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Beretta55 Sep 2nd, 2003 12:08 AM

User picture Thread revived
well i think its been awhile since the last one and i think we should once again reveal our faces XD
if the mods or admins want me to go and dig up the old one instead of this. i will delete this one ASAP
now the momet you have been waiting for the pictures!


me and my dog maggie

me and my dog jenny

Infernal Mass Sep 2nd, 2003 06:27 AM

me..downloading my car

Pu the Owl Sep 2nd, 2003 08:10 AM

I think revamping this thread is a good idea, because we have newbies and also people who couldn't post earlier will be able to do it now. Maybe I'll post something later, when I have time :)

Beretta, your dog is lovely! You seem older in these pics than in the ones posted in the previous thread! But your expression is always fantastic XD

fantasytiger Sep 2nd, 2003 01:32 PM

:( I still don't have a scanner or a pic

Sleazy P Martini Sep 2nd, 2003 03:07 PM


MakgSnake Sep 2nd, 2003 03:16 PM

Hey, thats a nice picture Beretta.....and Sleazy, seems like your latest pic. Pretty that a train behind ya?

Well, I have posted this pic before...sorry for posting it again..... I havn't gotten any latest pics.....yet.

Here is .. MAK . G SNAKE.

Mak G Snake

Chara Sep 2nd, 2003 04:05 PM

Makg... you look like someone I know...

And beretta, your dog reminds me of my first dog, Happy. Dumb dog ran in the street and got hit by a car. :(

Sleazy P Martini Sep 2nd, 2003 04:30 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake
Sleazy, seems like your latest pic. Pretty that a train behind ya?
Its actually a cannon

BTW makg...that's a really cool pic of you. I dig the specs

Since I got my new camera, I've been snapping pics like mad.

And here we go :laugh:

my sisters wedding (I just HAD to get in the limo!)

Mr and Mrs Martini out on the water


more later on :D

Pu the Owl Sep 2nd, 2003 05:42 PM

All Sleazy's pics are very nice! In the Mr and Mrs Martini one you look so good together! To not mention your cat's one... Martini's cats are always fabulous! You should post a pic with the whole Martini family, baby and cats included! :D

Magk, I think I already told you somewhere else that shot is great. If I haven't, well, I remember thinking I liked it.

Here's the most recent pic I could find.

Kitsch person in sunglasses

It's only a webcam shot, the quality isn't perfect :right:

Vicious_2003 Sep 2nd, 2003 05:50 PM

Im stuck in the no scanner club so i dont have anything to contribute other than a few comments.

That must be one hell of a camera you got there sleazy those shots are excellent.

And sence I dont have pics ill just tell you what I look like. Ok picture Brad Pit . Now make him look better. Ok a little better . Ok almost there...little better. PERFECT. There ya go thats me allright. lol (NOT) ;) :laugh:

LOL At Beetle Juice's post :laugh:

Pu the Owl Sep 2nd, 2003 07:06 PM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003
And sence I dont have pics ill just tell you what I look like. Ok picture Brad Pit . Now make him look better. Ok a little better . Ok almost there...little better. PERFECT.
Too bad you don't have a scanner then! But how comes Brad Pitt's clones never have a scanner? :laugh:

ssjtrunks13 Sep 2nd, 2003 09:19 PM


Originally posted by Chara

And beretta, your dog reminds me of my first dog, Happy. Dumb dog ran in the street and got hit by a car. :(
That's what happened to one of our dogs, it was during the summer and no one would watch him, us kids were occupied with other stuff and the babysitter wouldn't watch him.

Here's the same picture I showed in the last one, I don't think anything's changed since this one was taken. Here's John!

Preventer Wind Sep 2nd, 2003 09:27 PM

Ok so maybe that's not me. But if the hair was shorter in the back and not curly...and browner it would just like me.


