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Vicious_2003 Jun 11th, 2003 01:50 AM

RTCW : Tides of War
I got this game a couple days ago and cant stop playing it online. Ive played a few games with Sleazy P Martini and SSSnake and just wondered how many more of my fellow Ps2 fantasy posters had gotten into it. Its well worth it and should serve to ease my pain as I waite for Halo 2 . So how about it anyone else ?

My Gamertag is Vicious XZ84. However I changed my nickname to Vicious (Without the numbers and letters)

Nelo Angelo Jun 11th, 2003 02:56 AM

Yes, I play. I'm also in a clan(More like a group honestly).

Which rank are you at? I'm at 1,887 I think. I also have a couple of knife kills.

My Gamertag is DDante and my nickname on RTCW is KF Dante.

Berserker Jun 11th, 2003 03:54 AM

I only play it online on the pc at work( the demo levels). It's freakin'excellent one of the best multiplayer FPS so far IMO. The beach level is my favorite I love the cooperation you need to have with your teammates in order to succeed.

Beretta55 Jun 11th, 2003 09:50 AM

bah i need to get my xbox live hooked up again. then i need to rent RCTW or something because playing a team game with my ps2fantasy bud would be awesome.

my gamertag is silentjagger.

MakgSnake Jun 11th, 2003 11:50 AM

I bought this game the day it came out, and well Ive been playing it alot..... til 4am in the morning. The other day I played with Sleazy, and it was soo much fun. Some error was there, I couldn't hear him though, and he couldn't hear me too.

Neway....... this game rocks.....
My gamertag is : MakgSnake, but Ive got many nick names in the game...

1.) Mak G Snake
2.) The 7th Killer
3.) Please Do Die
4.) Twin SnakeEater
5.) SnakeEater

See you people on Live I guess........

dan da man Jun 11th, 2003 01:07 PM

This game rocks, ive been playing it at work all the time, I would like to go live but I cant be bothered getting the starter kit, when there's more games, even though there's plenty, getting socom, that will keep me busy the mean while.:D

Sleazy P Martini Jun 11th, 2003 02:06 PM

RTCW is THE game to play!! I've had such a blast playing with all my PS2Fantasy buds! It's so easy to find a good game too, I'm always shooting it up (well getting shot up mostly :D ) in less than 5 minutes. Ghost Recon on the other hand.....

<off topic rant>
I'm finding it really tough to find a good game online. I wait 7 minutes in the lobby just to have the host say "sorry, rooms too full" and boot me. I successfully joined 2 matches and got disconnected within 2 minutes of I don't know if it was just bad luck or if I was being booted for being a GR noob. Either way.....the online experience in GR has been disappointing.
</off topic rant>

Anyways, back to RTCW.....I'll see you all on the battlefield!! :D

dan da man Jun 11th, 2003 02:25 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini

RTCW is THE game to play!! I've had such a blast playing with all my PS2Fantasy buds! It's so easy to find a good game too, I'm always shooting it up (well getting shot up mostly :D ) in less than 5 minutes. Ghost Recon on the other hand.....

<off topic rant>
I'm finding it really tough to find a good game online. I wait 7 minutes in the lobby just to have the host say "sorry, rooms too full" and boot me. I successfully joined 2 matches and got disconnected within 2 minutes of I don't know if it was just bad luck or if I was being booted for being a GR noob. Either way.....the online experience in GR has been disappointing.
</off topic rant>

Anyways, back to RTCW.....I'll see you all on the battlefield!! :D

To sort this out, ever XBL user from ps2 fanatsy needs to meet up at a set time, so there are no worry's, gotta agree with you sleaze, this is the game to play, it simply rules FPS! (at the moment:D)

Vicious_2003 Jun 11th, 2003 03:11 PM


The beach level is my favorite I love the cooperation you need to have with your teammates in order to succeed.
Yeah mine too, I love it. Ive played a few other levels and so far i dont think they even compare to Beach Invasion

Sleazy P Martini Jun 11th, 2003 03:49 PM

^Trench Toast is a great map too. I love playing that.

Nelo Angelo Jun 11th, 2003 04:23 PM

Ugh, I hate Trench Toast.

I prefer Depot, Ice, and Beach.

Sleazy P Martini Jun 11th, 2003 07:43 PM

I take back what I said about Ghost Recon........Got in a match of sharpshooter today. What a blast!

sorry for OT

Vicious_2003 Jun 12th, 2003 01:50 AM

My ranks 1432 , whats yours ?

dan da man Jun 12th, 2003 02:01 PM

Dont have one.:cry:

A question/s about wolfenstein on XBL, does any one cheat, like using glithes? And whats the overall lag like? I hpoe its not a bad as UC.

Vicious_2003 Jun 12th, 2003 03:37 PM

I have played about 30 hours worth and have yet to notice any cheatars. And the lag is VERY minor. If you get a good dedicated server you wont experience even a bit of lag, but in other servors you may experience periods where you get some lag. Of all the console games ive played on line this one has had the least lag

MakgSnake Jun 12th, 2003 09:26 PM

I havn't seen anything cheating either.... and well sometimes there are lags, but like said above, they happen not very often.

The best for me atleast to choose a game is where there is a limit of 8 players. No more then that....... as I have connected my Xbox with a router. So 4 on 4 is amazing for me....... no lags no nothing. And its pure fun.

I think its too early for people to cheat, I think after a few more months...or an year....people will start cheating eventually. Right now its a new new people dont cheat.......unless if they really really suck at it.

Nelo Angelo Jun 14th, 2003 02:20 AM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

My ranks 1432 , whats yours ?
Weekly: 1,061
Monthly: 579
Overall: 1,768

I'm guessing you meant weekly?

