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Ice Cold Jun 1st, 2002 01:24 AM

Good decision and happy gaming!!!

I'm just jeleous of all of Bill Gates money. :mad: Oh well

Lost_myth Jun 1st, 2002 10:34 PM

Get Ps2 its so much better than those other consoles. Ps2 has best graphics and the best games (to me at least). Plus you can watch DVDs and listen to cds on PS2. It's a good deal too. Its the upgraded version of consoles. Also, you can play a game online or so I heard.

Rohamgh Jun 3rd, 2002 02:00 PM


Originally posted by Pimp_Daddy507
Halo on THPS3 are already online for Xbox????

But which systems will rule in 1 year, which will have the best games? thats what i need to know.........will ps2 still rule or will xbox take over?

in 1 year? ps2.

in 1.5-2 years? X to the Box baby ;)

and yea, i saw your other post, i got there too late didn't i?

ahhahaha ;)

Pimp_Daddy507 Jun 3rd, 2002 08:27 PM


Originally posted by Rohamgh X to the Box baby
Is this ur new catch phrase? pretty weak

Infernal Mass Jun 3rd, 2002 09:26 PM

ps2= has grand theft auto 3 good game probably the best ever.

gamecube= nostalgia is forcing me to grab one just to see the updated versions of Mario, Link and ..dear god has anyone else seen Metroid Prime/ Resident Evils another plus.

xbox= BAH!..

Pimp_Daddy507 Jun 4th, 2002 12:15 AM

It seems everyone hates Xbox, why?

Beretta55 Jun 4th, 2002 12:36 AM


Originally posted by Pimp_Daddy507
It seems everyone hates Xbox, why?
ditto i dont know why everybody hates xbox i like the system and i bought it yesterday and im not a fanboy i like all the systems.

Lost_myth Jun 4th, 2002 06:25 PM

it looks really stupid. To me it seems like a gameboy. Ack, a heart attack!

Beretta55 Jun 4th, 2002 07:55 PM

hey dont diss gameboy they have games like pokemon man do not diss pokemon jk jk:laugh:

Lost_myth Jun 4th, 2002 08:06 PM

I was referring to pokemon. The only cool game is sonic! :P

iamalittlebum Jun 4th, 2002 09:08 PM

sonic sucks ass i used to have it but i gave it away as soon as i tried it

GaseousSnake Jun 9th, 2002 05:31 PM


Originally posted by Lost_myth
it looks really stupid. To me it seems like a gameboy. Ack, a heart attack!
In case you havent noticed,the GB has a larger game library than the ps2

xman2002 Jun 10th, 2002 06:18 AM

I know that this post is going to make a lot of people angry but here is my 2 cents on PS2 & Xbox:

The Playstation is easily the weakest of the big 3 consoles out right now. If you already have one, then that's fine and dandy, but If you are looking to buy a new console then you ought to buy the best one for the bucks, which is easily the Xbox.

Why? The Playstation requires a $30 adapter (multitap) to play more than 2 players. What a Friggin' rip off. Sony says that they left it off to save the consumers money........What a crock of crap! Every major console since 1992 has had 4 controller ports built in, except guessed it the PS1. Are those cheap bastards trying to say that for the initial $300 ( original price), that they couldn't throw in ports that would cost them a net price of $1.50.

I envision the staff meeting when they were dreaming up the PS2 and I could just hear the head honcho saying "What's the most we can charge the customers and the very least we could give them?". Honestly, the video card is only 8 friggin' megs! Hell, the Dreamcast even had a 16 meg video card. How many of you avid P.C. gamers out there are still using an 8 meg video card? NONE! You know why, no decent games can run on just an 8 meg video card ( not including games like Pac-man and Astroids, Joust, etc.) The processor is less than 250 Mhz. Wow a whole 55Mhz faster than the Dreamcast. The Xbox has a 733Mhz in contrast. The PS2 has a whopping 24 megs of memory. What another friggin' joke (Xbox has 64, by the way). And what the hell is with the supposidly DVD player. There are literally dozens of DVD's that don't work on the PS2. There are actually web sites dedicated to posting the DVD's that aren't compatible with the PS2. The Xbox, however, plays EVERY DVD (of course).