Too bad you don't have a scanner then! But how comes Brad Pitt's clones never have a scanner?
And all the women that are 18 that have large boobs and swear they could be a model. I can't belive it turned out to be Vicious' mom... :bang: (note: that was low and false :laugh:)

Vicious_2003 Sep 3rd, 2003 12:34 AM

Correction, that was VERY low and VERY false ;)

Hylas Sep 3rd, 2003 02:39 AM

I'm one of the unlucky persons without scanner! Argh! I'm so sad! But you all got nice piccies! Keep on posting! Sleazy, wow, you're so elegant in the limo photo! You look very good in it! :shock:

Redpyramidhead Sep 3rd, 2003 04:59 AM

I had a picture in the old thread...but I'd like to update you all with some new ones. I'll let you all know when I get my hands on some :cool:

_RED_ stuff

MakgSnake Sep 3rd, 2003 11:49 AM

Thanks Sleazy, and I see Mrs Martini wears somewhat similar glasses. ......... Sweet Limo man, that pic really looks awesome, and a CANON.....woh, I didn't realise that. Might come handy in RTCW.

Oh and Fortune, ..... nice picture......very very always. I always wonder, most of your pics are hidden images of you. Like.......a mysterious woman......and all. Very cool though. You look nice.

Oh and my yellow glasses, they are my trade mark. I am getting new ones in a week. ..... and I remember Fortune use to wear yellow sun glasses too.......

Oh and SSjtrunks. I remember that pic.... I posted it on the last time..... cool.

We need more pics of more members. ... Common people.......

fantasytiger Sep 3rd, 2003 01:27 PM

I am not sure if i ever descibed myself and I will but just from my name I want to see what you all think I look like and be honest :bag:

Sleazy P Martini Sep 3rd, 2003 07:05 PM

I forgot to mention Beretta55's pics. Very nice shots. We want to get a dog like yours someday. And artistic. You take very nice photos. Hey that a hot wheels logo on your shirt? But you know what I've been waiting for ever since the first picture thread......Harry! I want to see what the man looks like. :laugh:

Chara Sep 3rd, 2003 08:26 PM

Fortune, in that pic you look like a movie star. :D

DSgamer Sep 3rd, 2003 08:27 PM

ahhaa word man, she lookin fine

Hero Sep 6th, 2003 02:59 AM

Damn... Pictures huh... Alright. I'll have something nice cooked up by Saturday night. Not saying I'm good looking or anything, I just have to make sure the pictures updated.

kupoartist Sep 10th, 2003 01:57 PM

... yeah, me posting in a user picture thread... with a picture... of myself! :shock: This'll be your first chance to catch a glimpse of me... and hopefully, the last!

never have I seen such a foul and most gross deviant!

of special note are: my gameboy, my PC (with a windowed HL2 movie in there...), my large ears towards the left of the photo my pillow (it was pretty late) and a hand in front of most of my face. Strangely, this photo made me realise just how much less repulsive i'd look with either:
A - a hand permantly over my face
B - a nosejob. (my nose is clearly too big).

sadly, the insanely cute mouse mat isn't mine. Neither is the house or the desk or the chairs come to that... and these certainly aren't!!!

yeah I don't like photos.

And Sleazy is looking quite a dude in those photos ^_^

Frozen Sep 10th, 2003 03:42 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

... yeah, me posting in a user picture thread... with a picture... of myself! :shock: This'll be your first chance to catch a glimpse of me... and hopefully, the last!

never have I seen such a foul and most gross deviant!

of special note are: my gameboy, my PC (with a windowed HL2 movie in there...), my large ears towards the left of the photo my pillow (it was pretty late) and a hand in front of most of my face. Strangely, this photo made me realise just how much less repulsive i'd look with either:
A - a hand permantly over my face
B - a nosejob. (my nose is clearly too big).

sadly, the insanely cute mouse mat isn't mine. Neither is the house or the desk or the chairs come to that... and these certainly aren't!!!

yeah I don't like photos.

And Sleazy is looking quite a dude in those photos ^_^

You look kinda cute, but I'm sure you'd look ten times cuter and prettier if you took your hand off your face :D

At least I liked the eye I saw :B

Reid Sep 10th, 2003 10:23 PM

the_artist sort of looks like Lain from that picture . . . .

I'll try to take one soon but I also think one of my buddies may have one that hasn't been uploaded yet from a few weeks ago that I could use.

ssjtrunks13 Sep 11th, 2003 10:10 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini

Hey that a hot wheels logo on your shirt?
It's actually from the year before last's Washington Auto Car Show.

