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Infernal Mass Apr 1st, 2003 12:48 PM

Tomb Raider is gonna 0WN!
Ha, but to bad Core design has no intention of releasing this game.. > :mad: It's lame...really lame what Core and Eidos are up to. Those dirty.. dirty bastards. Only the hardcore devotees of the series are eagerly anticipating this game. For me though..i'm over it.

It's like, if the games arrives's all good. I'm not as excited about it as i was.

-I remember.. :laugh:XD..I remember when i went in to reserve this game back in october..:laugh:.

Vic Viper Apr 2nd, 2003 02:56 PM

oh god, PLEASE !! no more delays..:mad:

and yes this game will r0xxxxx0rrr;)

MakgSnake Apr 2nd, 2003 05:41 PM

Yeah I hate those CORE and EIDOS people as well for delaying this game "thinking" that they'll come up with something that'll blow people up. Already I have read 5-6 mags bashing Tomb Raider and how bad its gonig to be. THEY deserve to be called BAD VIDEO GAME MAKER.

Still........ same here. I'll buy this game, but then I am a fan of the series. This game aint gonna sell...........unless the unthinkable happens.

ssjtrunks13 Apr 2nd, 2003 07:19 PM

This is sad news, I'm at the same point as DigiMortal. If it comes out, cool I'll get it but if it doesn't than I won't worry about. This is very frustrating.

DSgamer Apr 2nd, 2003 07:37 PM

dude, if this game gets delayed again, im not gonna buy it

dan da man Apr 3rd, 2003 10:31 AM


Originally posted by gamer

dude, if this game gets delayed again, im not gonna buy it

Hmmmmmmmmm, I will, but the delays are bad. lets just hope they made a better TR NOT by adding a new jump or guns.

Infernal Mass Apr 3rd, 2003 12:04 PM

i saw some footage on g4 i've never seen before. The game looks great in motion, classic style gameplay but better graphics. Which is cool, from the early footage i saw i didn't like the way the camera worked. Looks like Core fixed that problem up.

- TY G4tv

Preventer Wind Apr 3rd, 2003 10:06 PM

I never had any intention of buying this game. Did they not already make the last of the series? Ok maybe one that reflects on the past but please it is nothing but a cheap method of advertising. The only game that is the worth the time is the second one. The others have all blown and I am sick and tired of Lara Croft. Couldn't they come out with another movie instead? That actually had good graphics :laugh:

Infernal Mass Apr 4th, 2003 12:01 PM

my favorite was the second one too, hell who am i kidding they're all good to me. i like the plot and style of the first game. The second game turned it up a notch as far as overall adventure. That game had alot of style too. The third game was alright, my favorite level is Area 51 on that one. The last level of three is still the toughest for me. Part 4 was fun, sorta better looking that the previous games. The only bad thing i have to say about 4 is they took out her house and the chapter select. Which was lame..and 5 reminded me alot of part 3 but it was a better game than three.

- i haven't played the PC TR's

dan da man Apr 4th, 2003 03:30 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

my favorite was the second one too, hell who am i kidding they're all good to me. i like the plot and style of the first game. The second game turned it up a notch as far as overall adventure. That game had alot of style too. The third game was alright too, my favorite level is Area 51 on that one. The last level of three is still the toughest for me. Part 4 was fun, sorta better looking that the previous games. The only bad thing i have to say about 4 is they took out her house and the chapter select. Which was lame..and 5 reminded me alot of part 3 but it was a better game than three.

- i haven't played the PC TR's

I agree, part 2 is the best, all of them are good, but part 4 and part 5 did'nt keep me playing long.

MakgSnake Apr 5th, 2003 04:27 PM


Tomb Raider Pushed Back Again
While sites like our own have begun posting ads for Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness and retail stores have remained fixed with dates suggesting that Core's newest iteration in the popular series is coming this April, sadly it is not to be.

Eidos is staying mum on the game's release, but reports from well-connected sources and even well-connected analysts have confirmed that Angel of Darkness could well be delayed until summer. The fact is the game is not done, and Eidos will not release it until it's ready. You know the old saying about wine? Well, it's Eidos' new policy we suspect that no game shall be sold before it's date. No really a rhyme, but so be it.


Man, this really really sucks. I really HATE those people working on this game. They are plain Stupid $%#%$# #$%#$ #@%. SERIOUSLY. This is going DOWN. BIG TIME NOW!

