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MakgSnake Jun 4th, 2003 12:04 AM

Sony's KIN, a Halo Killer!?
Sony plans to release a game called "KIN" also known as Kill Zone which is suppose to be a HALO killer. Kin is being developed by the Lost Boys, a group out of the Netherlands, and here is what we know so far:

- the game will include multiplayer co-op online play, as well as various other 16 player modes.

- voice communication will be supported via the PS2's headset.

- the game runs at a constant 60 FPS and is said to be the best-looking PS2 title yet, even better than Gran Turismo 4 (?!).

- the control scheme will be similar to Halo. Imitiation is the sincerest form of flattery!

- streaming technology will be used to eliminate load times, ala Jak + Daxter.

- the "kill zone" term refers to a gameplay dynamic which would slow a player's targeting, giving them a slight advantage over other players.... is this first-person bullet-time? It's not known if this feature will be included in the final game as of yet.

- the game is rumored to use the Havok physics engine found in Half-Life 2.

- the game's soundtrack will be performs by a symphony orchestra.

- the targeted release date is sometime in Fall 2004.

Sounds pretty good to me. But a HALO killer?..... Hmmm......We'll have to see. The source says that whats more important is that if its going to be a HALO 2 killer.

The Source.

Sleazy P Martini Jun 4th, 2003 12:57 AM

Halo killer? I've heard that one before. But then again...who can tell now. Regardless a new FPS is always welcome.

mark0™ Jun 4th, 2003 09:39 AM

meh, they shouldnt make big promises straight away.

Bullet time, sounds good, but heres something I've always wondered, how can you pull off Bullet Time in Multiplayer games? That would mean one player would be behind the other player in terms of Time if he were to use more bullet time than the other player. And it hurts my head to think about it :disturb:

I think its a bad idea to try and copy and better a great game, its pretty sad actually. They should decide what game they want, what the want in it and how they are going to do it regardless of what other programmers do.

But I guess a bit or Rivalry will be good.

Vic Viper Jun 4th, 2003 12:49 PM

sounds promising, hope turns out well.:)

kupoartist Jun 4th, 2003 12:58 PM

its a bad idea to start off a game's publicity by making a direct comparison with another title. Not least because the game in question will be super-seeded by a Sequel, and probably Half-Life 2 (after Unreal 2, i'm not making any assumptions based on hype and pretty screenshots :D ). Furthermore, i'll believe it when I see it, so to speak.... 60fps, Havok Physics and good graphics are not somthing i'd expect the PS2 to be capable of. Valve certainly don't think so, otherwise you'd be seeing half-life 2 on the PS2 (though it is supposedly due for X-Box, which i'm sure is great news for some of you, if a little bit more of a blow to the "X-Box isn't a PC in a Box" brigade)... but perhaps its not impossible. And it would appear to be scheduled to give the PS2 a final push... if they see it as a bit optimistic, I expect it'll slip over to the PS3...

dan da man Jun 4th, 2003 01:11 PM

It cant kill Halo, that game is old and a legend now, it can be certainly better, I hope it does turn out better than halo 2, so xbox are not the only ones with class FPS, but all in all it sounds promising, "the best-looking PS2 title yet".

Zephyr Jun 6th, 2003 03:56 PM

It does sound like a very promising game to me but I just dont think it could overtake Halo but it could certainly be better than Halo 2. I didnt like that sequel at all.

Vicious_2003 Jun 6th, 2003 10:34 PM

All I have to say is HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA. I will belive it WHEN i see it. Till then ill give no more thought to sony trying (And probably failing) to kill Halo. Besides by then Halo 2 will be here and no ones kiling that

MakgSnake Jun 6th, 2003 10:43 PM

I dont know.............I mean HALO is seriously an amazing FPS, and one can notice it when you play it multiplayer. But after looking at KIN's features........ it does sound like a Halo Killer.

- the game will include multiplayer co-op online play, as well as various other 16 player modes.

I know HALO 2 will be online, but will it contain Co-Op ONLINE feature?.?

- the game runs at a constant 60 FPS and is said to be the best-looking PS2 title yet, even better than Gran Turismo 4 (?!).

Well we all know that HALO didn't run at 60 FPS, but at 30. So Kin has that advantage for you. I think Halo 2 will be running at 60 Framerate/Seconds. I hope! Although them saying that it'll look better then GT4 is VERY VERY HARD to believe, but there is so much that can be done with PS2. They'll probably squeeze everything out from the machine.

