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Fayteless Dec 24th, 2002 01:51 PM

Favorite FF Character
Tetsuya Nomura is rather genial in my perspective, he designed each character with a perfect talent. There are several reasons to like a character: appearance, personality, skill, etc. My curiosity led me to ask; who's your favorite character and why? :roll:

Seraph Sephiroth Jan 3rd, 2003 01:46 AM

I'm the ultimate Sephiroth Fan and no one shall overthrow me! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! *coughs...* anyway...

Sephiroth has become my favorite character in any video game ever! My obsession for him had resulted in collecting whatever i can find of him (Dolls, statues, keychains, wallscrolls, and cards) Making my own Sephiroth costume for Cosplay (my squall one is much better, but we wont get into that) Playing him in several rpgs, and voicing his mother Lecrecia in an online FF7 radio ^_^ .. along with a website fully dedicated to him (dont get peeved if some of the links dont work, the server when down and I lost most of my files.. so you just gotta wait till I upload them again!!)

I loved Sephiroth from the first moment I layed eyes open him. He was deffinatly Final Fantasy's greatest villian... though i dont like calling him a villian since this truely wasnt the case. The man was being controled by Jenova to do her evil bidding.. just as Jenova controled Cloud to give Sephiroth the black Materia.. Jenova ran the show, causing havoc upon the planet, using our poor Sephy like..dare I say.. A puppet. Its awful to actually look back and think what sort of life Sephiroth lived.. never being loved by anyone.. stuck in a lab with a deranged psycho-path named Hojo, pumped with mako and the cells of a alien from another world and thrown into a training camp to become a SOLDIER. So not only do i love him as a character, I feel sorry for him. Can you not blame him for going completely balistic at Nibelhiem? His will drove him to find out the truth about his past, but with the mixture of jenova within him, turned his true purpose into something much more sinister.

So why you ask could I and the rest of the Sephy Fans out there love this misunderstood creature? For one, he is a person most wish they could be.. Strong, intelligent, good-looking... He made it to general of the ShinRa army and crushed the people of Wutai.. SOLDIER First Class.. what every boy on the FF7 planet wanted to be.. Strong and bold like their hero Sephiroth. Some other fans will tell you they like him cause he's a BAD BOY... true, lots of girls go for the rebel who strikingly good-looking and lives by his own rules... But it all depends on what YOU, the fan, see Sephiroth as... He could be a sweet loving person on the inside, someone crying out for attention, a bad boy villian with a black heart and a taste for blood, or even just a weak lost little boy with no home to go to.. You decide.

I for one believe Sephiroth was kind once... but the years of lonelyness and rejection, and the loveless care that was given to him, made him a hard shell, to which no one could break...Hate and anger for how he was treated all those years ago, fuming and burning on the inside til Jenova allowed him to release his anger in the wrong place, at the wrong people... all the people of the planet. I for one will always blame Jenova for the cause of all this.. she started it all, right from the beginning.. She struck the planet with its unhealing wound, she killed the cetra which were Aeris's family, she brough death and destruction upon the land... so if you hate anyone from FF7, hate Jenova.. not the man who she made the planet hate.. Thank you.

Sword 4 Hire Jan 3rd, 2003 10:44 PM

Auron, he was wise, older, more experienced, intelligent, outspoken, kept his arm in his sleev and drank who knows what sort of alcohol in his jug, wore cool shades, was a hard hitting S.O.B. and was just clearly the man.

Zone Jan 4th, 2003 03:11 AM

Too hard for me to choose one. Cloud, Cid (FFVII), Vincent, Squall, and Auron.

kupoartist Jan 4th, 2003 06:05 AM

over the years I've gradually adopted Ms Relm as my favorite character... for all those who don't know, Relm is the third female character in FFVI, and therefore isn't a lovesick late teen contemplating love and making the world a better place. (shes like Porom, Krile, Yuffie, Selphie, Eiko and Rikku... always the third girl!) ... so naturally, Relm is a 10 year old that back-talks people and hits them with paintbrushes. Which means she is genuinely unique in FF games... and if you want to know what she looks like, strain your eyes and look at my signature.. go on - it won't hurt you too much :happy:

S.W.A.T-Sniper Jan 4th, 2003 08:08 PM

Kimarhi is my fav, nuthin much to say just kicks some butt, and takes names. and hes loyal

ssjtrunks13 Jan 5th, 2003 03:08 PM

CLoud, Sephiroth, ZIdane, and Auron! Can't choose just one.

David Jan 5th, 2003 11:20 PM

Chang of characters, Cloud ain't my favorite anymore. I like Tidus now.


