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FATT47 Feb 1st, 2005 09:29 AM

MX vs ATV Unleashed is gettin.......
closer, less then a month and a half away now and it can't get here any to soon IMO
The shortage of a good racin game with online support right is depressin, except for ToCA there just aint much out there.

I was just readin one of the latest previews I've seen for MX vs ATV Unleashed at Gamerankings dated 1/25/05 I believe and this game sure sounds like a good one to this point, but, with not bein able to see a demo of any kind the only thing I'm hopin for is if it's realistic or not.

IMO a racin game should either be as close to reality as possible or lable it as an arcade scenario but for sure don't not try to combine the two.
There's nothin worse for me then to buy a game thinkin and bein under the impression that the game producer has attempted to make a if ya will simulator type game and when ya put it in the ole PS and ya get arcadish type play with none realistic racin action.

ATV3 Offroad Fury was just that, it failed miserably IMO to produce realistic ATV action, ATV's just don't do what they did in that crapy game.

My main hope for this game is that it has a better then average online mode which should IMO include good physics, user friendly controls, challengin tracks, the ability to set a variety of events with control of vehicle classes and kick butt servers to provide lag free racin.
If all these things are in this game then racers will have a game to last for a while.

Lets hope.

Drafter-T Feb 8th, 2005 05:12 PM

This months OPM has a demo of this game and it looks like it's going to be real solid. I played it quite a bit last night and it definitely looks like what you might expect from Rainbow as far as the real sequel to ATV2. ATV3 sure wasn't it, like you said.

From what I saw in the demo, it looks like it's ATV2 with more variety, which is cool. The graphics look about the same, maybe a little better. The handling is just as good as it was and they didn't seem to go nuts with the speed like ATV3 did.

After playing the demo, I'd say this is definitely a must buy, for me anyway. :cool:

FATT47 Feb 9th, 2005 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
This months OPM has a demo of this game and it looks like it's going to be real solid. I played it quite a bit last night and it definitely looks like what you might expect from Rainbow as far as the real sequel to ATV2. ATV3 sure wasn't it, like you said.

From what I saw in the demo, it looks like it's ATV2 with more variety, which is cool. The graphics look about the same, maybe a little better. The handling is just as good as it was and they didn't seem to go nuts with the speed like ATV3 did.

After playing the demo, I'd say this is definitely a must buy, for me anyway. :cool:

Here are the decidin factors for me as far as this new game bein a hit or a miss.
1. The graphics should be at least as good as the original ATV2.

2. It appears there is goin to be a variety of good vehicles to run so hopefully some sort of tunnin feature will be included, but not a must for me.

3. A good host control feature for online racin, by that I mean good control to set up classes of vehicles and have the control to allow only quality racers who play by the rules, if they don't the host must be able to boot em and keep em out.

4. A good mic feature that is user friendly and with no lag.

5. Realism, that's the last factor of importance for me personally.

zimm Feb 9th, 2005 12:43 PM

What is the name of the game yall are talking about. I couldnt find anything. I would love to play a good racing game. Im still waiting for GT4

zimm Feb 9th, 2005 12:51 PM

Found it

FATT47 Feb 9th, 2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by zimm
Found it

What kind of racin games do ya like zimm?
This MX vs ATV Unleashed has many different types of offroad type vehicles so hopefully it's have somethin for everyone that likes dirt racin.

We sure do need a good offroad type game right now IMO

Drafter-T Feb 10th, 2005 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by FATT47
Here are the decidin factors for me as far as this new game bein a hit or a miss.
1. The graphics should be at least as good as the original ATV2.

2. It appears there is goin to be a variety of good vehicles to run so hopefully some sort of tunnin feature will be included, but not a must for me.

3. A good host control feature for online racin, by that I mean good control to set up classes of vehicles and have the control to allow only quality racers who play by the rules, if they don't the host must be able to boot em and keep em out.

4. A good mic feature that is user friendly and with no lag.

5. Realism, that's the last factor of importance for me personally.

Those are all good things to look/hope for and I'm right there with you on all of it. I'll add that I hope it puts ATV3 to shame in every way, and I'm pretty sure it will from what I've seen.

FATT47 Feb 10th, 2005 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Those are all good things to look/hope for and I'm right there with you on all of it. I'll add that I hope it puts ATV3 to shame in every way, and I'm pretty sure it will from what I've seen.

