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Big Dude Dec 31st, 2002 09:24 PM

Sephiroth, I baou before thou
I recived Kingdom hearts for x-mas, yay :happy:, and I have come across Sephiroth. He might as well be cosidered a god because I for some reason can not damage him at all, and I have no clue why. :confused: My question is: How do you even hurt him?? I was in the battle for like 10 min and i didnt even hurt him one bit, I tried Strike Raid, Sonic Raid, magic, and even head on attacking, but nothing. So tell me, how am I suppose to do this?

Nelo Angelo Dec 31st, 2002 10:11 PM

Well what level are you? Some bosses can't be hurt until you take down their 'invisible life bar.'

Also what Keyblade are you using?

Big Dude Dec 31st, 2002 10:19 PM

Im level 52 and Im using the Key Blade Oblivion.

Nelo Angelo Dec 31st, 2002 10:32 PM


Originally posted by Big Dude

Im level 52 and Im using the Key Blade Oblivion.
Level up alot more. Say about........80? :)

And get the Ultima Weapon too. :O

Big Dude Dec 31st, 2002 10:36 PM

Do I really need to be around level 80? Oh.. But I guess its maily a strength thing. Cuz I can hit him dead on and dodge him pritty good, but he wont take any damage.

IcyMourdor Jan 1st, 2003 10:44 AM

And I thought they had Omega to be the hardest of all time.

I have yet to even get to Sephiroth, though. My friend plays it and he can't even beat him. He said he had around a Lvl74 party.

Oh well, I'll get there eventually.

kupoartist Jan 1st, 2003 03:58 PM

a guide i read said that they beat him at 51, so its alledgedly possible... though speaking as someone who's only as far as agrabah, i'm wondering how anyone could get to the end so quick :/

oh and in case you haven't noticed, sephy has a very large reach, and you should take an inventory full of elixers with you

Big Dude Jan 2nd, 2003 12:33 PM

Ahhhhh! Now Hades wont die! :weep: Is there some trick to defete him too? :confused:

David Jan 2nd, 2003 03:27 PM

Hey, Big Dude, I ain't there yet but if you want to kill that Hades, why don't you try this combo attack, Cast on yourself with a Aeroga, and then fight back with your best move, um, I think it starts with an A. Plus is Hades shining with colour just like Hercules?


To be forgotten is worse than death...

mark0™ Jan 2nd, 2003 03:32 PM


Originally posted by David
your best move, um, I think it starts with an A
you mean Ars Arcanum I think, Im not that ar yet, I just beat Never Land before i went on holiday, lol, im looking forward to getting back for the Hades Cup now :D I almost beat the pegasus cup sol, but Yuffie n Leon, grrr :mad:

David Jan 2nd, 2003 03:50 PM


Originally Posted By mark0

you mean Ars Arcanum I think, Im not that ar yet, I just beat Never Land before i went on holiday, lol, im looking forward to getting back for the Hades Cup now :D I almost beat the pegasus cup sol, but Yuffie n Leon, grrr:mad:
Yeah, that's the move, that is a killer move when it comes to close range. Leon & Yuffie are hard at first, but I usually avoid them because they are always chasin me instead of my party, but now I can take them on by myself.


To be forgotten is worse than death

Big Dude Jan 2nd, 2003 03:58 PM

Yay! Hades has been crushed! :evil: Apparently he has like an invisible bar of helth to depleat first. And thats probly the same with Sephiroth, so I'll go try that. And Rangerock(sp?) is a stronger attack than Ars Arcanum. And with Leon and Yuffie, I find it is easyer to take out Yuffie first and then get Leon.

David Jan 2nd, 2003 04:04 PM

Good you killed him, but do you have an ability equiped called scan?


To be forgotten is worse than death...

Big Dude Jan 2nd, 2003 04:14 PM


Originally posted by David

do you have an ability equiped called scan?
Yah, Ive had that since practically the beginning of the game.
And against Sephiroth, I ether do almost no damage or he has a very very enormas helth span, cuz I was just fighting him since my last post and his helth didnt go down at all. :shock:

David Jan 2nd, 2003 04:56 PM

I guess scan doesn't work always, huh..., are you fighting Sephiroth again?


