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Vicious_2003 May 29th, 2002 10:41 PM

X Box (Sink or swim)
Me and a buddy are on opposing sides of the console war. I am a hardcore Playstation fan and he ofcourse is obsessed witht he X Box particularly Halo. Its my opinion that the X Box will fail, die, and go away just as my lost love the Dreamcast did. Ofcourse due to the fact that microsoft is loosing money by the truckload with all the un bought X Boxes sitting on the many store shelves in Japan, the sales figures are more embarrasing than the games. The X Box has been out sold by the psone and the Dreamcast for many weeks. Hell the ps2 sold 80,000 plus units in Japan in the same month that the X Box sold a measly 13,000. The PSone sold 15,000 plus and the Dreamcast 14,000. I dont see how a system that has in a nutshell lost the support of an entire country can survive . Im still searching for the current to date sales figures for the X Box and ps2. So what do you guys think ? X Box Sink ?......or Swim ?. I vote sink

hotshot657 May 29th, 2002 10:50 PM

SwIm!! U gotta read about what Xbox has coming up. Online gaming is gonna be awesome. Xbox will have titles like Project Ego, Unreal Championship, Star Wars: KOTOR, SW galaxies, MGS substance, brute force, halo 2....theres so many! The price gap between Xbox and PS2 for the online costs are very different. For Xbox, all u need to pay is $49.99 for a year's subscription and the voice communicator, no game fees. For PS2, you need a $40 modem, an $80 hard drive (for games such as FFXI), plus game fees. PS2 is much more expensive. Xbox will begin to show its true power graphicswise. I think that many ppl are going to buy Xbox soon. There are 250 games to come out before 2003. It'll be awesome. The sales arent great right now, but its only been out 6 months! PS2 wasnt doing good when it was 6 months old! Give it time, and you'll see how good it is!:cool:

Pimp_Daddy507 May 29th, 2002 11:00 PM

Swim, considering their Microsoft and they have TONS O' MONEY.......they'll make it no matter how bad they do, they have tons of money to fix their mistakes unlike DC who was already in debt at the time of the falling dreamcast. Plus with their affordable online play, sales should be rolling in and with the price cut, many ppl are considering Xbox now.

happy_doughnut May 29th, 2002 11:03 PM

Sink. I think it's gonna die. Well, maybe not. But off the top of my head, the only good games I can think off are Halo and DoA (3?). :mad: They had to hop over there!
But still... Halo is playable for the PC so that's out.
What can I say, I never liked the X-Box. It doesn't even have very many good games. Its graphics and power are great, I'll give it that, but that's about it. I don't know... maybe some good developers will make better games for it soon, and I hope they do. Until then, I don't see it swiming anywhere but to the bottom.

Esjay May 29th, 2002 11:08 PM

If it stays the way that it is now, then yes, it probably will sink, but if they make major changes to the system's physical design and come out with more games, then it might stand a chance. But...what good is a system's power if there are very few interesting games for it? And DOA3 was basically a DOA2 'Super Hardcore'

Pimp_Daddy507 May 29th, 2002 11:09 PM

Ya, ur right Mena, why buy Xbox when all the xbox games are coming out for PC, which I know all u guyz have or u wouldnt be typing this........

Examples (Xbox to PC)

-Halo (of course! with hardcore online play!)
-Doom 3 (orginally for PC, moving to Xbox)
-Return To Castle Wolfenstein (already out!)
-Grand Theft Auto III (out for Ps2 and now PC!!)

You see, why buy Xbox when u can jus buy the games for PC. A good VooDoo Video Card, and ur gfx will be better than the Xbox!

Sleazy P Martini May 29th, 2002 11:12 PM

No one can truly predict the future, but I'm going to say the Xbox will swim. I watched the trailer for KOTOR and I am very interested in this game. Project Ego also looks promising.

Pimp_Daddy507 May 29th, 2002 11:15 PM

I personally think Ps2 is much better than all the systems.......


Twisted Metal Series
Metal Gear Solid Series (soon to move to xbox and ps2)
Final Fantasy Series
Grand Theft Auto III (yaaaaa!)
Driver Series (love that game)

much much more!


DOA3 (big whoop)
Halo Series (soon to pt 2!)
GTAIII (comin out like in 5 months, whose gonna wait that long!?)

That all i can think of.........


Mario Series
Zelda Series
Metroid Series
Super Smash Bros
Donky Kong Series

All kiddie games


Ps2- 9

Jus felt like

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 12:30 AM


Originally posted by Pimp_Daddy507
Ya, ur right Mena, why buy Xbox when all the xbox games are coming out for PC, which I know all u guyz have or u wouldnt be typing this........

Examples (Xbox to PC)

-Halo (of course! with hardcore online play!)
-Doom 3 (orginally for PC, moving to Xbox)
-Return To Castle Wolfenstein (already out!)
-Grand Theft Auto III (out for Ps2 and now PC!!)