Hylas Sep 20th, 2003 02:27 PM


Originally posted by Reid

the_artist sort of looks like Lain from that picture . . . .
*is back from late vacations*

This is so true! Very Lainish!

OMG, I forgot how to type... so much time away from the PC!!!

Vicious_2003 Oct 2nd, 2003 02:27 PM

Ok i just got a really crappy pocket digital camera for ten bucks out of a catalog (Used proofs of purchase to buy). I went nuts taking stupid pics of things. Here they are

WARNING: Brace yourself, im hidious ;). And i swear im not that pale, its the crappy florescent lighting ! :disturb: (No im just pale)

Me after sticking my finger in a light sockit

My X Box

LIVE addicted

Some tunes for incouragement (not)

Imagine my suprise when I came home and found THIS (How could you Mickey !?)

Mario prefers the Missionary, who knew ?

Big Pile of EGM's

Uchiha Sasuke Oct 3rd, 2003 02:05 AM

Vicious you don't look bad at all my friend. But the whole thing with Mickey and Mario makes me think your insane.

Hylas Oct 3rd, 2003 05:24 AM

Vicious, no offence, but as SSSnake said, you made me think you're insane from these pics :laugh:

Vicious_2003 Oct 3rd, 2003 12:21 PM

Well then id say the pics gave you an accurate representation of myself :laugh: .

And did you ever think that maybe your just not insane enough ?

But seriosuly. I ran out of things to take pics of . And I was thinking of how Nintendo and Disney are practically in bed with one another with all of Nintendo's family content in its games. And...well that pic was just a representation of that idea..and Insane :roll:

And SSSnake, after those games of Wolfenstein last night....maybe you should be doubting your own sanity as well :laugh: . That was fun though, we will have to play again sometime, and you can get some more use out of your Live account like you wanted ;)

Beretta55 Oct 3rd, 2003 01:08 PM

Personally i found those pictures of mario and micky to be hilarious i couldnt stop laughing:laugh:
Yeah and vicious dont worry you dont look bad at all. in fact you look like a friend of mine who moved away about a couple of year's ago:P

Vicious_2003 Oct 3rd, 2003 06:01 PM


Personally i found those pictures of mario and micky to be hilarious i couldnt stop laughing
See !. Im not insane !. It WAS funny like I thought . Hehe. That or Beretta and I just share the same twisted sence of humor . Either way, im happy :laugh:

Oh..and heres another one I shot by the mirror in my bathroom. And I figured out how to change the pic size so there not jumbo like the last ones. Dont ask me why I have strange looks on my face in the pics, its unintentional I swear

Pu the Owl Oct 4th, 2003 06:25 AM

The last pic is interesting, very original. But thanks god there aren't very young kids around here to see the Mario & Mickey ones :lmao:

Vicious_2003 Oct 4th, 2003 11:34 AM


The last pic is interesting, very original
Thanks. But im afraid its not as original as you may think. I know in one of the user pic threads someone posted a pic of them shooting by a mirror like I did. So I cant take the credit im afraid.


But thank god there aren't very young kids around here to see the Mario & Mickey ones
I should have posted that those pics were rated M for mature :laugh: :laugh:

Pu the Owl Oct 4th, 2003 01:24 PM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

Thanks. But im afraid its not as original as you may think. I know in one of the user pic threads someone posted a pic of them shooting by a mirror like I did. So I cant take the credit im afraid.
My memory is really bad, so I guess to me yours is still an interesting attempt to post a pic that's slightly different from the others :D

DSgamer Oct 7th, 2003 11:09 AM

here's my pic

fantasytiger Oct 7th, 2003 12:55 PM

hey gamer just outta curiosity what color are your eyes:confused:

nice pic by the way:happy:

DSgamer Oct 7th, 2003 02:10 PM


Originally posted by fantasytiger

hey gamer just outta curiosity what color are your eyes:confused:

nice pic by the way:happy:

dark brown

blindman Oct 7th, 2003 04:45 PM

For those of you without scanners, there are such things as Digital Cameras that are about 60 dollars canadian...and a bit less in america. I dont know anywhere overseas though. I'm afraid of putting a picture up becuase everyone seems to be putting some pictures that are supposed to be funny...
not their own pictures.....

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