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Hylas Oct 31st, 2010 11:57 AM

What are you up to these days?
I was wondering what are you guys up to these days? I haven't heard from you in a loooong time and i would like to know what are you doing, what are your plans for the present, etc etc. :)

goodman Nov 12th, 2010 04:15 AM

Just enjoying life as we speak ms. hylas. So you havent met the man of your life yes or no? I recently became available but am enjoying the single life fairly well. Hope your well and ready to enjoy the holidays!!!

Hylas Nov 12th, 2010 06:30 PM

No Mr Goodman, I haven't met the man of my life yet, and I don't think I am looking for him yet ;)

goodman Nov 12th, 2010 06:51 PM

As long as your happy thats what counts :). I dont think its necessary to have another person to be happy, it may accelerate it sometime though. Im on a dating site and have noticed its getting busier closer to the holidays, i have a feeling some of the ladies are making a temporary effort so they dont have to be alone during the holidays, or at least have someone to chat with... im going to California in two weeks for thanksgiving and hope to be keeping busy having a good time :) Have a good weekend...

Piggle_humsy Jul 28th, 2011 05:44 PM

I'm loving life at the moment. Moved out of home but in with a psycho from work, after 6 months of hell I finally got rid of her and moved into an amazing house with 2 fabulous girls who I love to bits. Really feel like I'm home!

Enjoying the single life with them and work is great too. I am just 100% happy right now :)

RobHardo Aug 15th, 2011 08:10 AM

I'm recently free of the crazy ex(literally...she went bananas)!

but anyway
it's been semester after semester after semester of class! I'll finish up undergrad(after 6 years) in exercise science in the Spring and then start more school(grad school in Physical Therapy)

Just call me Dr. Solid: Snake/Robhardo :) :deal:

jjmoohead Aug 26th, 2011 06:57 PM

Hello everyone! Got the thought of coming by thought I would say Hi,

I got married this summer, no longer a single man on the prowl...Now I am a married man on the prowl...JK JK

Just got back from my honeymoon on Las Vegas and am now waiting for school to start on Sept.7th. I am teaching Grade 5 this year and I am very excited to get it started.

I pretty much just play NHL hockey on PS3 and am patiently waiting for Uncharted 3.

Chara Nov 18th, 2011 05:01 PM

Haven't posted here in a while, either. I don't expect anyone to remember me, actually.

Currently in Afghanistan, trying to find terrorists, and trying not to slap the crap out of my team. Looking forward to going back to civilian life in a few months.

Since everyone is talking about relationships, I just got out of one with an extremely jealous woman. So yes, ladies I am single. :naughty:

Harry Dec 1st, 2011 12:22 AM

Hey Chara!

Sorry for the late reply, due to the low activity I did not check the forum for nearly 2 weeks. Of course we remember you, you were one of THE members in the community. And believe it or not, we often wondered what happened to you and what were you doing, like for other "founding" members of this community.

Stay safe and try not to slap too much your team members; I am sure you will have plenty of stories to tell once you are back - too bad for the jealous woman ;)

Keep us updated man and thanks so much for posting!!!

Sleazy P Martini Nov 26th, 2012 11:25 PM

Hi strangers! I still pop in from time to time hoping there's some activity. Life has taken many twist and turns (jobs, divorce, another marriage, kids) Hope all of you are doing well.

goodman Nov 27th, 2012 12:35 AM

Hey Sleazy! Been forever and a day! Good to know the forums are still up, im still hanging around and gaming! Playing Call of Duty and Xcom is on the way!!! Say hi whenever you can!!! :alien:

Sleazy P Martini Nov 28th, 2012 02:55 PM

Hey goodman! Glad you're still gaming away. Heard great things about xcon! I'm playing catch up on my ps3 titles. (just got my first ps3 last Christmas) Ran through uncharted 2 and now I'm playing Resistance 2.