You see, why buy Xbox when u can jus buy the games for PC. A good VooDoo Video Card, and ur gfx will be better than the Xbox!

Oh my god dude... please say you weren't serious about the voodoo card. Still playing quake 2 are we?

Anyways, Xbox is far from dying. It seems people here and concerned that the software lineup is weak and that there are no exclusive titles. Far be it from the truth, here are some awesome exclusives that I own and ones I am looking forward to:

Halo (duh)
Amped Snowboarding
Hunter: The Reconing
Rallisport Challenge
Project Gotham Racing
Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of the Vortex

and plenty of things to come:

Blinx (lots of great things are being said about this game[/i])
*Morrowind (this ones iffy... at least to me)
Ninja Gaiden (oh my god this game made me drool)
Brute Force
Halo 2 (announced to be online for xbox live)
amped 2 (same as halo 2)
project gotham w (same as halo 2)
*Shenume 2 (exclusive in the states, if you don't count DC...)
WWE Raw 2
NFL Fever 2003 (online)
*Star Wars: KOTOR (exclusive for xbox and pc; online)
Toe Jam and earl 3
DOA Volleyball
Fable (was project ego before)

These are just ones off the top of my head. the ones with *'s are ones that can prolly be considered 'non-exclusive'. Now Im sure after hitting the post button everyone will say 'oh, those games don't interest me'. well thats fine, you don't have a box anyways if you are saying that. But just because most of the people here chose to buy a PS2 and not a box doesn't mean the box is doomed to failure. There are not even 400 people in this forum, not what I would call a 'huge demographic'

Also I am not saying that PS2 has no games, I wish I could get my hands on Shinobi and SOCON... Guess I will just have to buy a ps2, play a friends or do without when the time comes. Oh, and I don't think DOA3 is a must have game. Pretty? Yes. Fun? Could be better... The box community is waiting for Soul Caliber 2 like pretty much the rest of the gaming community.

Pimp_Daddy is totally right though, the microsoft machine wont let this die. Few seem to grasp their master plan, but here it is: to take over your house. No joke. They are in the computer room, next aquisition is the living room. And the xbox is the key. Do you realize that microsoft just announced there is going to be an accessory that links your box up to your pc from the living room and lets you play mpgs, mp3s and any other sort of multimedia file through your home entertainment center? I think thats tight as hell, and yet another selling point for the box. I'll definately pick it up.

Xbox isn't going to kill Playstation and microsoft knows it, but MS is going to fight to the death to keep the box in peoples living rooms and if we've learned one thing about bill gates, its definately that he gets his way...

Harry May 30th, 2002 05:03 AM

Swim, definitely! And for all the reasons you've posted in here!

Andi May 30th, 2002 05:09 AM

Playstation 2 All the way
I think that it will sink like a tonne of Bricks:laugh:

X-Box :boo:

But hey what do i know! Lol

Mercury Shadow May 30th, 2002 05:41 AM

Definitely SWIM

They have tons of money, and it doesn't matter how much they lose..... also, they have some great exclusives no matter what some people say.

Uchiha Sasuke May 30th, 2002 07:22 AM

The system will easily swim.Like mentioned above its got quite a big lineup of titles coming up and the money to keep it afloat.If it stays around it could establish itself as one of the bigger console brands around

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 08:05 AM

Re: Playstation 2 All the way

Originally posted by Andi
I think that it will sink like a tonne of Bricks:laugh:

X-Box :boo:

But hey what do i know! Lol

Any particular reason you believe this? Just curious... Otherwise it sounds like pretty blatant fanboyism.

The Skum May 30th, 2002 08:11 AM

What the!
Return to castle wolf and doom3 for xbox?? Has the world gone mad???? Yeesh!!!

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 08:46 AM

Re: What the!

Originally posted by The Skum
Return to castle wolf and doom3 for xbox?? Has the world gone mad???? Yeesh!!!
Yeah, I remember saying the exact same thing when FF and Metal Gear were announced for the playstation. Any reason you think CW and Doom3 is such a ludacris idea?

BlackThornn May 30th, 2002 10:56 AM

I think it will swim... doggie paddle, at least. Much as I hate to admit it (I am still not going to get an Xbox. Games I want does not mean I still do not condone thier ****ty marketing practices..) there are some interesting games that are slated to come out to the Box. Namely Project Ego. If this game does all the cool stuff it is promising, I think it will be a breakout title like FFVII was for the origional Playstation. If it does turn out to be a breakaway title then we will probably see the major "battles" in the console war being fought between Microsoft and Sony. I believe that the Playstation, with it's larger number of developers (microsoft has a lot, but not even close to Sony..) will still rule supreme in the industry at least for this and the next generation of consoles, but Microsoft will be a major player.

