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Zanku Jun 6th, 2003 07:02 PM


Originally posted by Dark Angel despite the fact it really is an ugly gun...looks like a black slab of steel from the side on...:laugh:
Have to disagree, i think the P90 is smooth and sexy, its quite feminine in a way, its a great gun.

Spoiler: show
I love the part where Solidus destroys the mass produced Metal Gear Rays with the cool, the way he spins the gun around, oh and before someone says it, in my opinion it's not completely out of the realm of reality for the P90 to be able to pierce Metal Gear Ray's cockpit since it fires at such a high rate and packs so much ammunition

Another of my favorite guns is Revolver Ocelot's Colt .45 Single-Action Army Revolver...i love that gun :phew: Admittedl, he probably makes it looks alot cooler than it is :laugh:

mark0™ Jun 6th, 2003 07:12 PM

I love the P90's "Snubby" Barrell, Even though I love long barells, look so much cooler, exception being the P90. It looks odd, yet sexy :\

Zanku Jun 6th, 2003 07:25 PM

Long barrels are too clunky... They just look cool...which isn't everything, the P90 is exceptional, the 5.44mm rounds are odd for an SMG, but they are so reliable and powerful, ergonomic and has an ambidextrous design, which are all housed in a sexy body... :laugh: Odd...i sound like a gun seller! On a side note, Marui airsoft sell a P90 automatic BB gun :drool: :drool: :drool:

Just out of interest...Why was Solidus about ten years older? I thought all the clones were made at the same time :peoples: ???

mark0™ Jun 6th, 2003 07:32 PM

Heh, the MG storyline has more holes than swiss cheese at times. Entertaining still though. Was Solidus definately older than Snake though? Maybe he just looked older? Kinda weird character Solidus, old looking dude who used to be the president, used kids to kill people and has some mad octupus suit...

Well Vamp was even stranger though. I think they were really pushin the limits of reality with that character, now its turning all into fantasy now, immortal vampires... :\

Maybe we will have a mission to kill Vamp with a wooden Stake!

Zanku Jun 7th, 2003 07:48 AM

I dunno if there are that many holes in the story...i cant think of that many, maybe we should make a thread to note holes in the story and discuss them...many things that i thought were missing have been answered to fit in correctly...

dan da man Jun 7th, 2003 07:59 AM


Originally posted by Zanku

Have to disagree, i think the P90 is smooth and sexy, its quite feminine in a way, its a great gun.

Spoiler: show
I love the part where Solidus destroys the mass produced Metal Gear Rays with the cool, the way he spins the gun around, oh and before someone says it, in my opinion it's not completely out of the realm of reality for the P90 to be able to pierce Metal Gear Ray's cockpit since it fires at such a high rate and packs so much ammunition

I have to agree the p90 is a excellent weapon and bad ass, is it a new weapon? Like been made in the recent years, or been around for a long time?

Spoiler: show
Also when Solidus shot Olga in the haed with the P90! OUCH! hole in her forehead and a snapped neck, quite emotional seeing she sacrafised herself!

MakgSnake Jun 7th, 2003 09:56 PM

I just got my copy of GMR magazine and it has a Metal Gear Solid 3 on the cover, I was so excited when I saw that!.! It looks beautiful and has details for Twin Snakes Boktai and ofcourse MGS3.

But strangly the magazine has new images of the game (even Twin Snakes), which I havn't seen before even on the net. Which is actually very cool. They are of the same envoirnment though. Snake's hair is light brown (blondish) type. Getting more closer to Big Boss...I believe.

dan da man Jul 10th, 2003 08:10 AM

Just some more MGS3 facts-

Some new details on the eating system, and some other very interesting new details inside.. Two thirds of the gameplay area will be natural environments (jungle in the main), with the last third taking place in man-made areas (which we take to mean buildings)

There are online features in the game (we have no idea what these are besides scores, no doubt)

Rustling leaves and heavy footfalls will give you away to the enemy (not certain if this includes brushing up against shrubbery)

