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Beretta55 Dec 22nd, 2002 08:23 PM

Metal gear solid to be remade for GC?
First, it is rumored that Kojima is underway with a full Metal Gear Solid remake for the Gamecube, in the same veign as the remake of Resident Evil. According to the listed sources, an announcment is expected soon.

but people keep in mind this is a "rumor" so it may be true or not.
and if this is in the wrong forum then sorry. i thought since it was about metal gear solid i would put it here.

Daedaelus Dec 22nd, 2002 08:53 PM

That sound really cool. However, since it's unconfirmed, I hardly think that it is really going to happen.

MakgSnake Dec 22nd, 2002 09:19 PM

Yeah I kind agree with Iguana, that it'll ever happen, but then nobody on this planet knew that Resident Evil Series will jump to Nintendo from Playstation.

You know.....although I dont mind a Re-Make of Metal Gear Solid on Game Cube (That is keeping in mind that it just might look AS GOOD AS the Resident Evil games), as I have the system now. I would rather have the same Re-Make on Ps2 instead. I dont know....Playstation seems the right/perfect place for Metal Gear (In my head atleast).

Daedaelus Dec 22nd, 2002 10:18 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

I would rather have the same Re-Make on Ps2 instead. I dont know....Playstation seems the right/perfect place for Metal Gear (In my head atleast).

You're not alone. I also think that if a remake was to be ever made, it should stick to its system. It's just not explainable, but I think for some reason that a MGS remake would look best on Playstation 2.

Speaking of which, I think Kojima is wasting his and the team's time. I mean, we all love MGS, why make a remake and waste time when they can make MGS3 more quickly and release it sooner. Perhaps if they did that, a fully polished demo might be ready for E3: 2003.

MakgSnake Dec 23rd, 2002 12:17 AM

True, if the Development #1 Team works on MGS3 only, it'll be come out sooner, which most of us want.

But from the last few months I have been hearing about these MGS games......heres a few.

1.) Metal Gear Solid 3
2.) Metal Gear Solid: Side Story (On which system, dont know)
3.) Metal Gear Solid (Re-Make of the Original)
4.) Metal Gear Online
5.) Metal Gear Solid: Substance

So Substance is out now.....which one is going to pop out next? I seriously have noo clue. But I am 100% sure that coming E3 will reveal some serious news.

I know I said that Re-Make of Metal Gear Solid would be best on Playstation2, still.......I seriously dont mind for it to come out on Game Cube, as then Game Cube would get a slight name of "The Master Of The Re-Makes".... :laugh: and after experiencing the Resident Evil games, I would look forward towards a Game Cube version of Metal Gear Solid. (Remember that already Kojima has released a SIDE STORY to Metal Gear series on Nintendo ---> Metal Gear: Ghost Babel on GameBoy Color, so I wouldn't be really surprised if the Re-make or the Side story of Metal Gear is released on the Game Cube).

Frozen Dec 23rd, 2002 01:11 AM

I really would not care at all in which console such remake would be released in, as long as ti plays the same way it does in PS2. Having in mind how outstanding is the RE remake, it would be to expect something of equal caliber in a MGS remake, whichever it is.

dan da man Dec 23rd, 2002 09:54 AM

i realy hope that mgs does not move to gamcube aswell, it will end up bieng a multi platform, is should be playstaion exclusive, i think ppl will start to think kojima is getting greedy or metal gear is a sellout, for god sake why cant it just stay on playstation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bellsdelsol Dec 23rd, 2002 12:21 PM

The reason it won't stay exclusive to playstation is becuase Kojimo is Greedy and is a sellout. Game developers are in this business to MAKE MONEY. The only way this game is going to stay exclusive is if SONY puts up more money than the developers think they can make from another system. It is all about the money when everyone realizes this we will be a lot better off. Sorry for being negative but it is true.

Daedaelus Dec 23rd, 2002 12:47 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

i realy hope that mgs does not move to gamcube aswell, it will end up bieng a multi platform, is should be playstaion exclusive, i think ppl will start to think kojima is getting greedy or metal gear is a sellout, for god sake why cant it just stay on playstation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're screaming makes you sound so stupid. Kojima is greedy and money hungry, but so is every other game creator, I mean whats the point of staying with a company for X amount of money when another company can pay more for the same game. I personally don't support MGS going to other consoles, but "talking like this!!!!!!!!!!!!" does not help. Atleast post something constructive.