To be forgotten is worse than death...

xotreeox Feb 2nd, 2003 12:05 PM

yeah, i like tidus too

Pu the Owl Feb 2nd, 2003 12:32 PM

Once again I have to say Freija Crescent from FFIX, but she's not Nomura's creation. In fact FFIX characters are Amano's creation (you can easily recognize Amano's characters because they show an higher dose of originality than Nomura's ones, for the simple reason that Amano is an artist while Nomura is a great character designer). The reason I like her so much? Even if she's a "secondary" character, she's got a fascinating story and personality. Plus, I loved her presence in my party. In brief, that's all.

kupoartist Feb 2nd, 2003 12:51 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
In fact FFIX characters are Amano's creation
I've always been really confused as to how much Amano had to do FF games anymore - glancing at the credits in the FFIX manual, his name is next to "Image illustrator", and not "character design" - that goes to Shukou Mrase, Toshiyuki Itahana and Shin Nagasawa.... he's down as the same in FFX and even FFVI as well, whereas Nomura is actually credited as Character designer (in FFX)

ssjtrunks13 Feb 2nd, 2003 10:32 PM

Now that I really think about it I'll have to narrow it down to Cloud or Zidane. Personally I think Sephiroth is a mix of the first and third things he could be that Seraphim mentioned.

Vicious Feb 3rd, 2003 11:37 AM

I like Vincent Valentine because he always seems so mysterious and he has the coolest weapons.:ghost: Either him or Cloud.

IcyMourdor Feb 3rd, 2003 06:45 PM

*notices the lack of FFTactics characters in here*

Delita would simply waste everyone. He is strong enough to take on any opponent, charming enough to get the princess to share his love, and smart enough to manipulate the war so he would end up on top and become king. Not bad for just a stable boy.

Pu the Owl Feb 4th, 2003 09:59 AM


Originally posted by the_artist

I've always been really confused as to how much Amano had to do FF games anymore - glancing at the credits in the FFIX manual, his name is next to "Image illustrator", and not "character design" - that goes to Shukou Mrase, Toshiyuki Itahana and Shin Nagasawa....
If with "character designer" you simply mean the person who actually gives the models to be used for the games creators, you're right artist. Despite the general meaning of the words "characters designer", I've read somewhere (interview or a similar source when the game was still to be released) that in FFIX Amano had an important and fundamental role in the planning and creation of the characters of the game. Which also explains why for some FF games there are several detailed artworks for each character by Amano (like the mentioned FFIX) while for other FF games, like FFVIII or FFX there are only few of them.

kupoartist Feb 4th, 2003 01:27 PM

the thing that truely confuses me is how Nomura is always credited as "Character Designer", and Amano isn't (and in many games, others are.) That would suggest that their roles are different... but in Amano's case, I assume it is him that influences the character designers, even if he doesn't directly create them himself. - though I would expect that the people responsible for that are actually credited for "Character Modelling" - which amano isn't [FFIX]

ssjtrunks13 Feb 4th, 2003 04:52 PM

I've never played Tactics and didn't know it had a plot.

Urahara Kisuke Dec 1st, 2004 10:47 PM

I would have to pick Yuna. I liked her a lot in X and even more so with the new look in X-2. Iono, but I seem to like her the most. She is just cool.

Dr_lovexxx Dec 4th, 2004 01:54 PM

I thinik i would have to say cloud.... i mean hands down the best FF charactrer outthere...omnislash all i can say about that is devistating.

absinthe_fairy Feb 5th, 2005 11:00 PM

I like Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII. She has a cheeky personality and she's also a cutie. But I like her weaponary the most. She's a pretty useful character in battles when equipped with the Conformer.

Kaolla Su Feb 6th, 2005 12:10 AM

YEEEEAH! :lick: MY TURN! I would Rikku or maybe Selphie.heh heh um i guess ill have to pick RIKKUas ive said before shes very happy-go-lucky and carefree and a thief.Plus shes hot and wears a thong and when you get lvl 3 scan you can see her panties. Selphies panties are sky blue somtimes and white others.LOL :laugh: Zell kicks az with them gloves though.

duovash55 Feb 9th, 2005 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by IcyMourdor
*notices the lack of FFTactics characters in here*

Delita would simply waste everyone. He is strong enough to take on any opponent, charming enough to get the princess to share his love, and smart enough to manipulate the war so he would end up on top and become king. Not bad for just a stable boy.

Why does no one talk about tactics my favrite was delita as well so cool

IcyMourdor Feb 9th, 2005 10:59 AM

Damn, this is an OLD thread. I made that post two years ago.

