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rpgKing Feb 10th, 2003 11:37 AM

Final fantasy 11
One question who thinks that ffXI should have an offline game also for people who like playing by themselfs.

ssjtrunks13 Feb 10th, 2003 12:16 PM

I'll second that!

Carlito Feb 10th, 2003 12:41 PM

Being FFXI the first FF online game, it would be kinda pointless to make it playable offline as well. FFXI will be kinda different from other FF games, so I think there are many other good RPGs to play if you don't want an online one. It doesn't necessarily have to be Final Fantasy, you know...

mark0™ Feb 10th, 2003 01:18 PM

And FFXII will be offline though, I think two seperate teams are in place for each prject so there wont be too huge a gap between the release dates.

kupoartist Feb 10th, 2003 01:32 PM


Originally posted by mark0
And FFXII will be offline though, I think two seperate teams are in place for each prject so there wont be too huge a gap between the release dates.
In our countries perhaps... but FF11 has been out in Japan since last May, and FF12 isn't out for a long time either.

As for FFXI being an offline game... It simply would not work. There is so much development time poured into the offline game anyway, without a whole team having to re-do it to make a strong story led FMV full epic. Besides, as i've said its already finished anyway.

What I think would be a better idea, is if people would finally except that this game will never be a single player game, and that they attempt to enjoy what they are getting for once :happy:

David Feb 10th, 2003 04:01 PM

Why not? It's an excellent idea to make an online FF game. I say it's worth playing it, if your a excellent FF fan. Sharing an online world with someone, is amazing, because you get to make actual foes, friends, or even maybe a online girl/boyfriend?

You get to do limit skills, learn magic, and ride chocobos, need a license to ride a chocobo. You can be anything you want in this world, say a theif/dark knight/paladin/warrior/red mage/white mage/ black mage/bard/monk/ranger/ and more. You can be a loner, team player, protector, or what ever you like to do, for me, I would be a loner most of the time. The best part of it, is sometihng new happens, each time you play it.

Their are also holidays. I say a 10/10 for this game, but don't take my opinion, im just giving what I think about it.

kupoartist Feb 10th, 2003 04:09 PM


Originally posted by David
You can be a loner
hmmz... i've actually heard that those who go it alone die. which is a bummer. I reckon i'll play it by meeting new people, hanging with them a while, and going off... thats sort of being a loner, as you're your own boss...

David Feb 10th, 2003 04:38 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

hmmz... i've actually heard that those who go it alone die. which is a bummer. I reckon i'll play it by meeting new people, hanging with them a while, and going off... thats sort of being a loner, as you're your own boss...
You bet. I'm also a team player too, I like being the leader, no offence. Even if I bring my allies to a lost state.:laugh:

ssjtrunks13 Feb 10th, 2003 10:28 PM

Anyway, I think this is a great game even if it is only online. Maybe they'll someday make a FF game that is both on and offline without it being that you need to get online to get the really good stuff.

rpgKing Feb 11th, 2003 10:27 AM

Im sorry I mean hate me if you will but Im a huge final fantasy fan. But Im not willing to pay like $20 a month to play the stupid thing. Thats why an offline would be more sutible. Plus I have no one online to play anyway.

kupoartist Feb 11th, 2003 02:50 PM


Originally posted by rpgKing
Im sorry I mean hate me if you will but Im a huge final fantasy fan. But Im not willing to pay like $20 a month to play the stupid thing. Thats why an offline would be more sutible. Plus I have no one online to play anyway.
Its ok to have an opinion of course... $20 is certainly not what i've heard though, I've heard it closer to about $8 which is reasonable to me (but then $20 is only £12 in UK money, and I get £50 a month anyway)... also, you do realise that you don't have to invite people to play with you, and that there will be a few thousand people playing the game at a time for you to meet up with? (think about it like a massive version of this forum, where you can form a fighting party with anyone of the faceless people you don't really know on here ^_^)

mark0™ Feb 11th, 2003 03:14 PM

You may know (by my rage against bt) that I have 65k and can't get Broadband, at least not for a few years (proabably never)

