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Beretta55 May 26th, 2002 09:51 AM

need people for my story.
(hey everybody i will do alittle final fantasy and the main persons name is matt and i make eveybody as i go along and you can ask me to be in the story and i will put you in. so i wont start yet.

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 12:57 AM

here i go main people so far hadoken,and matt please just ask me here and i will give you a part it wont be long cause i need people.
(i walk into the bar and take a seat and ask for some water)worker:heres your water sir. matt:thank you. matt:i need a better job i dont have much cash rolling in. (then a man walks in) hadoken:you matt? matt.yea. hadoken:i need you for a bodyguard job. matt:why you look tough enough to protect yourslef. hadoken:its not me its a summoner. matt:oh well okay name your price and maybe i will do the job. hadoken:heres my price 2500 gil. (i spit out my water) matt:okay i will take the job where do we go? hadoken:besaid. (we take a long trip into besaid) matt:are we there yet!? hadoken:no we are not shut up!
(then we arrive at besaid) matt:oh thank you god we got here. (hadoken rolls his eyes) hadoken:this way into the holy temple. matt:hmmm....nice place. (we enter the temple) matt:i wonder whats beyond those doors? (i run up to them) prayer:dont go in there you will upset the teachings! matt:i dont give a crap. (i run in the room untill i found a pod i go in it and it leads under ground. hadoken comes running up behind me) are you high! you wernt suppose to do that!
end of my story for now please put your name in i need more people.

happy_doughnut May 27th, 2002 01:25 AM

*waves hand in the air until it falls off*
Oh can I be in it?!? I love being in stoires :D
Oh yeah, and i can be slaughtered, murdered and killed brutally if you'd like :laugh:

Oh yeah, hey! Hadoken if officially mine! He's my star role in all of my stories. So if you're thinking about using him, you need to pay up some cash buddy. He's copyrighted under my name :laugh:

BTW: It's looking good :)

Esjay May 27th, 2002 10:12 AM

awesome story so far! I'd like to be in it as well...put me in...

*or else* XD

007_JamesBond May 27th, 2002 12:21 PM

Dude nice, put me in it please

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 02:36 PM

I'm interested in seeing how you will make me in your story... Go ahead !
( I don't mind being a bad guy if you need one. :evil: Sweet ! )

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 07:05 PM


Originally posted by Qjij_jijQ
I'm interested in seeing how you will make me in your story... Go ahead !
( I don't mind being a bad guy if you need one. :evil: Sweet ! )

what role do you pefer i can make you a bodyguard for the summoner or i can make you a bad guy you tell me what you pefer.

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 07:17 PM

Hmm... If I decide to be a bad guy, do I still get to make out with hot chicks ? :laugh:

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 07:25 PM

here i go this is the people so far mena:the summoner matt:main person hadoken:bodyguard esjay:bodyguard 007_jamesbond:bodyguard Qjij_jijQ:undecided still needs to ask me for what part he perfers. okay here i go on with the show.
hadoken:oh well we have gone this far why not go farther. matt:yea i guess so. (we enter the holy place where i see two big guys with swords) esjay:heys whats up hadoken. hadoken:ah nothing much what about you. esjay:still wait for mena. 007_jamesbond:yea she is takeing along time its starting to piss me off. esjay:hey whos the newbie. (matt takes his sword and puts it next to esjays neck. matt:dont call me a newbie or your head will be rolling on the floor got it. esjay:yea got it. (then mena comes out) mena:i did it im a summoner. (mena falls on the floor but hadoken catchs her. while matt goes to sit somewhere away form everybody) esjay: (under his breath) what a prick. matt:talking under your breath wont let you live very much longer. 007_jamesbond:huh do you have wonderful hearing or something? matt:you can say that. hadoken:everybody shut there mouths and lets get on with the misson. (then esjays hits me in the back of the head) matt:wait was that a love tap (then i trip esjay. hadoken pulls out his pistol) hadoken:do that one more time i will fill your ass full of lead. matt:okay no need to get pissy about it jeez. (then a man comes out of the shadows its another bodyguard) Qjij_jijQ:ha took you long enough guys. (you can see that on Qjij_jijQ belt he has knifes) hadoken:matt this is our top bodygurad Qjij_jijQ. Qjij_jijQ:ha nice to meet you. matt:dont think im no newbie i cant kick you ass there ways from sunday. Qjij_jijQ:will see about that. (then everybody goes out of the temple to celebrate) (mena is showing off her aeons. a kid comes up to me) kid:your a bad man. mena:hey leave him alone hey im mena nice to meet you. matt:hey im matt.
thats it so far i cant do more right now cause my brain hurts.