To be forgotten is worse than death...

Big Dude Jan 2nd, 2003 05:05 PM


Originally posted by David

are you fighting Sephiroth again?
Not right now, Im gunna gain a few levels first, then I'll take another swing at 'em.

David Jan 2nd, 2003 05:43 PM

Good luck, buddy, and don't pull any punches at him!


To be forgotten is worse than death...

Seraph Sephiroth Jan 2nd, 2003 10:41 PM

Getting to level 99, and having Oblivion and Sora's Ultimate Weapon, are your best bets for beating sephiroth. Sephiroth surely is a biatch, in this game... you have to hit him at least 20 times before his life-bar even STARTS to go down! and his Halo attack and super nova/meteor attack is deadly!! I thought I would never beat him.. but it was worth when I did.... His voice actor did a wonderous job on him. Kudos to Lance Bass... I do not care if you are from Nsync... lol! ^_^

Nelo Angelo Jan 2nd, 2003 10:55 PM


Originally posted by Seraph Sephiroth

Getting to level 99, and having Oblivion and Sora's Ultimate Weapon, are your best bets for beating sephiroth. Sephiroth surely is a biatch, in this game... you have to hit him at least 20 times before his life-bar even STARTS to go down! and his Halo attack and super nova/meteor attack is deadly!! I thought I would never beat him.. but it was worth when I did.... His voice actor did a wonderous job on him. Kudos to Lance Bass... I do not care if you are from Nsync... lol! ^_^
Eh........Level 99 is a tad bit overkill. ^_^;;;;

But as some people would say. Alot of strength is better then no strength at all. :O

Seraph Sephiroth Jan 2nd, 2003 11:11 PM

Overkill?! Not for me! .. he...would...not...DIE!! On any other level! It felt impossible!! I died...and I died... and I died.... and THEN!!!! ... I died again... but then!!! ...I died some more... and then I killed him. And I was happy! But seriously, being at the highest experience level is deffinatly a better chance at killing that Sexy Biatch of a god...

Big Dude Jan 2nd, 2003 11:19 PM


Originally posted by Seraph Sephiroth

Overkill?! Not for me! .. he...would...not...DIE!! On any other level! It felt impossible!! I died...and I died... and I died.... and THEN!!!! ... I died again... but then!!! ...I died some more... and then I killed him. And I was happy! But seriously, being at the highest experience level is deffinatly a better chance at killing that Sexy Biatch of a god...
:laugh: :laugh:

Yah, I kinda agree with Nelo Angelo, that is a bit overkill, but I usually max out their levels anyway. But where did you fight to get that much exp? Or was it just a really really long time?
And I could accually beat him right now if I had more MP, its kinda easy to avoid him. Just jump at him, swing your key blade wildly,lol, then when you get hit step back a bit and heal, then jump back in there! I ran out of MP so I couldnt heal and dided...

Seraph Sephiroth Jan 2nd, 2003 11:27 PM

I just decided to go around and finish all the side-quests before I fought him again, and by that time I was at level 99! ... I dont get bored with games EVER.. well, with rpgs anyway... so I enjoyed going to all the worlds and fighting all the monsters and side-bosses, and such. I made sure I got every item, and turn over every secret before I knew I was ready to fight Sephy again. .... when I finish a rpg.. I REALLY have to finish it... by that I mean.. get every item, fight every monster, finish every side-quest, see all secret endings... even if it meaning dying..dying.. and more dying... lol! I guess I just have a lot of time on my hands since I graduated ^_^;;

Nelo Angelo Jan 2nd, 2003 11:28 PM


Originally posted by Big Dude

:laugh: :laugh:

Yah, I kinda agree with Nelo Angelo, that is a bit overkill, but I usually max out their levels anyway. But where did you fight to get that much exp? Or was it just a really really long time?
And I could accually beat him right now if I had more MP, its kinda easy to avoid him. Just jump at him, swing your key blade wildly,lol, then when you get hit step back a bit and heal, then jump back in there! I ran out of MP so I couldnt heal and dided...
Ice Titan, Hades Cup are my favorite places to level.