I just saw my first trailer of the game today at some site, can't even remember which one now, I think it was :laugh: Duh!
The trailer looked good, can't really tell though till I get my freakin OPM mag wiht the demo in it which if it doesn't come in the next day or two I'm callin their contact number and askin why in the .... do I get my freakin copy every month 2 freakin weeks later then everyone else on this freakin planet!
After askin em that I think I'll just cancel my freakin subscribtion for the hell of it, I mean what the.... good is a mag with a demo disk in it when I can just wait and get the game for real before I even see the freakin demo! :laugh:

Drafter-T Feb 12th, 2005 09:07 AM

I was checking out various sites last nite trying to see what the release date for this game is and everything I saw said March 4th. That's a Friday though. Anybody ever heard of a game coming out on Friday?

What caused me to check it, is I got an e-mail from or whatever, with their "hot news" and it showed MX vs ATV as being released in February... no date, just listed the month. Must've just been a typo because shows March.

That's weird about the Friday release date. Kinda makes me question when the game really does come out. Anybody know??

FATT47 Feb 13th, 2005 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
I was checking out various sites last nite trying to see what the release date for this game is and everything I saw said March 4th. That's a Friday though. Anybody ever heard of a game coming out on Friday?

What caused me to check it, is I got an e-mail from or whatever, with their "hot news" and it showed MX vs ATV as being released in February... no date, just listed the month. Must've just been a typo because shows March.

That's weird about the Friday release date. Kinda makes me question when the game really does come out. Anybody know??

Yeah, Fri. is kinda weird for a release day, bummer too, my wife usually has to work on Fridays so that means I'll have to make the long ride to town and back alone the conversation will get real borin LOL, plus no nice lunch with the war dept, just a hit and run trip if in fact Friday is the day.

Drafter-T Feb 13th, 2005 10:20 PM

I can't remember ever hearing of a game coming out on Friday. That kinda leads me to believe that there's some confusion about when this game comes out.

And another thing, usually the dates we get as release dates are actually ship dates, which means only a few stores, like Gamestop and EB, get them the next day. And it usually takes 2 or 3 days for the big retail stores to get them, like Best Buy, Target, etc.

I don't know, I'll believe the release date when I see it, but I'm having doubts about March 4th.

FATT47 Feb 14th, 2005 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
I can't remember ever hearing of a game coming out on Friday. That kinda leads me to believe that there's some confusion about when this game comes out.

And another thing, usually the dates we get as release dates are actually ship dates, which means only a few stores, like Gamestop and EB, get them the next day. And it usually takes 2 or 3 days for the big retail stores to get them, like Best Buy, Target, etc.

I don't know, I'll believe the release date when I see it, but I'm having doubts about March 4th.

Bad news, bad news if this is correct because it makes the release date later then we expected, I haven't checked the calender yet to see what day this date falls on but accordin to this page the release date is March 18.

Don't pay attention to their advance copy order price, I sure didn't :scream: who on earth would pay that much more for a preordered game?

Drafter-T Feb 14th, 2005 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by FATT47
Bad news, bad news if this is correct because it makes the release date later then we expected, I haven't checked the calender yet to see what day this date falls on but accordin to this page the release date is March 18.

Don't pay attention to their advance copy order price, I sure didn't :scream: who on earth would pay that much more for a preordered game?

Well, since that website is in Austrailia, I don't think it effects the US release date any, but it is interesting that the 18th is on a Friday also. Maybe it really is coming out on a Friday? That's odd though, from what we are used to anyway.

FATT47 Feb 14th, 2005 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Well, since that website is in Austrailia, I don't think it effects the US release date any, but it is interesting that the 18th is on a Friday also. Maybe it really is coming out on a Friday? That's odd though, from what we are used to anyway.

LOL, I didn't think much about the site bein in Aus. with them bein a day behind us anyway I hoped that would put the release date for us on Thurs. the 17th maybe, oh well, so much for that I guess :irk:

zimm Feb 14th, 2005 12:47 PM

I like all kinds of racing. I really like Grand Turismo but since this game was on and off again I was looking for another one that would be good. Luckily GT is on again for the 22 of this month.