I know that some crack-heads are gonna plea that it is almost 2 years old, but my point is that even when it came out, the PS2 was not all that and in some regards it is weaker than the $49 Dreamcast (2 controller ports, no modem, 8 meg video card).

About the games.......Of course the PS2 has more, thanks to having over a year head start. And yes they have exclusives, but NOT NEARLY as many as the Xbox is getting. The Xbox already has 85 games out and will have over 200 out by the years end. That is more than enough to keep even the most avid gamer too damn busy to have a life.

Let's talk about the quality. Every Xbox game that is also out on the PS2 HAS ALWAYS gotten better reviews than the PS2 version. This is a fact not an opinion. Why? Because the PS2 version not only has worse graphics, but also has slowdown due to terrible framerates and very long load times. Not to mention the Xbox games almost always has bonus features and levels. Need proof, check out reviews for: Tony Hawks 3, Spider-Man, Artic Thunder, SSX Tricky, Star Wars Jedi Starfighter, Silent Hill 2, Blood Omen 2, etc, etc. The list goes on.

Now to the yahoos that say there aren't any great games out or coming to the Xbox. Check this VERY SMALL SAMPLE of the quality Xbox console exclusives:

Unreal Championship
Halo 2
Dino Crisis 3
Shemnue 2
ToeJam & Earl 3
Nfl Fever 2002 & 2003
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Outlaw Golf
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller
Brute Force
Dead or Alive 3
Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball
Munch's Oddysee (Abes Oddworld sequal)
Quantum Redshift
Sega Gt 2002
Doom 3
Rallysport Challenge
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Ninja Gaiden
Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb
Midtown Madness 3
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Project Ego
Super Man: The Man of Steel
Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon
Jet Set Radio Future
Project Gotham Racing
Sega World Series Baseball
Hunter the Reckoning
House of the Dead 3
Steel Battalion
The Unseen

The list goes on! These are just some of the XBOX EXCLUSIVES. The Xbox already has most of the good games that are out on the PS2 with the exception of Gran Tarismo and Final Fantasy and the Xbox is already been hailed as a Racing fans dream console. That worn out GT doesn't look nearly as good as several Xbox racers already out. So that only really leaves Final Fantasy and GTA as the major exclusives we don't have. We either have are we are getting PS2 titles like:

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Silent Hill 2 & 3
Crash Bandicoot ( Once hailed as PS2's mascot)
Red Faction 2
Time Splitters 2
Soul Calibur 2
Duke Nukem Forever
State Of Emergency
Turok Evolution
Onimusha 1 & 2
HitMan 2
Devil May Cry 2
Dues Ex 2
Need 4 Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Thief 3

This list goes on too, but I think that you see that there is NO SHORTAGE on great games that are on the Xbox. The point being that if you are going to buy a new console, why waste money on a watered down, no hard-drive,no modem, no 4 controller port, console when you can have far and away the most powerful console on the planet in the Xbox. Heck, you can even link up to 4 Xbox's together and have a killer at home Lan party with up to 15 buddies. Believe me, several people (including myself ), do this and it is a unpresidented blast that you simply CAN'T DO on any other console. Also, if you just have to have the PS2 controller, then you can simply buy the $12 adaptor that lets you use your original Playstation controller on the Xbox. So no more excuses. Do yourself a favor and get yourself an Xbox

Sleazy P Martini Jun 10th, 2002 08:22 AM

We all know the Xbox is a good system. You don't need to come off like a salesman.

GaseousSnake Jun 10th, 2002 11:22 AM

He does have a point you know.But I must say,OUTLAW GOLF is also coming to GC

Mercury Shadow Jun 10th, 2002 11:56 AM

Hot Shots Golf 3 (ps2 exclusive) is an excellent golf game. Even though I haven't played outlaw, HSG3 is probably on the same level.

Indrid Cold Jun 10th, 2002 02:23 PM

I dont know...