Pu the Owl May 27th, 2002 07:26 PM

Can I be the evil entity feared and worshipped by the other characters? :laugh:

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 07:26 PM


Originally posted by Qjij_jijQ
Hmm... If I decide to be a bad guy, do I still get to make out with hot chicks ? :laugh:
i decided to make you a bodyguard and you still get to make out with hot chicks.

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 07:28 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
Can I be the evil entity feared and worshipped by the other characters? :laugh:
i will make you one of the bad guys not the main one but you will be powerful though.

Pu the Owl May 27th, 2002 07:32 PM


Originally posted by baretta55
i will make you one of the bad guys not the main one but you will be powerful though.
I don't want to be the bad guy! I want to be something similar to "Nothing" of "Neverending Story". Do you know what I mean? :laugh: Or something like Garland in FFIX. Do you think you can help me?

Ah, I'm asking for too much! :right:

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 07:34 PM


Originally posted by Fortune

I don't want to be the bad guy! I want to be something similar to "Nothing" of "Neverending Story". Do you know what I mean? :laugh: Or something like Garland in FFIX. Do you think you can help me?

Ah, I'm asking for too much! :right:

do you mean a feard and silent good guy? i can make you a warrior who comes along on the bodyguard job and i can make you silent and feard if thats what you want.

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 07:35 PM

I think you have more chance of gettin' what you want if you take away that... frightening avatar ! :laugh:

Pu the Owl May 27th, 2002 07:41 PM

No way Qjij! If he ever gets the chance to make sketches of the characters, I want my character to look like that! If you're scared it means it's working! :laugh:

baretta, uhmm, I don't think the Nothing thing and Garland were good guys...they simple weren't exaclty "guys". Ok, if you need some evil not human creature, just count me in :D

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 07:44 PM

At least I tried Fortune...

baretta55, I think what Fortune was tryin' to say was that she would like to be a lonely character that doesn't really have a side, but is simply there, watchin'... waitin'... a character that seems dark, yet never seems to want to strike... Get it ?

Pu the Owl May 27th, 2002 08:02 PM

Well, I think we're confusin baretta with all our requests :laugh:

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 08:04 PM

lol ! I think you're right...
Let's just let him do what he wants... I think we can trust his good judgement. Plus, it's more fun if we don't know what part we'll have in the story, no ?

Pu the Owl May 27th, 2002 08:05 PM

yes, this is true...
baretta, you can do whatever you want, but just don't kill my character in a dumb way, ok?:peoples:

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 08:07 PM

Same goes with me...
I'm watchin' you pal !!!

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 08:32 PM

Qjij_jijQ and fortune get killed by a fish no one ever knew how they got eaten but all the people who knew about it laughed about it
this is shortie stroy by baretta55 thank you im just kidding.

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 08:33 PM

Argh ! I hate dyin'... Happens to me all the time ;)
Anyway, baretta55... I hope you won't dissapoint us !
( No pressure there buddy :laugh: )

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 08:39 PM

sorry for double post but i thought of a little bit more of the story. here is a continue part.
when im done talking to mena i see Qjij_jijQ makeing out with a women i look at him and he said hey get your own man this my women. (im just at the lake this is when fortune comes in. i see a shadowy figure floating over the lake) fortune:i will be watching you in the shadows matt i will contact you when its important. (then Qjij_jijQ comes by) Qjij_jijQ:what you be doing here. matt:i thought you were makeing out with that girl. Qjij_jijQ:o i will go back later first i wanted to give you something. matt:if its tips on how to get girls i dont need any tips cause i have been with alot of women. and plus i could give you some tips newbie. Qjij_jijQ:yea whatever thats not it i wanted to give you this dagger its been with me for years but i dont need it. so i will let you have. matt:hey thanks man. Qjij_jijQ:now if you excuse me i have to go make out with women again.

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 08:42 PM

lol ! That's cool... Who am I makin' out with ?!?

Keep it up, it's funny ! :laugh:

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 08:44 PM


Originally posted by Qjij_jijQ
lol ! That's cool... Who am I makin' out with ?!?

Keep it up, it's funny ! :laugh:

do you really want to know okay i will tell you. the person you making out with is esjay yes you and esjay are long time lovers in this story:laugh: jk jk man im good at this.