FATT47 Feb 15th, 2005 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by zimm
I like all kinds of racing. I really like Grand Turismo but since this game was on and off again I was looking for another one that would be good. Luckily GT is on again for the 22 of this month.

I finally got my copy of OPM yesterday so I got to play the demo of MX vs ATV Unleashed, I was glad to see the game looks to be worth the wait.

ATV3 was a huge disappointment for me a while back so maybe this new racer will fill the void that that game created.

I hope this new ATV racin game can get me through the next period while waitin for more good online racin titles, ToCA has helped do that for a time,that's for sure.

Drafter-T Feb 15th, 2005 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by FATT47
I finally got my copy of OPM yesterday so I got to play the demo of MX vs ATV Unleashed, I was glad to see the game looks to be worth the wait.

ATV3 was a huge disappointment for me a while back so maybe this new racer will fill the void that that game created.

I hope this new ATV racin game can get me through the next period while waitin for more good online racin titles, ToCA has helped do that for a time,that's for sure.

Glad you finally got the OPM demo FATT. It sure looks like a good game. Hope they get that annoying Sand Rail car noise fixed though, lol.

FATT47 Feb 16th, 2005 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Glad you finally got the OPM demo FATT. It sure looks like a good game. Hope they get that annoying Sand Rail car noise fixed though, lol.

I think my OPM come up the mountain via one of the old stage coaches :laugh:

The game does look good, I don't know about you but that noise isn't there when I first start a buggy run in the demo.
As soon as I like hit the first jump and come down, Bam! the noise is on and stays on till I can't stand it anymore, like 30 seconds.

Drafter-T Feb 16th, 2005 08:39 AM

LOL, you must have one of those mailmen like the one in that movie with Chevy Chase, Funny Farm. He'd be all liqoured up and would just throw the mail out the window as he drove by at about 40 mph, lol.

Yeah, that noise isn't there right at the start, but it starts quiet and just gets louder. I really think it's just a flaw in the demo that they overlooked. At least you can get a good idea how the car is going to drive though. I bet they correct it in the actual game. I hope, lol.

FATT47 Feb 16th, 2005 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
LOL, you must have one of those mailmen like the one in that movie with Chevy Chase, Funny Farm. He'd be all liqoured up and would just throw the mail out the window as he drove by at about 40 mph, lol.

Yeah, that noise isn't there right at the start, but it starts quiet and just gets louder. I really think it's just a flaw in the demo that they overlooked. At least you can get a good idea how the car is going to drive though. I bet they correct it in the actual game. I hope, lol.

I think it has to be a flaw in the demo also, how could they release a game with such an annoyin sound?

I was surprised how the buggy had such a good feel to it when ya took the bumbs and jumps, mushy but stiff, it has a realistic sand buggy ride.

I'm anxious to see the monster trucks and if they let us set up individual vehicle classes online, I just can't get into the idea about racin a golf cart against a monster truck or ATV, maybe for laughs once in a while but not for some get dwon serious racin.

Drafter-T Feb 16th, 2005 02:18 PM

Yeah, the Sand Rail car is definitely kinda bouncy feeling, but then with those big tires, it feels alot like you'd expect it to.

It's kinda exciting to think of all the different types of vehicles we'll get to race. The game looks pretty deep for an offroad racing game, and one thing I noticed from the demo, it looks like maybe the tracks are more involved or complex or something. I really liked that Supercross track in the demo. Had alot of neat twists and turns and even some good elevation changes.

FATT47 Feb 17th, 2005 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Yeah, the Sand Rail car is definitely kinda bouncy feeling, but then with those big tires, it feels alot like you'd expect it to.

It's kinda exciting to think of all the different types of vehicles we'll get to race. The game looks pretty deep for an offroad racing game, and one thing I noticed from the demo, it looks like maybe the tracks are more involved or complex or something. I really liked that Supercross track in the demo. Had alot of neat twists and turns and even some good elevation changes.

Reak sand buggies IMO have just the feel I got when I drove the one in the game, it had a realistic almost mushy feel to it and those rides are built that way or you'd get killed from the poundin ya take sittin on that ridged frame.

Yeah, that LA track is the LA Coliseum and it looked pretty close detail wise, so far the only thing I see missin in this game is a damage feature, but then again with bikes and ATV's if ya crash it's much harder to catch up anyway so this should be fun and a lot of laughs.

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