goodman Nov 28th, 2012 04:42 PM

Yeah i got hooked on the xbox 360 about 4 years ago and havent let go since. Its my only next gen console, but its been really fun. Ive been in some good relationships over the years but never married (makes it just a tad easier to game). I recall you used to hang out over at psxextreme some for a while, im still over there. Its a small but friendly forum with some of the same guys ive known for close to ten years. Best wishes and dont be a stranger : )

Sleazy P Martini Nov 29th, 2012 02:52 PM

I was a happy 360 gamer for about 4 years. After 2 consoles red ringed back to back I sold/traded everything and got a ps3. I'll get a 360 slim someday, but for now there's a lot of gaming to be done on the ps3. Oh hey anyone pumped for GTA fricken 5!?!?! I remember all the discussions the forum had speculating Vice city. Good ol days. I may just visit psxextreme. I kinda miss the forum days.

goodman Nov 30th, 2012 01:37 AM

Yeah probably 10 or so of the original members still post fairly often over at psxe and everybody else is sporadic. We even have a fantasy football team, its fun as all get out. You oughta visit, currently the buzz is about Farcry 3 which is coming out tomorrow in the UK and on the 4th in the U.S. Ive never played Farcry, gonna see how they are liking it and may check it out when its dropped prices later on. I held off on Dark Souls until the summer, and it sure helped in those long hot days! Great game, couldnt recommend that one more, its the closest thing to playing in my old Everquest and WoW days! Have a great weekend!

Sleazy P Martini Dec 3rd, 2012 09:05 PM

I saw farcry 2 at the pawn shop for $7 Almost picked it up but nabbed spiderman shattered dimensions (for my boy....can't believe he's 9 already!) and fallout 3. Gonna boot that up after I post this. What's your nick at psxe goodman?

goodman Dec 4th, 2012 05:07 AM

My username is farfus it was here before the forum change. The brits are loving farcry 3. Im loving blops2 have a bud who is really into zombie mode its a blast!

Sleazy P Martini Dec 9th, 2012 04:02 AM

I haven't even played blops1 haha. Loved world at war, it had a nazi zombie feature that was pretty cool. From the look of things, fallout 3 will consume me as oblivion did.

goodman Dec 9th, 2012 04:02 PM

Fallout 3 is amazing, although CoD WaW was my first 360 game to get into i really got into Fallout 3, like nothing else could distract me from that game it was so absorbing. You will dig it! Im checking out Xcom right now, very interesting!

Beretta55 Dec 9th, 2012 04:23 PM

Hey Sleazy and Goodman! Good to see you guys here! Does my heart good to know that even away from this place, many games are getting played, especially great ones like Fallout 3 and X-Com. Fallout 3 was responsible for so many sleepless nights, didn't stop playing it in some capacity until New Vegas hit.

I would recommend Far Cry 3 when you guys are able to play it, picked it up this Tuesday and it's all I've been playing. They made a much better game then Far Cry 2 (didn't like FC2 so much) and like a Fallout or Elder Scroll game, the most fun is had from just exploring the world and getting into some trouble. Watching a tiger stalk a pirate camp, then kill everyone in it is quite a sight to see. A personal favorite is just hang gliding from place to place or driving a jeep down a hill and see where I end up and get terrified if I land in the water because in that water there be sharks and they are incredibly terrifying. This game definitely ends 2012 with a bang and can't recommend it enough, pick it up when you have the time to devote to it and just dive into the jungle and see what crazy stuff you can get up to.

goodman Dec 10th, 2012 01:03 AM

My Brit buddies over at psxe love it. Since there is a good while till bioshock infinite I will prolly check it out. Found a cheap copy on so may grab that.

DragonSphere Dec 10th, 2012 09:33 PM

Hi everyone! It's been too long! :)

Kind of stumbled back into the forums from a random Google search today -- like everyone else, I miss it! Good to hear that some of y'all are doing just fine. As for me, I finished my undergrad last year (to give some *crazy* perspective, I was still in 8th grade when I first registered here in 2002) and just got my foot in the door for games writing this summer as an intern at GamesBeat. It's small-ish compared to the IGNs of the internet (Dan Shoe from EGM/1UP is our EIC), and crazy busy, but I love it.