Qjij_jijQ May 27th, 2002 09:00 PM

Man, that is just sick !

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 09:03 PM


Originally posted by Qjij_jijQ
Man, that is just sick !
im jokeing its just a hot girl in the village and you want to go on a honeymoon on a caribeen night jk jk im going to say this its just a hot girl and thats it.

Esjay May 27th, 2002 09:13 PM

LOL this stuff is great! keep it up!

Ruby Moon May 27th, 2002 09:25 PM

I'd like to be in the story, but remember that I'm a girl! Don't write evil stuff about me :D

Beretta55 May 27th, 2002 09:27 PM

yay story more stroy time.
(matt goes back to the partay and esjay is wasted) esjay:wuzzzzzzzzzzzzzz up man. matt:the sky what else. Qjij_jijQ:oh god not agian esjay is wasted oh well he has to learn from his own mistakes. (mena starts laughing and smiles at me) hadoken:not again man. (hadoken is cleaning his gun) 007_jamesbond:take that and some of this (jamesbond is kicking a target for practice) esjay:hehe im so wasted mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn how you be doing. matt:fine now go away you slum drunk. esjay:you dont tell me what to do fool i will kick your ass after im done with this beer. matt:i cant take this anymore (i take a piece of wood and knockout esjay) mena:thanks matt he was getting on my nevers. matt:no prob. (then i go sit near the temple and Qjij_jijQ is makeing out with the hot girl again) Qjij_jijQ:oh yea baby. matt:o god not again. Qjij_jijQ:hey its not my falut im good looking. matt:im about to make you not good looking if you dont shut up.

Hadoken May 27th, 2002 11:16 PM

lol, the characters are all good.:laugh:
keep it up man.

Esjay May 28th, 2002 09:44 AM

LOL!!! yeah I love this fic XD keep it up, and make me get wasted again XD

Beretta55 May 28th, 2002 03:45 PM

storyness time
(while we are all trying to shut up esjay hadoken is sitting next to the temple cleaning his gun again) matt:dude whats wrong oh let me guess your to scared to go talk to girls. hadoken:okay thats it you little snotnosed kid. (hadoken shoots me in the leg. matt:ahhhh!!! DAMN IT!!! (i draw my sword and cut hadoken in the back.then a shadowy figure comes hoveing over the party) figure:ha you fools you think this partaying will save the word. esjay:oh shut up you witch hehe. figure:you little brat. (shoots a laser beam at esjay chest) matt:esjay NO!!!!! (i sit down a tear goes down my eye) you killed my friend you killed HIM!!!!. you bastard you must die. (matt starts fighting the fiqure then a bullet goes thru the figures chest but he isnt dead) esjay:hehe there is nothing my socom cant do. figure:i will return to kill you all. Qjij_jijQ:yea sure that will be the day my knive will cut thru you like knive thru butter fool. (then mena takes a look at my leg and heals it) mena:there you go. matt:thanks. (then everybodys hears a scream) matt:i will go check it out. (when i get down there is a man causeing trouble for a women cause the man is drunk. then i punch the man in the face) rubymoon:thank you so much. matt:no prob. rubymoon: i was brought here to be a watcher. matt:whats that? rubymoon:i have the same powers as mena but i watch over her. matt:oh okay cool.

Beretta55 May 28th, 2002 04:10 PM

sorry for double post but i need a bad guy now.

Rei May 29th, 2002 01:44 PM

I think Fortune said she wanted to be the evil part of your story :confused:

JC Denton May 29th, 2002 03:18 PM

can i have a part please?

i think the story is very good,

Beretta55 May 29th, 2002 04:16 PM

i can make you a bad guy if you want.

Beretta55 May 29th, 2002 04:50 PM

hey goodman i dont know what a bamboozler is so can you tell me?

Beretta55 May 30th, 2002 12:34 AM

story time hehe here i go
(as im takeing ruby to the party she says something) ruby:oh crap! i left jc back there. matt:huh? (then ruby comes back with a guy in black and black sunglassed) jc denton:hey how ya doing matt im the one to guard ruby. matt:oh hey but how did you know my name. jc denton:mena told me so much about you. matt:okay i guess thats cool. (then esjay comes up in a drunken manner) esjay:suppppppppp homes hey who is this guy? matt:esjay jc jc esjay. jc denton:nice to meet you esjay. everyone:hey jc. Qjij_jijQ:oh yea baby (he is makeing out with a hottie woman. everyone gives him a starange look)

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