Of course, if Project Ego turns out to suck, and all the stuff that was "promised" does not deliver.. then that might be the nail in Microsoft's coffin. It all depends on the actual quality of future titles. (Duh. :D)

And Kraft... don't mind Andi.. he's the angry guy that goes around kicking people in the shins. :laugh:

Question, though.. How did Hotshot post on this thread? :mad:

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 11:17 AM

I think hotshot posted before bannage occured. As for the 3rd party developers, how do you figure sony has more than microsoft? Here are the people developing for microsoft now:

actually, I just realized that 257 developers is a lot to list. You can see the list and see what games they are developing at

if you can point me to a page that shows sony has way more support I'd much appreciate it! :)

BlackThornn May 30th, 2002 11:36 AM

Don't have a link readily availiable, but I'll find one for ya. ^_^ (257.. okay, maybe closer than I thought. :laugh: Still not topping Sony, though. :D)

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 11:41 AM

Hmm, I don't know how reliable this ps2 site is for their information but here is a list of developers for the ps2:

they list 20... this doesn't sound right, but I can't find another site yet...

The Skum May 30th, 2002 12:38 PM

Yes,those games should be PC only.XBOX Is getting all of the exclusives and other games which ps2 owners wont ever get.I also heard of DOOM 4 Being Xbox exclusive! heh.

BlackThornn May 30th, 2002 12:48 PM

Skum.. Who cares if the Xbox gets Doom III and Wolfenstien..? Playstation's just fine with MoH and Red Faction..

Doom and Quake and all of those are kinda getting like the "Rocky" movies were, to me... You want them to stop, but there's always some putzes that will buy anything with the name on it. Let the series die in peace, man..! FPS's don't exactly have the most stellar remake value as a standard.. these had pretty shallow plots anyway..!

EDIT: I'm pretty sure Sony has more than twenty developers! :laugh:

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 01:03 PM


Originally posted by BlackThornn
Skum.. Who cares if the Xbox gets Doom III and Wolfenstien..? Playstation's just fine with MoH and Red Faction..

Doom and Quake and all of those are kinda getting like the "Rocky" movies were, to me... You want them to stop, but there's always some putzes that will buy anything with the name on it. Let the series die in peace, man..! FPS's don't exactly have the most stellar remake value as a standard.. these had pretty shallow plots anyway..!

EDIT: I'm pretty sure Sony has more than twenty developers! :laugh:

Actually with every rendition of quake, the game engine has been completely redone and has delivered a new level of gaming power. FPS's like doom and unreal have never been into storylines, why muddle up perfect multiplayer action with a story? They were, and are, being made for one reason alone, multiplayer slaughter. I don't care what characters are in it, or what the storyline is. With an FPS I will play whatever game is the prettiest and has the coolest levels and best online support.

As for series of games that needs to die, I think Nintendo reigns king. 50+ mario games, 10+ zelda games, its ridiculous. Sony has a few, twisted metal namely... though I say that because I was never fond of the game. And I am kinda dissapointed you grouped wolfenstein into those fps games... It is a well needed sequel to the first fps game ever!

and as far as doom 4 being xbox exclusive... why don't we let the poor guys finish making doom 3 before we start talking about that?

P.S. Has anyone tracked down a list of PS2 current developers?

Mercury Shadow May 30th, 2002 01:57 PM

Everyone's forgetting here that Return to Castle Wolfenstein is coming out for PS2 as well!! It was auctually confirmed first for ps2.

KraftSLU May 30th, 2002 01:58 PM


Originally posted by Mercury_Shadow
Everyone's forgetting here that Return to Castle Wolfenstein is coming out for PS2 as well!! It was auctually confirmed first for ps2.
Didn't microsoft do a deal for 6 months exclusivity for it though?

inamaize May 31st, 2002 03:08 AM


Originally posted by hotshot657
The sales arent great right now, but its only been out 6 months! PS2 wasnt doing good when it was 6 months old! Give it time, and you'll see how good it is!:cool:

i agree that the xbox will do well, whether i be a hardcore ps2 fan or not. but what hotshot said here is totally wrong. the PS2 went crazy for the first six months. check the sales figures again.

only bad thing the xbox has goin for it is that its ugly as all hell, and thers no backwards library of games. which is another great thing about ps2, the library, and then the library will continue as its believed the PS3 will be ps2 compatible.

i wont go into a mass detail conflict post as you guys have done a fair bit of bickering, but i thought i needed to add my 5 cents

ocelot May 31st, 2002 01:55 PM

defenetly sink! all x-box good games are originaly ps2 or pc games ,so there is no reason to buy it ! Butt I still need to say Halo is a great game.

GaseousSnake May 31st, 2002 02:31 PM

Definately Swim

Give the Xbox time and it will obey the law of floatation.But i must say that the area the box will boss all consoles around is online gaming,it was originally made for online gaming.

Lost_myth May 31st, 2002 06:53 PM

sink, drown the sucker! :frust: :P No offense!

Lost_myth Jun 1st, 2002 03:47 PM

thats really funny, Bill gates!!

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