But then I also need some shots to convince myself more.

Beretta55 Jun 6th, 2003 11:34 PM

Hey im up for any FPS im a huge FPS buff. Halo was great all it needed were bots. most of my friends dont have xboxes so we can do the huge 16 player matches. but if kin has some bots.....i'll be in fps muti-player heaven man;)

Preventer Wind Jun 7th, 2003 12:06 AM

To be honest guys...the only feature that was stollen was the control setup....which will probably be customizable. And how you can have a control setup like a game on a different console that uses a different controller is beyond my knowledge. But it does not say it will be Halo ala Brute Force.... but it will be better..."Kill" Halo. Which unless it is released on every console plus the computer will never ever happen.

Obviously the game sounds great...if all that will be in the game. The chances of it coming out in fall 2004 I would say are slim. In fact they should scratch the game and make it ready for the ps3 launch. Because if what they say is going to be in the will take a lot of time....and they could make it so so so much better for a more powerful machine. So good....that Halo 3 would have to be a KIN killer.

I though Halo was a good game...certainly not the greatest game of all time....or even close. And given the option to play Halo or Perfect Dark I wouldn't think about it... I would play Perfect Dark.

dan da man Jun 7th, 2003 08:17 AM


Originally posted by Preventer Wind
Obviously the game sounds great...if all that will be in the game. The chances of it coming out in fall 2004 I would say are slim. In fact they should scratch the game and make it ready for the ps3 launch. Because if what they say is going to be in the will take a lot of time....and they could make it so so so much better for a more powerful machine. So good....that Halo 3 would have to be a KIN killer.

I though Halo was a good game...certainly not the greatest game of all time....or even close. And given the option to play Halo or Perfect Dark I wouldn't think about it... I would play Perfect Dark.

I agree, a PS3 release would be much better, but for it to be better than halo and halo 2 it needs better graphics, and I cant see the PS2 doing that, from the option and gameplay KIN sounds better. And like PW said it not the best game ever, I muched perfered Golden Eye to Halo.

kupoartist Jun 7th, 2003 01:14 PM

notice how they're yet to comment on the integrity of the one thing that all good FPSs like Halo have always had in the past: Story!

regardless, PSXNation (the source for the abriged article)

from that, Most of the "facts" are actually just opinions of people who've (allegedly) seen the game in action. Who here has a function in their retina that allows you to accurately calculate how many FPS are being displayed? (whats more, its in Europe, and isn't 60hz actually being displayed, impossible?) They're just over excited dribblings, and I hope the game doesn't kill itself on its own hype like so many have before. Because it would be nice to have a decent FPS on the PS2 for once.

Zephyr Jun 7th, 2003 03:49 PM

I dont know about you guys but I think they might go and do a Nintendo and release a version for the PSP as well.

Preventer Wind Jun 8th, 2003 11:44 PM


Originally posted by the_artist
Who here has a function in their retina that allows you to accurately calculate how many FPS are being displayed? (whats more, its in Europe, and isn't 60hz actually being displayed, impossible?) They're just over excited dribblings, and I hope the game doesn't kill itself on its own hype like so many have before. Because it would be nice to have a decent FPS on the PS2 for once.
Well I know from what I have heard a lot of people wish Halo had run on I don't think it is impossible.

And a lot of games have been killed by so much It's not good to start off with all this about it being a Halo killer.

Azuma_Ninja Jun 9th, 2003 08:53 AM

Nothing will top Halo especially something from the PS2. Now don't take offense to that I love my PS2 but it's not going to compete with the x-box's overall power. I've never liked the ps2 controller for FPS anyway. But if it does top Halo, Halo2 is coming soon so good luck KIN.

Zephyr Jun 9th, 2003 04:04 PM

Im sorry but HALO 2 does not look all that good to me. Yes, the box has god overall capability but dont forget its still the second best console in the wrold for power - that would have to be a brand new PC. But wahtever lets not arue. I think KIN might be good but not as good as Halo, maybe as good as Halo 2 seeing what ive seen so far though.

dan da man Jun 9th, 2003 05:53 PM


Originally posted by Zephyr

Im sorry but HALO 2 does not look all that good to me.

:peoples: What ever floats your boat mate. I know we havent seen much, but the footage ive seen, it looks better than the first.