David Jan 3rd, 2003 12:37 AM

Those are great places to train yourself, but I think you need to also practice makin combos, that's what I did and I had no trouble beating the bosses. Best place I would recommend would be Merlins place, the furiture never get's destroyed by physical attacks, and your magic never runs out.


To be forgotten is worse than death...

Vicious Jan 16th, 2003 11:50 AM

I'm at level 78, and he is impossible to beat.

mark0™ Jan 17th, 2003 12:04 PM

Ive only tried him once and hes no joke, im at 72 and Ive beat the Ice Titan, but Kurt Zisa is giving me some trouble so far, I know how to beat him but im running out of potions when he does that spining blade that is so hard to avoid :weep: he had only half a bar of green health left :weep: then when I whoop him, the phantom is going down, im not gonna even try it again with Sephiroth till im Lvl. 100, that Beeyatch is gonna fry.

Where you guys like to level up? I like Traverse Town (the Gizmo shop and District 3 are great, lots of Defenders which give yuou 240 xp a pop, and I can kill them with one combo now :) ) Also the Hades Cup can guarantee a level up or too if you win all 49 seeds, when I first took it on I was expecting to die like hal;f way through, but somehow managed to beat it all on my first go! Hades should have been the final guy, Rock Titan was soooo easy)

mark0™ Jan 19th, 2003 12:11 PM


i was level 84, and my strength was high enough to get decent amounts of damage and my Defence and HP was so high that all his hits, excluding Sin Harvest, werent makingtoo much effect and I just neede te odd cure.

What you do is just know the crap outta sephiroth, keep the lock on him (when he teleports remember to put the lock back on) and when he uses Sin Harvest, try to get Strike Raid in as fast as possible, If you are quick enough, it'll cancel, if your too slow, yuoull notice this clow over your head, use an elixer staright away, good idea to stock all item slots for Elixers, i used ever elixer I had in the battle. The Seph goes all beserk, just show him whos boss and get in and beat him up.

I recommend you be at least lvl 80, a lot of Strength, Defense and HP really help out, and so do a lot of Elixers.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 20th, 2003 10:35 PM

I tried fighting Sephiroth at level 73 with the Ultima weapon, over 60 attack, 10MP, and put elixers in all 7 of my item slots(chose sword at the beginning). I had so much health and defence that it would take over 4 of his sword attacks before I would have to heal. He's not hard to dodge his attacks and the only reason I lost was because I had used up all my Elixers by the time I got him to half his HP. I think if I'm going to be able to defeat him I will have to get in more damage quickly. Any suggestions that haven't been said here?

I almost forgot I'm on the NORMAL difficulty.

mark0™ Jan 21st, 2003 03:25 AM

Trunks, just try to use Strike Raid on him whenever he yells "Sin Harvest", you gotto be very quick to interupt that move, If you don't have second chance it will kill you instantly. It's a good idea to remove Ars Arcanum, Sonic Blade and Ragnarok so that Strike raid is always available. And if you still cant beat him, just try leveling up a few levels.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 21st, 2003 10:13 AM

Thanks man, but I'm sure now that I'm at 81 if I cancel his sin harvest attack I'll be able to do it.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 21st, 2003 09:41 PM

Sorry for this, but

I just beat the almighty Sephiroth(he's not almighty any more at level 81! I only used four elixers and once I got his health to 1 1/2 bars he stopped using his Sin Harvest thing. If anyone is wondering my stats they were:

Str: 66
Def: 53
Max HP: 81

Thanks mark0 letting me know I could cancel his sin harvest thing, I couldn't have done it without your help. What difficulty are other people playing this game at?(I'm on Normal)

mark0™ Jan 28th, 2003 11:58 AM

no problem, I played it on Normal.