You have to hunt living things for food and you can track animal footprints. A nice touch is that it appears the carcass of your prey will rot after an hour of game time, so you can't store tons of fish and snakes in the earlier (and presumably easier) part of the game to get you through to the end

Further, Snake has an energy-type meter relating to his eating habits and munching just one kind of prey isn't on. The 'nutritional value' of a given food type continually decreases each it's eaten. So stick with snakes continually, and snake number 10 (or whatever) will have the 'nutritional value' of a fava bean

The import of all this eating business is that if snake doesn't get a balanced diet, as we see it, he starts to suffer deficiencies that lead to unwanted side-effects, such as an uncontrollable shake in his hands - not good for shooting

Vehicles are in there in some form and fashion and are used to track you

There is the possibility of breaking a leg when jumping from a high point. Is this game over, limp city, or miracle jungle cure? We don't know...

Unlockable features and weapons will be in there

The game's whole interface has gone back to basics, with no in-game radar The food aspect of the game is potentially the most interesting addition to the MGS series that we've come across so far and having no radar is a good decision in our book.

MakgSnake Aug 2nd, 2003 08:53 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Nothing revalent to the question, but does anyone know when about in 2004 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater will be out? Not a exact date obvousily.
Ok I recently bought this month's GAMEPRO magazine and they keep mentioning in their preview that Snake Eater will be coming out "Early 2004"...... and not once but through out the preview. I dont know how they got that info. But if its true.......I will be the happiest man on planet earth. Well like I already am, because I got the SNAKE EATER 12 minute TRAILER on this month's PSM MAGAZINE!.! :D

Oh by the way...... Kojima also said that

"The game will not have a character change in Snake Eater, but a something similar surprise would be there half way through the game"...

And now this is what I am guessing the surprise would be..

Spoiler: show
The first part of the game will be a pure prequal.... us playing as BIG BOSS. It'll show how he reached the status of LEGENDARY SOLDIER and all, and what actually happened to him. And After 50% of game complition.....the story will change and SNAKE EATER will actually become a TRUE SEQUAL. We will play as Snake...."In the same jungle area, and same places, but it'll be present time....not 1960's. So it'll be 50 years later or something. That could be a SIMILAR SURPRISE KOJIMA HINTED AT. Because it is a Character change but because Big Boss and Solid Snake are look wont make much of a difference. All this also include that when playing As Solid Snake, we'll see the parts of jungle and some building which now have been torn down or destroyed because of the war that happened there 50 years ago. It'll be cool..... but all this is my assumptions.........

dan da man Aug 3rd, 2003 07:18 AM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Ok I recently bought this month's GAMEPRO magazine and they keep mentioning in their preview that Snake Eater will be coming out "Early 2004"...... and not once but through out the preview. I dont know how they got that info. But if its true.......I will be the happiest man on planet earth. Well like I already am, because I got the SNAKE EATER 12 minute TRAILER on this month's PSM MAGAZINE!.! :D

Oh by the way...... Kojima also said that

"The game will not have a character change in Snake Eater, but a something similar surprise would be there half way through the game"...

And now this is what I am guessing the surprise would be..

Spoiler: show
The first part of the game will be a pure prequal.... us playing as BIG BOSS. It'll show how he reached the status of LEGENDARY SOLDIER and all, and what actually happened to him. And After 50% of game complition.....the story will change and SNAKE EATER will actually become a TRUE SEQUAL. We will play as Snake...."In the same jungle area, and same places, but it'll be present time....not 1960's. So it'll be 50 years later or something. That could be a SIMILAR SURPRISE KOJIMA HINTED AT. Because it is a Character change but because Big Boss and Solid Snake are look wont make much of a difference. All this also include that when playing As Solid Snake, we'll see the parts of jungle and some building which now have been torn down or destroyed because of the war that happened there 50 years ago. It'll be cool..... but all this is my assumptions.........

