whole. I think that the best way to get to know them and the rest is to stick around and see what's what.
There are some mods. that aren't active, and even some admins (like Carlito who doesn't post much, but does his job damn well).

From as far as I can tell, Soul Angel and JJ are the ones we see less of.
All in all, all the moderators are nice and the admins. are great, too. They do their job, and do it well :shappy:

Oh, just watch out for that Fortune... I think she once tried to ban herself O.o

EDIT : Well, I don't think there's a need for mods. right now, as the admins. have told before. If and when they need new mods., I suppose they'll pick members whom they'll trust to keep things orderly... and ones that will be respected. You know, someone unlike me ~_~

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 05:38 PM

Yeha....i think i have already ruined my chances (for i am the one that wastes everyones time with dumb thread o' mine) but...thats because i was getting used to the ropes.
Whatever vision is whatever vision...well, yeah...i respect every long as i know who they are..thats why this thread exists.

Oh...and Zero its ARIGATO GOZAIMATSU :laugh:

Rei Jun 17th, 2003 05:42 PM

Administrators and moderators are just normal persons, with the only difference they take care of the forums and keep anything in order. So, there's no reason for you to want to know the mods in particular way :D

BTW, I first started as a moderator, also with some contribution to the main site, and after some time I became administrator. The same goes for Carlito. At the beginning the forums used to have few members, so there was no need for more than 2 administrators. Then, with the increased number of posts and members, the situation changed and since me and Carlito were involved in the site from the very beginning, we offered our help as administrators.

As for members becoming mods, well, no. If we're in need of mods, we only ask to persons that seem responsible and reliable enough to moderate. If a member asks, he probably won't become a mod. It's the administrators who choose moderators. We don't accept requests regarding this matter.

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 05:47 PM


As for members becoming mods, well, no. If we're in need of mods we only ask to persons that seem responsible enough to moderate
Why does it seem like you are addressing that to me?:laugh:
anyway...i know mods are just..people, i mean i want to know the mods so, to know who they are..not where they live or how they act or what they do.

Rei Jun 17th, 2003 05:48 PM

If you only wanted to know their names and general info, you could just look at their profiles ;)

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 05:50 PM

Yeh i know...but i wouldnt know if im looking at an Admistrator/Moderators profile unless i know them.

Rei Jun 17th, 2003 05:58 PM


Originally posted by Blindman

Yeh i know...but i wouldnt know if im looking at an Admistrator/Moderators profile unless i know them.
You only wanted to know which members are moderators?! :peoples: You can see he/she's a moderator by looking at each forum's list of mods, or you could click on main page's "Forum Leaders" link. Please, if that was what you were looking for, next time pay some kind of attention before posting :heh:

Don't want to sound rude or anything, but yes, these info are already available without starting a thread about it. If you were looking for other kind of info, I'm not getting it.

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 05:59 PM

I always end up looking dumb

Rei Jun 17th, 2003 06:03 PM


Originally posted by Blindman

I always end up looking dumb
It's only that you don't pay much attention in some cases, probably :right:

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 06:04 PM

I guess thats it. I need some encouraging, anyone have nice words they can say to a blindman?

Rei Jun 17th, 2003 06:19 PM

Just remember this: you don't have to post if you have nothing to say. Posting is good, but threads with some kind of content are a lot better and more enjoyable to read for other members! Before posting, try looking around the forums, so that you won't have to read comments like "Haven't you read that?" from other people. You're pretty new, anyone can learn after some time. You only have to get used to this place.

Nelo Angelo Jun 17th, 2003 06:19 PM

I dunno.

Maybe you should get to know the members. :B

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 06:24 PM

Thanks Rei.
I may have a lot of posts (i mean since may 30th 2003) but im still new,...and there havent been any sites that have explained forum TRICKS to me.
Thats why i'm afraid you dudes would have to get used to my brainfart for awhile:ghost: :laugh: neh jus jokin, youll notice an improvement.

Pu the Owl Jun 17th, 2003 07:45 PM


Originally posted by ZeroSniper

Oh, just watch out for that Fortune... I think she once tried to ban herself O.o

LOL, yeah, but but I'm still here! This is what happens when you spend so much time with mad people like *cough*ZeroSniper-Mena*cough* :naughty:

Azuma_Ninja Jun 17th, 2003 09:30 PM

Blindman no offense but I think you take a lot of heat because well it seems to me you say the same thing in all your threads: "I'm new I don't know the ropes". Correct me if I'm wrong but I though you said that you belonged to 2 other forums. PS2fantasy is the very first forum I belonged to, and it didn't take that long at all to figure out. Just don't post everything right off the top of your head...2 days ago I came on general chat and i saw 3 threads all dealing with soda just with a different name. I'm pretty sure that's what moderators and members dont' like to see (their lovely forums filling up with threads that someone else has done, etc...). Sorry for sounding rude I just thought that maybe you'll understand hearing it from other members.


originally posted by Blindman

I guess thats it. I need some encouraging, anyone have nice words they can say to a blindman?
Encourageing eh? Good luck your doing fine just remember to think before you a threaed (haha I should talk)

IcyMourdor Jun 17th, 2003 09:50 PM

The mods here are pretty nice. Always gave me an easy time during my year on staff (unlike my other site, where i have admins and mega-mods breathing down my neck for section updates).

I was close with one of them, but I have no idea where Akamie ran off to. Haven't spoken with her in months.

Just obey the small rules and they'll be the nicest people here.

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