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Daniel Legge Jan 30th, 2003 08:15 AM

Hey everybody, we got a load of snow here (in the south east of england). Unluckily for me i had to do a paper round this morning and i got very very cold. And as of consequence im not at school today. That wasnt the only reason. Anyhoo i was wondering if anybody else has had any snow? This is the first we have had this year. So i was just wonderin.

Do you guys like snow?

mark0™ Jan 30th, 2003 09:38 AM

Im so desperately wanting snow! I'm in Central Scotland damnit! It's totally freezing yet no snow!!

supposed to be some snow soon, around the weekend though, so I'm really looking forward to it, plus my Dog loves the snow too! so we can go run around hehe

ssjtrunks13 Jan 30th, 2003 09:48 AM

Haven't had enough snow to get out of school since before christmas break.

dan da man Jan 30th, 2003 11:21 AM

Its been really cold here in Manchester but know snow, i love the snow but we aint just getting none of it.

Piggle_humsy Jan 30th, 2003 12:27 PM

We have snow! (I'm in south east London!)Its like a blizzard type of snow! At first i thought it was hailstomes or something as it was little balls of white like polystyrene!
I love snow!
But its hard to see at the moment and it keeps whipping you in the face!

Im surprised you havent got snow in scotland as it was on the news that scotland has bad snow! Just not you then mark0!

ok well bye!

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

Soul Angel Jan 30th, 2003 01:14 PM

No snow in the part of the UK where I live, but it seems cold enough for it to snow over here, so maybe later on it will.

jjmoohead Jan 30th, 2003 01:23 PM

Lots of snow in central manitoba...has not snowed much since we had 5 straight days of it about a month ago, but very cold here, been about -30 for 2 weeks...its about -20 C this week

mark0™ Jan 30th, 2003 01:29 PM

Theres been snow a bit more up the north here in scotland,but I really hope it snows here this weekend!

Daniel Legge Jan 30th, 2003 01:49 PM

:heh: the snow is starting to melt. ah well its supposed to snow tonight. when i got back from my paper round this morning i was litrally covered in snow. Quite funny. But ah well.

MakgSnake Jan 30th, 2003 02:00 PM

Its been snowing here in Toronto for the last two 2 months or so. DAMN, soo much snow, please take some you people!

ssjtrunks13 Jan 30th, 2003 02:14 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Its been snowing here in Toronto for the last two 2 months or so. DAMN, soo much snow, please take some you people!
I wish we would take sopme!:laugh: But shortly after I got home from my exams on the radio I heard there are places here in VA and Maryland that got out early! I wonder if I would have if this week wasn't exam week. Oh well, no use worrying about it.

fantasytiger Jan 30th, 2003 02:52 PM

not much snow anymore here in Detroit

kupoartist Jan 30th, 2003 04:51 PM

It sure is snowing a little here... the airport (Stansted) just closed and I got a little worried about the safety of some of my friends, but they're ok now. Thankfully, my room is warm and I'll be able to sleep. yay!

Hylas Jan 30th, 2003 05:50 PM

Some snow here in Salzburg too. And really cold temperatures. But since I like snow, it's all fine :happy:

Beretta55 Jan 30th, 2003 06:28 PM

we have had hardly any snow down here in OKC. we had a little bit for christmas but that's about it. i like snow outside give's me a warm cozy feeling.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 30th, 2003 06:36 PM


Originally posted by Frostman445

we have had hardly any snow down here in OKC. we had a little bit for christmas but that's about it. i like snow outside give's me a warm cozy feeling.
we've had some snow this month, I just wish if it wasn't going to snow it would get about 10 degrees warmer.

Vicious_2003 Jan 30th, 2003 09:58 PM

her ein Toledo, Ohio weve we had more snow in the first month of winter than we did the entire season last year. The past few days have been in the single digits and its been bitterly cold for quite some time. I personally like snow, love it around christmas time, but hate it when it snows enough to make your commute in the morning a bitch but not enough to shut anything down

Gadzoox Jan 30th, 2003 11:37 PM

I ADORE SNOW!! I love it!!! It's just the cold weather I'm not too fond of. ;)

Daniel Legge Jan 31st, 2003 08:29 AM

The snow is getting worse now. It looks really pretty but its a bit cold. Ah well im off school again today. The snow is about 2 feet up the side of my shed. Its very thick. Anybody else had deep snow?

I have just been told the school has been shut, i was off cos im not feelin well but its the first time i have eva known a school to be closed round here. ah well i hope its like this next week.

mark0™ Jan 31st, 2003 10:58 AM

w00t w00t! Started snmowing toady at school, the stopped, but its back on!!!

Also I'm happy because im gonna get blitzed tomorrow night, w00t w00t!

kupoartist Jan 31st, 2003 02:16 PM

yay! my school was canceled for like, the first time ever :P So I went walking in the snow and had a look at the icy M11 (I really felt for the people who were on it... the inside lane was an ice rink... but hey, thats British Road Management for you ^_^) Shame I didn't get to make a Snow Moogle. Small Children are so mean when they kick them. MEANIES!!!! (More snow for tonight as well... at least i'm not planning on going anywhere...)