Vic Viper Apr 5th, 2003 04:49 PM

wtf, delayed again.:frust: :frust: :frust:

Infernal Mass Apr 5th, 2003 06:16 PM


- *breaks things*

Preventer Wind Apr 6th, 2003 02:58 AM

aren't they doing another Fear Effect?

Esjay Apr 6th, 2003 02:21 PM

Hey, aren't you guys forgetting that delays mean a better tweaked game with extras and things like that? Which would you rather have, an unpolished version of the game with no secrets or extras and plenty of glitches, or a fine tuned supreme version of the game? I think the latter of those choices would be worth the wait of a couple months.

Infernal Mass Apr 6th, 2003 03:12 PM

that's a good point esjay but that's not the reason the game is being delayed.

- it's not a coincidence that the movie and game are being released around the same time.

Infernal Mass Apr 18th, 2003 08:23 PM

opening sequence for tomb raider AOD.


- also here's the footage i saw on G4tv

dan da man Apr 19th, 2003 08:14 AM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

opening sequence for tomb raider AOD.


- also here's the footage i saw on G4tv

Im not going to spoil the game.:D

Infernal Mass Apr 19th, 2003 05:12 PM

Angelina is all natural..

- except for her lips, they may have silicone in them. :laugh:

Vic Viper Apr 19th, 2003 06:46 PM


Originally posted by goodman

I had never seen her in anything until Tomb Raider, then i saw her in Pushing Tin, which is the movie where she met her hubby Billie Ray Thornton. She looks real nice in that movie, the lip thing doesnt do it for me, nice bod, though...
you must see "Gia" :D best movie she made, imo.

anyway this chick owns jolie:pimp: :lick:

Vic Viper May 2nd, 2003 06:31 PM

Tomb Raider: AoD Pushed Back (Again)
[QUOTE]Tomb Raider: AoD Pushed Back (Again)
By James Brightman -- Staff Writer
Published 1:11 PM CDT May 2, 2003

The game's official webpage reveals a change of release date...

If you were one of those people anxiously awaiting an all-new Tomb Raider, I have some bad news for you. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, which was expected to ship sometime in late spring / early summer, has now quietly slipped back into a "early Q4 2003" release for the PlayStation 2 and PC. Basically that means you won't see it until the fall of this year. Interestingly, many retailers still have ship dates of June, but I'm sure they'll be changing that soon enough.

You may recall that AoD was originally planned for a November 2002 release, was moved to February 2003, and then delayed until April. I guess this latest delay shouldn't be that surprising then. After all these postponements, when the game finally does release, we can only hope good use of the time was made to create a highly polished title.

AoD is supposed to reinvent the Tomb Raider series with a "new Lara" that has a "new attitude." This time around, there will even be some RPG aspects if you want to call them that. Lara will be able to improve her abilities depending on how you play the game. As you solve puzzles and explore, you'll be rewarded in the form of improvements to Lara's strength, stamina and agility. Another interesting aspect is that for the very first time in a Tomb Raider game, Lara has the ability to talk to characters. The choices you make in conversation will affect Lara's route through the game, possibly adding some replay value.

Stick to GamerFeed for all the latest on Tomb Raider: AoD[QUOTE]

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Infernal Mass May 2nd, 2003 06:45 PM

Alot of sources have been getting mixed up with the date. The game is still slated for june.

The whole mix up comes from the whole "Q4" statement. When eidos made that announcement they were referring to quarter 4 of thier own financial year rather than the fourth quarter of the year. Quarter 4 of Eidos Interactive's finacial year ends on June 30th. TR:AOD is due out before then.

Vic Viper May 2nd, 2003 06:59 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

Alot of sources have been getting mixed up with the date. The game is still slated for june.


Infernal Mass May 2nd, 2003 07:09 PM

got this from the new core design website..they got some other collectibles too like TR fan-kit and stuff..

direct download

Jubei May 7th, 2003 10:44 AM

lol dont know what you guys are fussing about, when the states finally does get it, and you all post about how good/bad it is, I'll be stuck in EU with no AoD, and only Grandia X to keep me occupied :(

Vicious_2003 May 9th, 2003 10:18 PM

I think this Image best describes my thoughts on this game --) :bang: . To me the Tomb Raider games....absolutely EVERY one of them,.. were steaming piles of dog mess. Crappy Graphics...VERY crappy controls, and a crappy storyline..hmm I think its safe to say thats down right CRAPPY. The Tomb Raider series is DEAD. Theres no use in beating a dead horse and in this instance theyve allready beaten the poor dead horse theyre setting its blood soaked remians on fire and placing it on our door steps in a brown paper bag (Get the reference ?) . They released multiple sequals to this game hoping that its name alone would sell it. And now all of a sudden they want to try and actually IMPROVE upon the game...even if I were a fan of the series I wouldnt buy this game no matter how good people said it was. Lara Croft has lost her appeal anyway...I prolly wont even go see the next TR movie in theatres like I did the as the valley girls would say "Tomb Raider is soooooo 2 years ago"