Vicious_2003 Jun 14th, 2003 01:47 PM

Yeah my bad that WAS weekly. But it dropped to 1900 something. Im a medic 97% of the time so its not wuite as easy to get points as say a Soldier or Lutenit. Med Packs and needles arent really weopons of mass destruction. But still, I think a good medic is worth 2 soldiers anyday.

MakgSnake Jun 14th, 2003 07:01 PM

If I am not a lutenit, I am a Medic then......... the least I have been is a Soldier. The MP40 is the best gun in the game. The shotgun, is the WORST. Thats actually weird, in most games, shotguns do the most damage, in this game....its even worse then the secondary pistol weapon.

But the only reason I dont like to be a medic, is because if I am out of ammo.....sometimes people dont reach for you to give you ammo...... although I am always there for my teamates to revive them and to give them health.

dan da man Jun 15th, 2003 05:59 AM

I agree makg, the best weapon is the MP40, the shotgun is weird, somtimes if you shoot them in head they dont die.

Vicious_2003 Jun 15th, 2003 01:53 PM

Yes, the Shotgun is worthless.

I also think they made the pistol a little too weak. I mean, it takes like 5-6 torso shots with one of those things to put someone down. You basically just shoot wildly at them hoping to get a lucky head shot, because if you dont your screwed.

I dont care for the Venom either. I hear everyone say its the best gun in the game . I dont like being bogged down by it personally, i need mobility when im shooting.

And lastly on my list of rants The Knife. Yes, the Knife. I think alot (All) people underestimate this weapon. As a medic I tend to run out of ammo quite a bit, and when I go through all of my Hand-gun ammo im forced to break out the knife. But it didnt take long for me to realize the true power of that little peice of steel. I havent had to resort to using it much but the first time I did I killed 8 people with it in a row. I was stranded on the beach after jumping off the forward bunker and coulnt go back for ammo so I went to the water and attacked people as they were spawned (Some would call that cheap, hehe). Anyway if you get skilled with that thing and have health packs to keep you in good health, it CAN be VERY EFFECTIVE.

FYI. I changed my nickname to DR. Vicious (Sence im always a Medic)

dan da man Jun 19th, 2003 07:12 PM

On a team game on live, do you only get one life? Or is that what most people set it too?

MakgSnake Jun 19th, 2003 10:37 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

On a team game on live, do you only get one life? Or is that what most people set it too?
I dont think most people set to that. I have played around 5 games MAX who has that feature on. Usually its, unlimited revives being allowed. I dont mind the reviving system to be on, I mean its ok if its 10X, but putting it on 1 life is too much. Oh well....... I am getting better and better each day.

Preventer Wind Jun 23rd, 2003 06:40 PM

I think this game is good. The single player is good. The multiplayer is good. And the X-Box live play is good. There is only 1 thing I really hate about the game.

The lag. It can get pretty damn annoying. Sometimes you can't join the game for whatever reason then when you do you get in one you get dropped after playing a couple of minutes. There has only been 1 time where I got to play in one game for over an hour and that was an 8 player game. I prefer to play with at least 12. Makes it more exciting. Granted this is the only game I have played on live but if every game is like this then live is one big rip off.

But other then that I think the game is good. I'm not a huge fan of FPS but this is one of the best I have ever played.

Vicious_2003 Jun 25th, 2003 01:36 AM

There is too much lag. But I suppose its to be expected. Most online games are hurt by lag. But maybe when this new internet connection thingy thats being developed thats 6,000 times faster than DSL gets around lag will be eliminated. Its a LOOOONG way down the road but a man can dream cant he !?

Preventer Wind Jun 25th, 2003 07:10 PM

Not only 6,000 times faster but also 6,000 times more expensive :)

Well, actually I think the lag has gotten better. I can now stay in a game for about 10 - 15 minutes.

Vicious_2003 Jun 26th, 2003 07:05 PM

Damn i cant imagine paying 300,000 a month for an ISP. :laugh:

But i dont agree that the lag has gotten any better. There are alot of days where ive joined 7 different games and every one crashed within half an hour. And it wasnt me causing the crashes because there are always those games with fewer people i could stay in for ages if i wanted to. But theyre usually maps no one likes. I just dont get why this game which is broadband only can lag as much if not more than Socom which allows dial up connections. Just doesent make any sence to me

Nelo Angelo Jun 30th, 2003 03:07 AM

Finally, my rank went in the 3 digits. :O

Boo. Ya.

Preventer Wind Jun 30th, 2003 06:47 PM


I just dont get why this game which is broadband only can lag as much if not more than Socom which allows dial up connections.
Socom was Broadband only. It's just that some people found a way around that which caused enormous lag.

Vicious_2003 Jun 30th, 2003 09:33 PM

Oh yeah. I Stand corrected

dan da man Jul 1st, 2003 10:24 AM

lag issue- its can be bad on lately becuase people have found away round too with 56k/dial up speed, trying to host 16 players UC matches, which is a sure NO!:laugh:

dan da man Jul 3rd, 2003 02:18 PM

Got the game today, just took Midnight Club 2 back, nothing new to say on it, but whats the hardest setting on Wolfenstien?

When I get my new modem I can come on XBL.

dan da man Aug 1st, 2003 02:24 PM


Originally posted by Nelo Angelo

Weekly: 1,061
Monthly: 579
Overall: 1,768

I'm guessing you meant weekly?

Update here-

I got my monthly down too 282:D not bad since ive only been playing Wolfentien ONLINE since Sunday! But your overall is is very good! Whats your gamertag?

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