AHH, you got me excited, cool news MakgSanke, I was hoping for a xmas release 2004, but the earlier the better, lets hope they dont rush it.;) Your spoiler is probally right, no Sanke in MGS3 will be then end of metal gear, the fans will be MAD I tell you, so yeah 50% big boss in the 60s and 50% sequal, sometihng like 2 years after the big shell or even earlier, but lets hope then 50% (or how many) are atleast 25 hours each, of stealth and wicked gameplay, and make it more and 1 disk!!!! Kojima, like MGS1 that was the best, put the story not on diffrent disks, just like metal gear solid, when you walk down the stairs and you have to load the next disk!

MakgSnake Aug 4th, 2003 04:03 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Kojima, like MGS1 that was the best, put the story not on diffrent disks, just like metal gear solid, when you walk down the stairs and you have to load the next disk!
I dont know..... I WOULD LOVE IT IF ITS on 2 DVD disk. Just imagine........
Spoiler: show
one whole disk for Big Boss and the next WHOLE for Solid Snake
. Like that we'll have more gameplay and storyline.

Putting it on one disk would mean...... again 15 to 20 hours of gameplay. I want more then that. But I really doubt that KOJIMA would put it on 2 DVD disk.

Although I am glad the game will feature 5.1 surround even in gameplay this time around.

TtTackler Aug 4th, 2003 06:46 PM

The only reason MGS was two discs was because psone discs could not hold that much information. PS2 dvd discs can hold massive amounts of data so the game would have to be well, well over 25 hours long for it to be two discs.

dan da man Aug 4th, 2003 08:11 PM


Originally posted by TtTackler

The only reason MGS was two discs was because psone discs could not hold that much information. PS2 dvd discs can hold massive amounts of data so the game would have to be well, well over 25 hours long for it to be two discs.

Well thats not enough hours long, the fans want more!.!:mad:

MakgSnake Aug 5th, 2003 02:37 PM


Originally posted by TtTackler

The only reason MGS was two discs was because psone discs could not hold that much information. PS2 dvd discs can hold massive amounts of data so the game would have to be well, well over 25 hours long for it to be two discs.
Thats exactly what I am saying. I want Kojima to put soo much in the game, that he would require to put the game on 2 DVD disk. Just imagine... how amazing would that be. If one disk does 25 hours..... two would do 50 hours or something. I am REALLY FINE WITH THAT.!.!. :D

MakgSnake Sep 7th, 2003 11:55 PM


Originally posted by Dark Angel

I'm gonna miss people like Otacon and Mei Ling.....
You know what, I know I am going to miss them too, but just think about it.... if we are going to have Conversation, it would be with new fresh characters, which we just might start loving. New characters are always good........ I like the sound of that.....ofcourse I WOULD STILL WANT Solid Snake in it.......

Like Dan said....if Kojima doesn't put Solid Snake in this game, this is the end of METAL GEAR. Seriously.

ssjtrunks13 Sep 8th, 2003 05:45 AM

Only 25 hours on one disk? That must mean games like this take up more memory than some other games, some RPGs are like 80 or even 100+ hours.

Vulcan Raven Oct 2nd, 2003 02:51 AM

you see as in psone ff games they take up around 4 CD discs.

on PS2, Final Fantasy X only takes one DVD disc and as trunks here said, RPG's can take up to ..well a long time onto one disc.

so i'm guessing that as MGS2 is short (TOO SHORT!)

they could have fitted in more.

and well, Metal Gear Solid 3 is going to ROCK!

whether or not it has 1 disc, 2 discs or 3.

i dont care, but I STILL WANT 2 DISCS!!!!!!

or more, hideo that would be good.

and i know this is completely irrelevant to this but the other day i played Konami's other game ZOE (zone of the enders)
i havent played ZOE 2. I normally dont play japanese mech games, (on the exeption of metal gear as it is a mech ..i guess)

but i noticed that the mech thing you control looks STRIKINGLY

similar to Metal Gear RAY.

seems right as it came out just before they released MGS2.

and ZOE came with a MGS2 trailer DVD.

ZOE is truly a weird game.



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