Infernal Mass May 14th, 2003 10:37 AM

June 20th

Eidos Interactive have today announced the release dates of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness and The Italian Job, at E3 in Los Angeles - ending months of waiting since the latest Lara Croft title was first announced last March.

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness is now due for release on the PlayStation 2 and PC on June 20th, after the earlier delays which saw it being pushed back from it's pre-Christmas date last year.

The company also announced that they would bring forward the American release date of The Italian Job, to June instead of July, to make the most of the cinema release of the re-worked film on May 30th this year, with the UK release following in September.

Further titles including Whiplash, Legacy of Kain: Defiance, and Thief 03 are being shown by Eidos during the next three days at E3, and we'll have full details along with new screenshots of the highlights during the next few days.
source= here

new footage..

Infernal Mass May 31st, 2003 07:01 AM

new trailer for the game is out. i'm guessing it's the final one.


3 diffrent speeds

dan da man Jun 3rd, 2003 08:16 AM

This game has pissed me off, taking so long, promsisng so many release dates, I dont think I will buy it, being a TR fan, but im just going to wait for the reveiws and see what it scores.

Infernal Mass Jun 6th, 2003 09:26 AM

In preperations for the new game, i've decided that i will complete all the previous tomb raiders in order..starting today.

- :arrr:

Infernal Mass Jun 7th, 2003 10:07 PM

first review
the first review for TR: AOD is out now. It's from playstation UK mag


Graphics: 8 - Massive environments, slighty cartoony vibe still.

Sound: 7 - Atmos-manufacturing orchestral. Familiar vowels.

Gameplay: 8 - Backwards glimpsing, only with worse control.

Lifespan: 9 - It's bigger than bigness. Months of walking [gently].

overall 8
- :karate:

Vic Viper Jun 7th, 2003 10:47 PM

not bad.:arrr:

im getting it regardless of the score:ninja:

dan da man Jun 8th, 2003 07:54 AM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

In preperations for the new game, i've decided that i will complete all the previous tomb raiders in order..starting today.

- :arrr:
Wont that take you quite a bit of time? Or have you got every level memorised, quite hard huh? :laugh:

I wish I had all the old Tomb riaders, so I would complete them in preperation.:D

Infernal Mass Jun 13th, 2003 09:46 PM

wait for's the PSM UK review..

Infernal Mass Jun 14th, 2003 01:41 AM


there's a Q&A session that just finished up over at IGN. Noone asked if it was DVD or CD though.. :disturb:

but check out this Q&A:


Will this game EVER come out!?

Jeremy Responds:
Yes. Right before Duke Nukem Forever.

oh an the game takes up 380kb on the memory card. :)

dan da man Jun 14th, 2003 07:25 AM

THATS IT!:mad: Its been pushed back agian, :censored: you Eidos.

Vic Viper Jun 14th, 2003 11:55 AM

thanks for the review, digi.;)

Infernal Mass Jun 14th, 2003 06:25 PM

no prob Vic, i'm actually starting to get excited about the game again..sorta surprised myself. i didn't think i would.


Originally posted by dan da man

THATS IT!:mad: Its been pushed back agian, :censored: you Eidos.
it's still coming out, they were just joking. :laugh:
Duke Nukem forever has been delayed so many times it's like in guiness book or something..for most delays ever.

dan da man Jun 15th, 2003 06:07 AM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

no prob Vic, i'm actually starting to get excited about the game again..sorta surprised myself. i didn't think i would.

it's still coming out, they were just joking. :laugh:
Duke Nukem forever has been delayed so many times it's like in guiness book or something..for most delays ever.

No it has been, at the shop I work at, we got a ring from the wholesalers, saying its not coming on June 20th, its been delayed again to a later date, I dont know about the US release date though.

Vic Viper Jun 15th, 2003 02:12 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

No it has been, at the shop I work at, we got a ring from the wholesalers, saying its not coming on June 20th, its been delayed again to a later date, I dont know about the US release date though.

ha, sucks for you guys, the game's hitting the stores this coming wednesday.:P :ghost:

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