But my feelings haven't changed. Delita is still the greatest. FFT is still my favorite game of all time. Delita Hyral after all is the hero of the Lion War (according to Ivalice History, not the Durai Reports).

Infinity Feb 10th, 2005 06:09 AM

The best of all time is Cloud. Who had their whole neighboor die, bestfriend die(all though there was no blood iwas very emotional) meet 7 new friends, defeat a mega-coglomerate and mack the ladies all the way to top? CLoud Strife my friends. Not to mention all his cameos in other Square-Enix games.(Square, Squaresoft)

Soul Angel Feb 12th, 2005 02:24 PM

Hmm I like quite a few different characters but if I had to pick one it would have to be Zidane! :D
I like his outgoing friendly personality and how he liked to try and help out others in need (strange how thieves in ff games are all friendly little characters.) and he has a tail! Don't ask me why when I first saw him and saw he had a tail I just had to buy the game. XD

Infernal Mass Feb 26th, 2005 10:54 PM

gotta go with Kain Dragoon. Cecil couldn't have done it without him.

Kerotan#6 Mar 1st, 2005 12:27 AM

fac FF character(s) has got to be sephiroth squall siefer vincent and that busty babe lulu oh yeaa giggity giggty


Originally Posted by Dr_lovexxx
I thinik i would have to say cloud.... i mean hands down the best FF charactrer outthere...omnislash all i can say about that is devistating.

little off but i couldnt seem to get that omnislash to work like he wont learn the move ive played that game like 200 hours and gotten all my peoples to max and he and only him just wont accept the 4 level its really kinda pissin me off ya know

LeCrap Mar 4th, 2005 11:24 PM

Cid Highwind from Final Fantasy 7....He's just the terd....he'd be the crap, but I'm the crap, well, LeCrap.

Сђarity May 27th, 2005 01:07 PM

Squall was the most interesting but Sephiroth is my favorite villan.. :laugh:

kungfugirl Jul 7th, 2005 04:19 PM

i like tidus and yuna they r soo cute together :happy:

Redpyramidhead Jan 20th, 2006 10:25 AM

I am a big Squall fan.

_RED_ stuff

anime_mangachick19 Feb 2nd, 2006 06:45 PM

i like tidus he's hot, squall he's hot too and i like yuna & rikku cause their tha best!!!!!

Zoraxe Apr 23rd, 2006 12:30 PM

Ff Vi
I can't believe no one has mentioned any characters from VI except one person who chose Relm. I have played every single final fantasy that was released in America except XI and VI is hands down my favorite. There is no other game in the world let alone the series that tops it for me. Locke was always my favorite character. A thief with morals or treasure hunter as he would prefer it but he was so badass. He had such a carefree personality, was always the one to lighten the mood, and this is after the love of his life loses her memory because of him, completely forgets him, and causes him to leave his hometown. Edgar was pretty awesome too. As was Cyan. VI was the best game because it had no real main character. Terra is the closest to a main character if you absolutely HAD to pick one. But the only reason for that is because she started the chain reaction that led to the game. ANyway, VI was great because you could pick anyone as your favorite and make him the main character. For example, VIII was a great game but Squall was not that nice of a person. He was not Zidane or Tidus. Those guys had fun. Because of Squall's personality, it put a major damper on the game for me. But because of the cersatility of VI's people, anyone could be the main character. Whoever you liked the most.

amarant_coral Oct 31st, 2007 04:20 PM

Well... I'm sure nobody can guess my favourite character... :right: Yes, it's Amarant, because:

(i) He's in the best FF ever,
(ii) He doesn't like Zidane (which, in my opinion, is a good thing),
(iii) No Mercy roolz,
(iv) I have a tendency to like moody characters (some of my other favourites include Cecil, Shadow, Vincent, Squall, Auron, Lulu and Paine...), and,
(v) He's just generally muchos cool.


btw, this is my first post so... Hi everybody!

Pu the Owl Oct 31st, 2007 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by amarant_coral
btw, this is my first post so... Hi everybody!

Hi! welcome! And about not liking Zidane... well, there are worse characters than him in FF, I guess. But I can see some reasons to dislike that little monkey-brat ^^;;

Soul Angel Nov 17th, 2007 04:08 PM

I personally like Zidane myself for different reasons.
But anyway welcome amarant_coral, I hope you have fun posting here. :)

GuitarHero30017 Jan 2nd, 2008 11:18 PM

1: Has the best looking swords
2: Has the most interesting character build up

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