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Pu the Owl Mar 2nd, 2002 10:04 PM

mmm last year I was walking on the street and I didn't notice a HUGE warning who said something like :"Wet asphalt" or something like that...
I kept on walking and jumping here and there just to have 5 mins of madness :right:
Suddenly I felt something soft and wet slowly grabbing my leg, and I kinda ended drowning in quicksands...All the people on the street were looking at me and then, when I left that street, other people kept on looking at my dirty leg. My shoe was ruined and I had to reach the river and wash the dirt away. I came home with my trousers looking like I had a journey around the jungle :p

EDIT: the asphalt was ruined as well and the next days everyone looked at my "nice" footprint...

merylsilverburg Mar 2nd, 2002 10:04 PM

You know SSSnake.....I don't know....

Serj Mar 2nd, 2002 10:07 PM

The worse thing that happen to me is when my banner wouldn't work. I uploaded it onto my site and put the IMG tags and still no results. That was the worse day of my life because I worked hard on making my banner.

merylsilverburg Mar 2nd, 2002 10:07 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
mmm last year I was walking on the street and I didn't notice a HUGE warning who said something like :"Wet asphalt" or something like that...
I kept on walking and jumping here and there just to have 5 mins of madness :right:
Suddenly I felt something soft and wet slowly grabbing my leg, and I kinda ended drowning in quicksands...All the people on the street were looking at me and then, when I left that street, other people kept on looking at my dirty leg. My shoe was ruined and I had to reach the river and wash the dirt away. I came home with my trousers looking like I had a journey around the jungle :p

Omigod! That sucks!! :shock:

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 2nd, 2002 10:08 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
mmm last year I was walking on the street and I didn't notice a HUGE warning who said something like :"Wet asphalt" or something like that...
I kept on walking and jumping here and there just to have 5 mins of madness :right:
Suddenly I felt something soft and wet slowly grabbing my leg, and I kinda ended drowning in quicksands...All the people on the street were looking at me and then, when I left that street, other people kept on looking at my dirty leg. My shoe was ruined and I had to reach the river and wash the dirt away. I came home with my trousers looking like I had a journey around the jungle :p

EDIT: the asphalt was ruined as well and the next days everyone looked at my "nice" footprint...

OH thats bad.Walking through wet cement and jees.

Pu the Owl Mar 2nd, 2002 10:09 PM


Originally posted by Serj
The worse thing that happen to me is when my banner wouldn't work. I uploaded it onto my site and put the IMG tags and still no results. That was the worse day of my life because I worked hard on making my banner.
Serj, maybe your webhost doesn't support external links.

Pu the Owl Mar 2nd, 2002 10:14 PM

So, I think we have a nice collection of embarassing moments...we should write a book about them XD

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 2nd, 2002 10:15 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
So, I think we have a nice collection of embarassing moments...we should write a book about them XD

Yeah ps2fantasy's most embaressing moments

jenova_jeb Mar 2nd, 2002 10:21 PM

Lol, that'd be funny :laugh: .

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 2nd, 2002 10:28 PM

I kind of had an embaressing moment at a ski resort i went to with my school.It was my first time snowboarding and i was doing fine most of the time with an acception of a few nasty falls.But i was about to go down a hill when the girl i really really liked just came off the lift.I was like hmm nows my time to impress her.So i went down the hill following my friends and tried to ollie up my board and totally biffed it and took a huge digger.Man i felt really dumb,but i didnt bother to look back so i continued down the hill

Pu the Owl Mar 2nd, 2002 10:30 PM

It always happens when you try to impress someone :heh:
This is bad luck...and also a lack of attention maybe?

jenova_jeb Mar 2nd, 2002 10:33 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake
I kind of had an embaressing moment at a ski resort i went to with my school.It was my first time snowboarding and i was doing fine most of the time with an acception of a few nasty falls.But i was about to go down a hill when the girl i really really liked just came off the lift.I was like hmm nows my time to impress her.So i went down the hill following my friends and tried to ollie up my board and totally biffed it and took a huge digger.Man i felt really dumb,but i didnt bother to look back so i continued down the hill
I know exactly what you mean. Stuff like that has also happened to me. I HATE it when that happens :frust: .

Lefty Mar 2nd, 2002 10:36 PM

i just dunked the ball and can down with my mouth open and snagged them. :disturb:

jenova_jeb Mar 2nd, 2002 10:37 PM


Originally posted by Lefty
i just dunked the ball and can down with my mouth open and snagged them. :disturb:
That must have Killed! :(

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 2nd, 2002 10:38 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
It always happens when you try to impress someone :heh:
This is bad luck...and also a lack of attention maybe?

Yeah i get no attention

merylsilverburg Mar 2nd, 2002 11:31 PM


Originally posted by Lefty
i just dunked the ball and can down with my mouth open and snagged them. :disturb:
Holy crap! That must've been awful! :shock: How old were you when this happened?

Well, I got a few other moments, except this was out of my stupidity. When I was really young, I forgot how old, I was out shopping with my sister. We've been shopping for the entire day, and since I was just a little kid, I was pooped! So, when we went to this supermarket to pick up groceries, I was really tired. We were in the Cans aisle and I spotted these big cardboard boxes. Well, since I was a exhausted (and a retard) I ran over to them and just sat on them without thinking if they were empty or not. Well...they were empty, so my ass just slammed right into the box. My arms were flailing, my feet were high in the air, and I was stuck, 'cause the box was pretty damn deep. My sister didn't help me 'cause she was all the way down in the aisle looking, so I just sat there, until this grocery boy came by, saw me, then helped me out. :disturb: He was looking at me funny, kinda like, "How'd THAT happen?" I was so humiliated. Another time was when I was in third grade, and I was taking a test using those Scantron know, the ones where you have to bubble in. Well, we had to input the day and year we were born, so as I was filling out my year, this girl was talking to me and I got distracted and I filled in 1989, instead of 1985. Well, my teacher saw this, and she loved to humiliate me, 'cause I was the only Asian in my entire elementary school, so she called out in front of the entire class, "Diana, you were born in 1985. Not 1989, is there something wrong with you?" Everyone looked at me and I stupidly walked up and corrected it. Damn, I hate that teacher. Another stupid embarrassing moment of mine was when I was in first grade, and we had those small math booklets, and the cover had a bowl of fruits. We were able to color them in and that was an assignment of ours. But, I forgot about it, and the next day, I quickly whipped out my crayons and just coloring those damn fruits any color. When the b***** teacher came around, she saw my cover and said to the entire class, "Everyone, look at Diana's cover. Have you seen anything like this? She colored her grapes yellow!" Everyone started laughing and I quickly tried to fix them, but she kept going, " My goodness! Who here ever seen pink oranges? Or blue lemons!" The teacher and the kids wouldn't let me hear the end of it. God, I was so embarrassed and pissed.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 3rd, 2002 12:12 AM

Man that sucks,i can't believe the sh*t you go through

Pu the Owl Mar 3rd, 2002 09:31 AM

Meryl, finally I've found someone who can be my ally!
I've always thought I was a freak and now I think we can start a legacy! :D

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 3rd, 2002 11:57 AM


Originally posted by Fortune
Meryl, finally I've found someone who can be my ally!
I've always thought I was a freak and now I think we can start a legacy! :D

Oh no!:shock: Now no one can stand in your way

Rei Mar 3rd, 2002 03:25 PM

One day I was playing hockey at school and I ended with my head splatted against the door...
Lots of blood everywhere, the worst 30 minutes of my life at the local hospital and lots of people at school laughing for the rest of the year :p

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