We're doing our GOTY voting now, and man, 2012's got a ton of great games. I'm still trying to catch-up with all the big fall releases... but here's my top five:

1) The Walking Dead
2) Journey
3) Tokyo Jungle
4) DayZ
5) Spec Ops: The Line

And I still have XCOM, Mark of the Ninja, Dishonored, Sleeping Dogs, Halo 4, the entire Mass Effect series (I've been playing ME1 on/off for two years now...), and a bunch of indie games to play. Phew. But yeah, life's been good. I'll definitely try to check in whenever I can. :arrr:

goodman Dec 10th, 2012 11:01 PM

Hey Dragon, great to hear from you! I recall you also being over at psxe i think and remember you from here. Still some great folks over there if you ever wanna post up some, sounds like your very much into gaming!!! Even making a career out of it, well i think its a business that will only be expanding, at least after many many moons of doing it i dont think its going away! Ive worked in the hospital industry for 7 years and will likely continue till eventual retirement, still have a lotta living to do, but not as much as you youngsters!! Gonna go see my sister in CA for Christmas, she lives in Chico, i see you live in CA yourself...

Sleazy P Martini Dec 11th, 2012 04:00 PM

Wow Dragon and Beretta!! So good to hear from you guys!! Alright Beretta, I'll put far cry 3 on the list, sounds like a winner. :D Glad to hear Dragon is making his living working in the games industry!! I traded my IT credentials for a forklift.....not so glamorous haha.

I still play music though!! just recorded an album with a local group :D

And farfus....having difficulties at psxe. Seems my account can't post haha.

goodman Dec 12th, 2012 02:28 AM

Thats strange, sleaze, but i do know that the editor of the website has to approve of members when they sign up. It was a way of cutting down on spammers, we used to get a lot of bots, etc, on the site prior to making the sign up process be approved. Ive been checking out Xcom some more and must say its a very interesting game, i will be exploring more today. Well two more weeks till Christmas! Hope everybody is ready cuz here it comes ready or not!!!

goodman Dec 12th, 2012 03:09 AM

Hey Sleaze ive got some questions about Canada and the efforts they have made to improve their economy over the past 4-8 years. Back when i traveled to Canada in the mid 80's the value of the canadian dollar was considerably lower than that of the u.s. dollar, and now its actually higher. I recall what a wonderful feeling it was going to the money exchange and getting a noticeably higher return for my $. Our country is being spent into the ground and the Federal Government has become much more of a restrictive force along with the eventual take over of our medical systems in the soon to be future. I have a feeling your country will be seeing quite an influx of American citizens who simply dont want to live in a country that has become over-run with illegals and people who dont want to pay for what they get in this society!!! I loved the one trip i made to Canada, went to Calgary and all up through Bamf and into the NW territories, such beautiful country!

Sleazy P Martini Dec 17th, 2012 12:46 PM

Honestly goodman I don't pay much attention to politics. I still vote, but I honestly believe I'm voting for wither "Crook A'" or "Crook B". Once they're in power, what am I gonna do if I don't like their plan? Write an angry letter? Be pissed off all the time? Forget that.

I was in the US this fall and our dollar is pretty much on par, but everything down there is much cheaper. And I love love looooove the fact that I can buy beer in any store. In my province the liquor is expensive and controller by government stores. I would like to get out west someday and check out the other side of the country. I've never been west of Ontario,

The group I play in may do a cross country tour, so I'm crossing my fingers.

Well I'm off to post apocalyptic DC


goodman Dec 17th, 2012 06:27 PM

Ah yes i recall going to a govt run liquor store on my trip. Bought a six pack of fosters damn good beer! By the way i just bought a ps3 so I guess im back into the sony world. For what little I have seen xbox live has a nicer presentation but im sure I will like it fine. Have a merry christmas sleazy and friends!