I'll stick with Xbox 4ever (Forever)

GaseousSnake Jun 10th, 2002 02:28 PM


Originally posted by Mercury_Shadow
Hot Shots Golf 3 (ps2 exclusive) is an excellent golf game. Even though I haven't played outlaw, HSG3 is probably on the same level.
Outlaw golf is the first ADULTS ONLY game.

Harry Jun 11th, 2002 08:49 PM


Originally posted by xman2002
About the games.......Of course the PS2 has more, thanks to having over a year head start. And yes they have exclusives, but NOT NEARLY as many as the Xbox is getting. The Xbox already has 85 games out and will have over 200 out by the years end. That is more than enough to keep even the most avid gamer too damn busy to have a life.

Let's talk about the quality. Every Xbox game that is also out on the PS2 HAS ALWAYS gotten better reviews than the PS2 version. This is a fact not an opinion. Why? Because the PS2 version not only has worse graphics, but also has slowdown due to terrible framerates and very long load times. Not to mention the Xbox games almost always has bonus features and levels. Need proof, check out reviews for: Tony Hawks 3, Spider-Man, Artic Thunder, SSX Tricky, Star Wars Jedi Starfighter, Silent Hill 2, Blood Omen 2, etc, etc. The list goes on.

These are all personal opinions, and YOU CAN'T really compare reviews made from different sources, different journalists and so on.

In certain cases yes, the Xbox version was better, but simply because the game was developed with the Xbox as the development system. The architecture of a Ps2 works in a opposite way than the one of an Xbox, and there is no need to explain what happens when a game is developed simultanEously for two completely different systems. And it's true that Xbox has more power than the PS2, yet I still have to see the graphics of MGS2 - on my opinion the best graphic engine ever realized - on Microsoft's console. The screenshots currently available of Substance come all from the Ps2 version, but many sources seem to forget it. In other cases - like Silent Hill 2 - the game was better just because they added a sub-plot, not because the graphic engine was smoother or stuff like that.

Again, don't take too much seriously half points when it comes to reviews, especially when they are written by different persons.

And sorry to say that Xbox's line-up is good, but many of the exclusives you mentioned can be found on PC and that others - like Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, Shenmue 2 - are not exclusives to the system.

A last thing: unfortunately a Dual Shock 2 controller is designed to work finely on a Ps2 system, and not on an Xbox with an adapter. Adding to that, Xbox games are not tuned to work with a Dual Shock 2. I assure you, playing certain Xbox games with a Dual Shock 2 it's a pain.

Thanks for the information you provided and for a few good points in your post, but you seem more like someone hired by Microsoft than a simple gamer. Stay calm, and don't post too redundant phrases. There is no need, also considering that many here have more than a gaming console and that flaming is no longer tollerated, in any form. We all know that Xbox, GameCube and Ps2 can all be good systems if they fit their owner's needs.

Harry Jun 11th, 2002 08:54 PM


Originally posted by xman2002
I envision the staff meeting when they were dreaming up the PS2 and I could just hear the head honcho saying "What's the most we can charge the customers and the very least we could give them?". Honestly, the video card is only 8 friggin' megs! Hell, the Dreamcast even had a 16 meg video card. How many of you avid P.C. gamers out there are still using an 8 meg video card? NONE! You know why, no decent games can run on just an 8 meg video card ( not including games like Pac-man and Astroids, Joust, etc.) The processor is less than 250 Mhz. Wow a whole 55Mhz faster than the Dreamcast. The Xbox has a 733Mhz in contrast. The PS2 has a whopping 24 megs of memory. What another friggin' joke (Xbox has 64, by the way). And what the hell is with the supposidly DVD player. There are literally dozens of DVD's that don't work on the PS2. There are actually web sites dedicated to posting the DVD's that aren't compatible with the PS2. The Xbox, however, plays EVERY DVD (of course).
This is flaming... and sincerely you really don't seem to understand how the Ps2 works... just read the articles on the system at

And first of all, the Xbox CPU is a simple Pentium III at 733 MHz, while the Ps2 has a 128bit RISC processor at 300 MHz... man those are really difficult to compare. You know it's not simply 700 > 300 = Xbox > Ps2 ... oh well...

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