MakgSnake Jun 10th, 2003 03:26 PM

Killzone will have several multiplayer options, online play, and use NURBS instead of polygons.

I just read that at IGN. and they are also saying that this game is getting the hype of a lifetime. But what is Nurbs? it the one known as Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (Nurbs). The true defination..

The NURBS has excellent continuity characteristics
which make it useful for creating accurate models in 3D
geometry generation and computer modelling.

Sounds pretty amazing to me atleast. And oh by the way the game will not be called "KIN" but "Killzone"......thats the actual name. I think KIN was a nick given by just somebody to keep the actual name hidden.

Vic Viper Jun 10th, 2003 03:40 PM

^^^ cool, great news Makg. I am dying to see how this game turns out.;)

Vic Viper Jun 12th, 2003 06:07 PM

i found a pic
scan quality is bad, though.

MakgSnake Jun 12th, 2003 10:48 PM

From the pic above, it seems like the character is hitting the gaurd with his gun, just like the way done in Halo. Hmmmm....... I sat far away from the screen to see what was going on, and it looks pretty cool. If the whole game is just beautiful and lets you do stuff that no other game have. This would be a nice game. And then I would buy it.

dan da man Jun 14th, 2003 07:21 AM

Nah, I thought about it, the ps2 wont be able to handle that type of game, it might live up to its hype, it may be good, but it wont be a halo 2 killer.

Vic Viper Jun 14th, 2003 12:02 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Nah, I thought about it, the ps2 wont be able to handle that type of game.
why not ?:peoples:

dan da man Jun 14th, 2003 12:30 PM


Originally posted by Vic Viper

why not ?:peoples:

Well I cant support what I said, becuase ive seen nothing of KIN yet, if the ps2 cant run halo, how can it run a halo 2 killer.

Vic Viper Jun 14th, 2003 12:44 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Well I cant support what I said, becuase ive seen nothing of KIN yet
i rest my case.

dan da man Jun 14th, 2003 12:47 PM


Originally posted by Vic Viper

i rest my case.

Yep, lets just wait and see.

kupoartist Jun 14th, 2003 12:57 PM


Originally posted by dan da man
Well I cant support what I said, becuase ive seen nothing of KIN yet, if the ps2 cant run halo, how can it run a halo 2 killer.
despite the fact that you're probably right, its worth reminding you that Halo has never actually been run through a PS2, on the basis that its an XBox exculsive (in the console market at least). I'm sure you know that though :)

Remember also, that just because no other PS2 game has looked as nice as Halo, doesn't mean that this one can't. Its all down to optimisation, rather than the base system specs when you're trying to squeeze every last drop of life out of a console: Its the Software and not the Hardware that is the deciding factor. (observe also how optimisation has totally ruined some games that have crossed over from the technically inferior PS2 to the XBox, which kind of proves the point.) - Though the abilities of the Hardware remain static, the abilities of the Software are forever imporving. Final Fantasy IX doesn't look 20 times better than Final Fantasy VII because it changed the hardware. It was just optimised.

If Kin's developers are commited, hardworking folks they can do this. It'll be an uphill struggle for sure, but I hope it suceeds. I need a PS2 game to extend my meagre library of... 3. I'd rather have Half-Life of course... but i'll have that sooner anyway :happy:

Though I do have reservations about using a Contoller for any First Person game. I've no idea which console controller is better for it, I'd just rather have a mouse and a keyboard ^_^

Azuma_Ninja Jun 14th, 2003 01:59 PM

I agree with dan. Just look at Splinter Cell, sure it did a nice job of trying to look like the original but it really never could. I'm not saying that x-box is the best but I really doubt this game is going to outshine halo 2. It really all comes down to the fans in the end.

kupoartist Jun 14th, 2003 04:21 PM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja
I agree with dan. Just look at Splinter Cell, sure it did a nice job of trying to look like the original but it really never could. I'm not saying that x-box is the best but I really doubt this game is going to outshine halo 2. It really all comes down to the fans in the end.
Yes, Splinter Cell was technically inferior, but then its the flipside of the coin: it was developed to be optimised for the Xbox. The PS2 release wasn't rushed as such, but they didn't have a couple of years to optimise the Unreal Warfare engine for optimal use on the PS2. Instead they chose to take the easy way out and simplyfy the game content - lower polygon counts and less detailed textures, rather than actually reprogramming the engine. The opposite will be true of Kin. Or at least it should be, otherwise it will disappoint.