Sleazy P Martini Dec 20th, 2012 04:25 PM

Live does have a nice presentation, but Sony is free so...both pros and cons. I don't play much online, but feel free to hit me up for a match anytime. I can't remember the last time I had a fosters. My current fav is Holsten.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Anyone out there lurking, sign in and say hi. Maybe this board can become active again.

goodman Dec 21st, 2012 02:29 AM

What is your psn id? Mine is zappandthmuther. The only part you pay for on xbox live is the gold account, if you want to message someone or check out their presentation that is all free. Its just to play online that you pay for anything. Kinda similar to psn in that regard because with Sony, if you pay $50 you get psn plus and that allows you to get a lot of extras (games, exclusive offers, etc). With my new ps3 i have a free month of psn plus so im checking it out. Yeah its hard to believe that more people dont chime in, they are real sporadic, surprised Harry hasnt chimed in by now. Merry Christmas everybody!!!

Sleazy P Martini Dec 21st, 2012 06:59 PM

PSN is ManUnknownE. Hope to see you online someday.

Argh! Totally bummed to see Fallout 3 levels cap at 20.....Now I need to scour the wastes looking for books to up my lockpick skill.

goodman Dec 26th, 2012 08:16 AM

Just keep working on it! Im in California and will be leaving this am to head back to Texas. Hope you and our other ps2f friends had a great one!

Sleazy P Martini Dec 27th, 2012 06:57 PM

Have a safe trip. Hope all the ps2f members had a great holiday. I personally ate and drank WAY too much! Time to hit the dojo in 2013!


goodman Dec 28th, 2012 02:55 AM

May as well toss up a Happy New Years!!! Ive got Farcry 3 and Hitman for the ps3 coming, will be my first initial ps3 games, for rent. I figure there will be a lot of different games im interested in on the ps3 so i joined Gamefly so i can rent two different games at a time. Peace all!!!

Sleazy P Martini Jan 7th, 2013 02:56 PM

Yes happy new year to you all. Started Skyrim.....I;m so blown away at the sheer size of this game. I knew it was going to be big....but not this big. I spent days just roaming the countryside exploring. My quest list is huge from just the random e encounters I've had on my journey. This will take me well into 2013.

goodman Jan 7th, 2013 06:26 PM

Hey sleazy was just adding you to friendslist. Im playing farcry 3 it looks good so far! Well these are the first two posts of 2013! Lets get this started! Looking forward to the new bioshock game in march. You will enjoy skyrim sleazy I actually preferred its predecessor but its good for sure. Catchya soon

Sleazy P Martini Jan 24th, 2013 08:55 PM

I'm finding Skyrim far superior to Oblivion (not dogging the older game, put 200+ hours in it) It's just that Skyrim's SO huge!!! I have 112 hours in, and have done maybe 4 of the main storyline quests. Every place I go there's another quest to do. :D

I'll have to check out FC3. What else do you have that's MP goodman?

So is the forum just goodman and I now? That;s right, I'm calling you lurkers out. Post something!

goodman Jan 25th, 2013 12:11 AM

I played fc3 for three days and found it dull. Then popped in hitman absolution and totally loved it! Now playing dead space and am really getting into it. Will check out dead space 2 after that. Nice thing about gamefly if you dont like a game just send it back and they send your next available choice. Glad your enjoying skyrim it was one of many good games in 2011. Bioshock infinite is due out in six weeks!

Beretta55 Jan 27th, 2013 04:08 AM

I'm still around, just had personal stuff going around so I just pop on to check posts and not really have the time to post myself.

Sorry you found Far Cry 3 not to your liking Goodman, along with Sleeping Dogs and Spec Ops, Far Cry 3 was a personal surprise and probably one of my favorite games of the year. I beat Hitman: Absolution a couple of weeks back and then played through it again to mop up achievements and what not and just found the entire game disappointing for most of it and by the end almost hating it. I'm fine with the concept that it was different from Blood Money, trying new things with a long-running franchise is never a bad idea but the changes they made weren't an improvement and the story was pretty terrible. I felt a lot of what made Hitman great previously was changed just to serve the narrative and the game suffered tremendously. As someone who has liked the series since Hitman 2 it was extremely lacking and edges out Assassin's Creed 3 as one of my biggest disappointments of 2012. With AC3 I just found that game decent, but ultimately disappointing I ended up almost hating Absolution.