Beretta55 Dec 23rd, 2002 12:52 PM

Iguana cut the dude some slack.
but pissing and moaning wont make it better i argee. but he has everyright to get pissed off.
but it's about the money so if they remake MGS for GC they can make 200$ doller's right. rince and yeah. but i doubt it's true.

MakgSnake Dec 23rd, 2002 01:08 PM

Hey guys, cut it lose now. Alright?
I personally want MG WHATEVER only on Ps2. Really......that would be just great!.! But as we are already hearing rumours about MGS3 being an Xbox exclusive already, anything is possible. I hope that never happens, never and ever and never!
:roll: :D

Plug 4 Dec 23rd, 2002 02:24 PM

that would be great for the gamecube! i should get a gamecube soon...

Daedaelus Dec 23rd, 2002 06:47 PM


Originally posted by Frostman445

Iguana cut the dude some slack.
but pissing and moaning wont make it better i argee. but he has everyright to get pissed off.
but it's about the money so if they remake MGS for GC they can make 200$ doller's right. rince and yeah. but i doubt it's true.
Right. I was just a little angry at something else, and dan da man just happened to further anger me. Sorry about losing my cool. Yes, I still think that moaning and screaming will not help the situation at all.

dan da man Dec 24th, 2002 12:56 PM

i am not moaning at anything, i was a bit annoyed when mgs might not stay on ps2, i was just saying i hope its on the ps2, well if its not i will have to buy the gamecube, well i dont mind because it will have mgs3!

mark0™ Dec 24th, 2002 02:14 PM


Originally posted by Iguana

Right. I was just a little angry at something else, and dan da man just happened to further anger me. Sorry about losing my cool. Yes, I still think that moaning and screaming will not help the situation at all.
What situation? Last time I checked, this was a board for opininons on video games, not a company meeting for Konami Japan, if he feels its bad to port it on the GC, he can show his concern.

Vicious Dec 24th, 2002 06:52 PM

It would be awesome if they made a remake of MGS for Game Cube because I got a Game Cube before i got my PS2 and i've never played the original Metal Gear Solid. I will definately buy it if it comes out.

Daedaelus Dec 24th, 2002 07:25 PM


Originally posted by mark0

What situation? Last time I checked, this was a board for opininons on video games, not a company meeting for Konami Japan, if he feels its bad to port it on the GC, he can show his concern.
You're right, it's a board for opinions, but like Forstman said, I think that moaning and screaming does not help at all. Perhaps a constructive comment would have been more helpful.

MakgSnake Dec 24th, 2002 08:14 PM


Originally posted by Iguana

You're right, it's a board for opinions, but like Forstman said, I think that moaning and screaming does not help at all. Perhaps a constructive comment would have been more helpful.
Ok, its cool, Frost said that long time back now almost, it would be better not to bring it up again and again. I mean whatever we are saying, nothing at all will help....nothing at all, but we still talk about it. I am not coming at you Iguana, just saying people are giving out opinions, and well with a little "!!!!" doesn't mean one is bashing something or another. :)

So its all cool now? :) ....... But yeah, people who havn't played the first Metal Gear Solid, would play it if a Re-make is made in the future. .......

Daedaelus Dec 24th, 2002 09:57 PM

Its all cool now, Makg.

Back to the topic, now that I think about it in retrospect, I would probably enjoy a remake of MGS as well, no matter if it comes out on PS2 or NGC. I know, it's kind like being a hypocrite, but who cares. I'm pretty sure that if Kojima does not change the story or anything, I would enjoy a remake too. :D

MakgSnake Dec 24th, 2002 10:58 PM


Originally posted by Iguana
I'm pretty sure that if Kojima does not change the story or anything, I would enjoy a remake too. :D
Exactly, thats what I want to, but Kojima, hes gone a little crazy recently, he does all sorts of weird experiments and all, and I dont know.....comes out with something that people either LOVE it or DESPISE it, and most of them ending depising it. I know I would like it.

Like I heard long time back, that in the (RE-MAKE) of Metal Gear Solid on the Next Gen consoles, they might give "Raiden" a special appearence, now PLEASE, I do NOT want that, that'll change the storyline and I dont know.......I really like Raiden's character, but I would NOT like him in the Shadow Moses incident at all.

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