I recently maxed out mines and goofy's lkevels (both 100), I'm gonna see how easy Seph is now, need to get Donald up a little (even though Ansem is real easy)

mark0™ Jan 28th, 2003 07:35 PM

yehaw!! beat him lv.100, pretty easy, he got sin harvest in twice, but my strength and defense were high enough to give him a decent ass whooping. Hardest thing about him is probably actually conecting your attacks to him. Its hard to get close when hes walking coz his sword has wayy to much reach, but try hitting him when hes doing his big flame pillar (jus jump through, it did hardly any damage to me) and hit him as soon as its over. Sometimes jumping to him while hes walking then attacking when you land can get him off guard, and when he uses Sin Harvest, hes really off guard, but youve got like 2 seconds to hit him, Sin Harvest is the most deadliest move in the entire game.

I'm so happy, i can easily beat him, now to try on Expert :shock:

ssjtrunks13 Jan 30th, 2003 05:15 PM


Originally posted by mark0

yehaw!! beat him lv.100, pretty easy, he got sin harvest in twice, but my strength and defense were high enough to give him a decent ass whooping. Hardest thing about him is probably actually conecting your attacks to him. Its hard to get close when hes walking coz his sword has wayy to much reach, but try hitting him when hes doing his big flame pillar (jus jump through, it did hardly any damage to me) and hit him as soon as its over. Sometimes jumping to him while hes walking then attacking when you land can get him off guard, and when he uses Sin Harvest, hes really off guard, but youve got like 2 seconds to hit him, Sin Harvest is the most deadliest move in the entire game.

I'm so happy, i can easily beat him, now to try on Expert :shock:
I find the best way to attack him is to use the super glide ability to get near him, especially when he's about to use Sin Harvest. If anyone wants to know, you know he's going to use Sin Harvest when he starts running around the edge of the arena and then teleports to the opposite end of the arena. SOmetimes he'll end up near you or maybe just behind you.

As soon as get bored with MGS2 again I will go back to play through Expert.(By the way where is everyone getting the little 'MGS Fan' things)

mark0™ Jan 30th, 2003 05:21 PM

the MGS Fanlistings is part of Fortunes site, I've linked the site on my signature, click the font or the pic


sk8er_kyle Feb 11th, 2003 07:42 PM

I fought sephiroth on lvl 57. He Kills me all the time right when im trying to heal. I dont have that much trouble hitting him. I just dodge roll or glide over to him. Then I hit him as many times as i can and dodge roll away. I'm going to beat him on this lvl. I dont like lvling up.I think im playing it on easy so it shouldn't be 2 hard.

Big Dude Feb 11th, 2003 07:51 PM

Ooooh man! I suck! I still havent beaten him :disturb: Level 100 and all... I cant get to use my elixers in time, its like a split second longer and I would have been heald but he was just that fast. If it wasnt for that I could kick his ass. His attacks only take off half of a MP block in size, and he is easy to hit, but I cant heal in time :weep:

rpgKing Feb 12th, 2003 11:35 AM

ok here it goes have lots of hi-potions or elixer and use them or cure, and be at level 100. I know its alot but just fight the rock titan. witch will give you 4000. When he does sin havest try to hit him as fast as you can before he can complete it. if he succeds then fly away use a potion or cure. and keep at it. Trust me Ive beat him with ease doing this. If you think hes hard try fighting the aladin boss or the peter pan boss. They are pretty much the hardest.

mark0™ Feb 12th, 2003 11:43 AM

Phantom was quite easy I think ( As long as you cast haste on that damn clock) and Kurt Zisa was a fair challenge (blocking magic then physicaly attacks got really annoying) But Sephiroth is probably the hardest boss. Sin Harvest is probably the most dangerous attack in the game, so If you see the Sin Harvest animation begin, its too late to stop it, so get your menu ready to use an Elixer as soon as it hits (and get away from Sephiroth incase he hits you straight after Sin Harvest)

sk8er_kyle Feb 12th, 2003 10:48 PM

Sephiroth doesnt seem that hard. I just need to practice dodging a little more. Then i have to heal faster. I can probly beat him on lvl 57. I'll tell you if I do.:ghost:

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