Skyrim is definitely great Sleazy, I still need to get back into it since I downloaded all that DLC for it (hopefully Bethesda gets it in gear and puts all that stuff out on PS3)

Since I last posted I've gone through quite a few games, but with the hour it is can't really do a good explanation of them all, I'll just list the ones I really, really liked.

Spec Ops: The Line was a surprise. It is a typical third person shooter but has one of the hardest hitting stories in a game and gives you some really, really tough moral deciseons. Iit takes place in Dubai torn apart by a sandstorm, with an American Millitary Battalion sent to evacuate it has gone rogue, amidst this is the local populace, some trying to just survive, others becoming insurgents and fighting the Battalion stationed there. It's a total war zone and the choices you are given are bad to worse and never, ever lets up on the "this is war, bad things happen all the time out of your control and the things you can control are the things you wish you didn't have to do." This game got pretty close to being my game of the year and would of, if Far Cry 3 and The Walking Dead didn't come out.

Speaking of The Walking Dead, if you love games with a great story, play it immediately. I don't want to say any of the plot points since the joy comes from playing it and making your own decisions. It straight up was my game of the year for 2012 and should not be missed, especially if story telling in games is something you enjoy or is very important to you. Be warned, unless your heart is made out of obsidian the game will make you incredibly depressed and exhausted since so overwhelming things happen in that game. It's best to take a break between episodes.

I've been playing Syndicate co-op with a buddy of mine and that is a ton of fun but I started and beat the single player not more then half an hour ago. It was a fun ride and I love the look of the game as well as the whole breaching system. Hacking things with the chip embedded in your head is incredibly empowering. Simple things such as hacking computers or doors all the way to hacking an enemy soldiers chip, making him take out a grenade and blow himself up is ridiculous but fun. I'm weary of first person shooters these days, I still enjoy them but it's easy to get burned out on them since there are so many. But Syndicate has a great near future sci-fi look that kind of makes me think of Blade Runner and the special abilities you have spice up the shooting, while tight and fun is still just shooting dudes at the end of the day.

I've also started Darksiders and from everything I heard about it previously, it being a darker Zelda is pretty spot on. So if you like Zelda games then Darksiders will be your bag, I personally adore Zelda games so I'm really enjoying my time with it.

goodman Jan 27th, 2013 08:47 AM

Good to see you back, Zerk, and like Sleazy was saying, to any of you lurkers (or just plain gamers) it would be nice to say hello. If your new, just introduce yourself, were all here for the same reason, and if not im sure some of our sage advice may come in handy if it comes down to it lol. As far as FC3, well i rented it, and with time kinda in mind, i decided to move on. Its very open world, for sure, and if i had purchased it no doubt i would have explored more and made more of an effort. I know im in the minority in my experience, but hey im loving Dead Space and had a very good time with Hitman. I will try the other Hitman games later (apparently they are now out in a new HD version trilogy) and compare. But coincidentally i happen to have Darksiders 2 on the way from Gamefly and ive heard fairly good things of this game. Being a long time (and now ago) fan of Zelda it would be interesting indeed to see how it stacks up. Either way i will have to beat Deep Space first, which will probably be another week or so. Then move on to the new jrpg Ni No Kuni, after darksiders 2, which ive been hearing good things about, and i certainly havent played a game of this type in some time. Oh the days of the great ps1 rpg titles!!! Lotta very fond memories : )... Anyways thanks for saying hello Zerk, and clearly your a busy guy, but its good to know some of us are still enjoying what originally brought us together on this forum. I bet when Harry finally see's this thread he will be proud that we have kinda kicked it in and hung out some, who knows it may spark some more activity since im sure he may still be in contact with some of our comrades!!! Ive had the same internet for years so whenever a response to a thread im connected to gets answered i get the response immediately. So i may be loopy but not outta the loop!!!

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