Azuma_Ninja Jun 14th, 2003 05:46 PM

Yes lets hope they don't rush this. Knowbody wins when a game is rushed or pushed out early.

dan da man Jun 15th, 2003 06:03 AM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

Yes lets hope they don't rush this. Knowbody wins when a game is rushed or pushed out early.

Halo was rushed for the xbox release date, thats why the game does not have a xbox live feature, and all those "40 weapons" bungie promised.

Azuma_Ninja Jun 15th, 2003 12:23 PM


originally posted by dan da man

Halo was rushed for the xbox release date, thats why the game does not have a xbox live feature, and all those "40 weapons" bungie promised.
I did not know that. Oh well It doesn't bother me the only weapon that I haven't seen in Halo that was originally going to be in there was a flame-thrower(how cool would that've been).

dan da man Jun 15th, 2003 01:19 PM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

I did not know that. Oh well It doesn't bother me the only weapon that I haven't seen in Halo that was originally going to be in there was a flame-thrower(how cool would that've been).

Yep, when everyone played it, and the flamethrower wasnt there, it just sucked not having it.

kupoartist Jun 15th, 2003 03:12 PM


Originally posted by dan da man
Halo was rushed for the xbox release date, thats why the game does not have a xbox live feature, and all those "40 weapons" bungie promised.
Are some of these features going to be in the PC version? I heard that they got a few new weapons and the Multiplayer into it (looking foward to it ^_^)... also, the XBox live thing wasn't really their fault, right? Halo was released well before XBox live, so the XBox Live Technology probably wasn't even finalised. No Finished Tech = No Idea exactly what you have to program for.

dan da man Jun 15th, 2003 05:05 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

Are some of these features going to be in the PC version? I heard that they got a few new weapons and the Multiplayer into it (looking foward to it ^_^)... also, the XBox live thing wasn't really their fault, right? Halo was released well before XBox live, so the XBox Live Technology probably wasn't even finalised. No Finished Tech = No Idea exactly what you have to program for.

Yep the halo PP version will have them features.

And halo was going to have the XBL feature, moto GP had the XBL feature and it was released on the xbox release date, microsoft had it all planned with the broadand modem built in.

Azuma_Ninja Jun 15th, 2003 10:44 PM

[Quote]originally posted by the_artist

Are some of these features going to be in the PC version?[Quote]

I remember when Halo was originally a PC game. Man those were the days of Ultra Gamplers my fav videogame mag ever:happy: That game looked a lot different back then.....maybe the PC version will be like that but I doubt it.

Is the PC version just a port of HALO for X-box?

ssjtrunks13 Jun 16th, 2003 04:31 AM

I can't read right now so I will taked it that this thread looks like a bunch of people saying Halo's gonna be better.

Well, I don't know about that. I've never played Halo and I never considered playing it. I don't know if I'd get this one but it does sound interesting. I just think it's good that a game like Halo will be out for us people who only have a PS2 and will have only a PS2 for a while. I certainly think that KIN would look better in the eyes of someone like me, but that's just my opinion.

kupoartist Jun 16th, 2003 12:40 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
I just think it's good that a game like Halo will be out for us people who only have a PS2 and will have only a PS2 for a while. I certainly think that KIN would look better in the eyes of someone like me, but that's just my opinion.
Don't get them wrong: Kin is no more like Halo than Half-Life, Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, Tribes, Red Faction and every other FPS in the buisness. Its just a case of someone saying "This is going to be better than Halo". Reaching Enlightenment is probably better than Halo. That doesn't mean they're the same thing.

And having a firm set opinion on somthing you've never seen or played is not only pretty stupid, but its not worthy of even being called an opinion. You can't have an opinion unless you know what you're talking about.

MakgSnake Jun 16th, 2003 08:13 PM

Well, I think if Playstation2 can create graphics like "Gran Turismo 3" or even "4"...... which till now XBOX havn't, then why cant Playstation2 can create the same type of graphics (GT4) for the First Person Shooter. It would be a tough long process but it does seem possible.

And although we all are talking about Graphics, Graphcis, Graphics..........lets just talk about gameplay. I mean ONLINE Co-Op.....that is something god knows what else they would include.

Only time can tell the full filler.

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