Pu the Owl Jan 31st, 2003 07:06 PM

Yesterday we had some snow as well where I live, but it all melted today :(

Daniel Legge Feb 1st, 2003 05:43 AM

The snow here is really bad now. On friday it took my dad 8 hours to get home from work and it normaly takes him just over 1 hour. There was an accident and he was just sat there for ages. Its still really bad.

dan da man Feb 1st, 2003 09:48 AM


Originally posted by Fortune

Yesterday we had some snow as well where I live, but it all melted today :(
Me too, it snowed last night but in the moring it had gone.:(

kupoartist Feb 1st, 2003 11:38 AM


Originally posted by dan da man
Me too, it snowed last night but in the morning it had gone.:(
yup... I woke up and saw that the snow had fell, but hours later it was gone. Thats probably our lot... but hey, It caused more disruption that it would on any place on earth anyways, so it was fun while it lasted :evil:

ssjtrunks13 Feb 1st, 2003 12:05 PM

I'm sure for many people it's not the snow they hate but the cold weather that comes with it. The ground is still brown form the rain maybe a couple days ago.

JC Denton Feb 1st, 2003 03:06 PM

2 inches of snow brought london to a stanstill,
we were snowed in, yesterday

its was great fun though. there was a mass snowball fight,
2 windows got smashed,

Daniel Legge Feb 2nd, 2003 05:39 AM

Most of the snow has gone now and its turned to ice. Its very dangerous but i think i will still have to go to school 2moro.:shock: ah well.

Reid Feb 2nd, 2003 11:44 AM

Like Makg said, it's been snowing all the time for the last two months in and around Toronto . . . .

Only, yesterday it warmed up to something like 6 degrees C for the late morning and afternoon.

It's gotten colder again but I wonder if spring will come earlier this year.

I'm just glad that we had a white Christmas this year instead of that muck from the year before.

mark0™ Feb 2nd, 2003 12:24 PM

Yey, lotsa snow today, its still snowing since i woke up, but its not as strong as it was earlier, decent amount of snow on the ground! Me and my dog love it :)

Hope We get snowed in tomorrow, I have an english essay lol.

Berserker Feb 3rd, 2003 04:11 AM

Snow at home- sucks!!!- cold slippery roads wet brownmelting shit etc. etc.
Snow on vacation- rules- boarding all day long baby!!!!!:roll:

mark0™ Feb 3rd, 2003 06:43 AM

wohoo lots of snow tofay :D:D

ssjtrunks13 Feb 3rd, 2003 08:12 AM

So, does this mean you'll be around all day? You got snow, cool. Well, with any luck this week will be freezing cold while this past weekend was warmer than usual. Around 12:00pm I was able to walk outside without a coat, atleast when the wind wasn't blowing. It doesn't look like we'll be getting snow anytime soon.

Piggle_humsy Feb 4th, 2003 07:49 AM

More snow....
Yes it's snowing again today!
I hope it doesn't settle!
It's just melting away at the mo! I dont mind it when it falls heavy as long as it doesnt settle!

Either that or i buy some proper shoes that dont slip in the snow! I saw a pair of snow shoes which looked just like funky trainers but they were £40!!! Yeh like i'm gonna pay that much for a pair of trainers that i'll wear about three times a year!

Does anyone have snow again? (After the last time it melted away!)


Piggle :roll:
x x x x

David Feb 6th, 2003 06:35 PM

No more snow, please...!

REChick14 Feb 6th, 2003 07:06 PM

I'd say we've had a pretty decent amount of snow here in Ct. I just want school to be closed then that will take away some summer vacation days off, since our school was to cheap to pay for heat so they gave us two more days of christmas vacation. I wouldnt mind more snow. I like to chase my little pekingese puppy named Mulan since she loves the snow. Shes soo cute!

ssjtrunks13 Feb 7th, 2003 09:41 AM

there's snow on the ground over here. I'm off of school, but unfortunately so is my brother. HE's going to college and I was hoping he would still have to go. Now my plans are ruined.

dan da man Feb 7th, 2003 10:16 AM

YAY, its snowed here in Manchester the other day(twice now), Quite deep as well, but it only stayed for about 2 days and now its gone AGAIN":frust::(

mark0™ Feb 7th, 2003 04:32 PM

snows melted.... :weep: buh bye!

Chara Feb 7th, 2003 11:23 PM

Got a lot of snow here around D.C. here today. Surprising since in the last couple of years we nearly got no snow during the winter. Funny since my cousins from New York said it snows too much down here.

And it did snow a tad bit too much this year. Now im just plain tired of the snow. This is coming from someone who loves playing in the snow and wishes for it everyday.

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