Can I Run FFXII at a speed which wont bother me or any other guys online?

kupoartist Feb 11th, 2003 03:33 PM


Originally posted by mark0
Can I Run FFXI at a speed which wont bother me or any other guys online?
the effect on other people is almost zero given that your interactions with them do not involve any combat against them. Its more of a case of whether you can stomach the lag... ISDN is really not so terrible though, especially as FFXI is:
1. an MMORPG, where lag is not commonly such a problem, even in combat, when compared to the rather hectic FPS genres.
2. Powered by a number of pretty hefty machines which are paid for by your monthly fee.

and just as a final note, I play, and occasionally do well on FPS games. I have a 28k connection. Go Figure :happy:

David Feb 11th, 2003 03:42 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

Its ok to have an opinion of course... $20 is certainly not what i've heard though, I've heard it closer to about $8 which is reasonable to me (but then $20 is only £12 in UK money, and I get £50 a month anyway)... also, you do realise that you don't have to invite people to play with you, and that there will be a few thousand people playing the game at a time for you to meet up with? (think about it like a massive version of this forum, where you can form a fighting party with anyone of the faceless people you don't really know on here ^_^)
I couldn't say it any better myself. But for once, who doesn't want a online version? I always wanted to play with people on FF. But it's only 1 player, still is, but online.

kupoartist Feb 11th, 2003 03:58 PM


Originally posted by David
I couldn't say it any better myself. But for once, who doesn't want a online version? I always wanted to play with people on FF. But it's only 1 player, still is, but online.
what I think would be an interesting feature in a later FF would be the ability to have some sort of co-operative game, wherein, everyone could play as their own character in the adventure... the characters could be customisable, but certain story benefits must be fufilled to keep the story in there - for instance, one play must be designated as a "love interest", perhaps by somthing obscure like a numbering system. The big advantage with a game like that would be that you wouldn't have to play it co-operatively - you could just get the computer to make pre-defined players that you can control.

David Feb 11th, 2003 04:02 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

what I think would be an interesting feature in a later FF would be the ability to have some sort of co-operative game, wherein, everyone could play as their own character in the adventure... the characters could be customisable, but certain story benefits must be fufilled to keep the story in there - for instance, one play must be designated as a "love interest", perhaps by somthing obscure like a numbering system. The big advantage with a game like that would be that you wouldn't have to play it co-operatively - you could just get the computer to make pre-defined players that you can control.
Hmmm... Not bad, not bad at all, it would work, but how about if you don't like that character, of the love interest who you been selected with.

kupoartist Feb 11th, 2003 04:08 PM


Originally posted by David
Hmmm... Not bad, not bad at all, it would work, but how about if you don't like that character, of the love interest who you been selected with.
Perhaps... the love interest idea was only really an example, but perhaps you could be made to designate or even vote on a character for some of the more major plot elements... But some of the "suprises" should be random, for stuffs even like party deaths

David Feb 11th, 2003 04:15 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

Perhaps... the love interest idea was only really an example, but perhaps you could be made to designate or even vote on a character for some of the more major plot elements... But some of the "suprises" should be random, for stuffs even like party deaths
Tell you the truth, when you are with a party, in FFXI, your party kills a monster, then a item screen will pop up. They give each membetr, who decided to fight in the battle, to choose 1 item, if some people choosed the same item, then there would be a random decision, with the game. Cool huh?

ssjtrunks13 Feb 11th, 2003 05:07 PM

Yeah that does sound cool. Now I feel an even stronger will to play FFXI. Well, I won't be bored for very long because I expect in about a week or so I will have finally purchased a GBA game.

David Feb 11th, 2003 05:32 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

Yeah that does sound cool. Now I feel an even stronger will to play FFXI. Well, I won't be bored for very long because I expect in about a week or so I will have finally purchased a GBA game.
That's good to hear that you agree with me, and believe me. I'm so happy. It's true thou, because I was looking at the livecam, and I saw a group killing a strong monster, and it took 10 seconds to put their weopon away after they slayed the monster. I also know it's true what I read, is because all of them, puted their weopon away at the same time.

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