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007_JamesBond Feb 17th, 2002 11:12 AM

suspense, is fun isn't it?

JC Denton Feb 17th, 2002 04:54 PM

hey nanjij it was one of the links on planet namek

nanjij Feb 17th, 2002 05:01 PM

planet namek got rid of all there video's, apparantly it was costing them 1000, and 1000's of pounds (my pound sign aint working :( ) a day so they got rid of all there video's.

any way is this mystic gohan

jc u wanted to dee goku ssj4 rite
goku ssj4

007_JamesBond Feb 19th, 2002 12:26 PM

that pic of Gohan is cool, about when will we see mystic Gohan in the Buu saga.

JC Denton Feb 19th, 2002 04:17 PM

i dunno when. but i know he gets a zet sword or something which has a power level. thats probably what makes him "mystic gohan"

trunks69420 Feb 20th, 2002 12:54 PM

I dont know if this is true, but i heard that if Mystic Gohan went Super Saiyan the galaxy would explode due to the enourmous power. I dont know about the universe, but maybe earth. Does anyone know if that is true? I read it on a DBZ page.

nanjij Feb 21st, 2002 04:05 PM

ive just emailed a dbz mate by the name of majin vegeta about it, lets see wot he says.

but i have heard somewhere that he cant get more powerfull than it but i dont know why im not sure if its sure :confused:

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 21st, 2002 09:48 PM

Woh hold on there mystic gohan isnt that strong if he was he should've really kicked majin buu's @$$ then.

trunks69420 Feb 22nd, 2002 12:33 PM

I dont think Mystic Gohan appears untill after Majin Buu. He is training at the tower and gets the sword and becomes mystic Gohan. I am not entirely sure when this takes place though.

nanjij Feb 22nd, 2002 04:17 PM

i think in the GT episodes gohan looks how he did in the alternet future, u know when trunks is being trained by gohan and everyone is dead.
i saw a clip of gohan flying forward and when he powered up he didnt even go ssj

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 22nd, 2002 04:43 PM

Mystic Gohan trains after vegeta self destructs,shin takes him up to his planet to train.Mystic Gohan doesnt ever really go up against buu he gets absorbed

nanjij Feb 23rd, 2002 01:46 PM

accourding to this mystic gohan isnt as powerfull as buu in his final form:

Super Saiya-jin Vegito (the strongest)

Majin Buu form 2 (with Gohan, Goten, Piccolo and Trunks)

Majin Buu form 2 (with SS3 Gotenks and Piccolo)

Majin Buu form 3 (Kid)

Mystic Gohan

Super Saiya-jin Goku 3

Super Saiya-jin Gotenks 3

Majin Buu Form 2 (with Goten, Piccolo and Trunks)

Majin Buu Form 2

Majin Buu form 1 (Fat)

Majin Vegita

Super Saiya-jin Goku (Majin Buu saga)

Super Saiya-jin Vegita (Majin Buu saga)

Gohan with Zed sword

Super Saiya-jin Gotenks

Super Saiya-jin 2 Gohan

Super Saiya-jin 2 Gohan (after injury to his arm)

Perfect Cell (after explosion)

Super Saiya-jin Gohan (Majin Buu saga)





Ultra Super Saiya-jin Trunks

Piccolo (Majin Buu saga)

Perfect Cell (Cell Games)

Super Saiya-jin Goku (Cell games/ Stage 1)

Super Saiya-jin Gohan (Cell games/ Stage 1)

Super Saiya-jin Vegita (Cell games/ Stage 1)

Cell form 2

Piccolo (fused with Kami)

Cell form 1 (after absorbing humans)

Android 16 (Majin Buu saga)

Mighty Mask (Trunks and Goten fighting together in the same outfit)

Super Saiya-jin Chibi Trunks (Majin Buu saga)

Super Saiya-jin Goten (Majin Buu saga)

Android 16 (Android saga)

Android 18

Android 17

Cell form 1 (first appearance)

Super Saiya-jin Vegita (Android saga)

Super Saiya-jin Goku (Android saga)

Super Saiya-jin Trunks (Android saga)

Piccolo (Android saga)


Android 20

Android 19

Pui Pui

Trunks (Android saga)

Goku (Android saga)

Piccolo (Android saga)

Vegita (Android saga)

Chibi Trunks (Majin Buu saga)

Goten (Majin Buu saga)


Gohan (Android saga)





Mr. Satan (the weakest)

its in order of strongest if u hadnt guessed

Cannibal Clown Feb 23rd, 2002 02:00 PM

Wait a minute, there is no way that Yamucha was stronger than Supopovitch. I mean, yamucha is sooo weak. I'd bet that Mr. Satan could kick his ass.

And if you have the power level of Videl, I'd like to know how strong she actually is too. I'm sure that she could beat her father Mr. Satan, but just wondering.

nanjij Feb 23rd, 2002 02:05 PM

well do u actually see sputvich (sp) fight, i dont think so

and hercule is pretty strong, he beat cell for heavens sake, hes the world champ give him some slack
dunno maybe but the rest seems resinable

nanjij Feb 23rd, 2002 02:17 PM

look i got wot we were talking about, it tells u how gohan became mystic

Dai Kaio-shin's power up (mystic power up)

This power up is achieved by Dai Kaio-shin's special technique using various honing methods to make a warrior more powerful. The result is a tremendous increase in power, speed and battle prowess (similar to the power up of a Super Saiya-jin, but without the anger and emotions). Gohan was able to increase his power without the assistance of a Super Saiya-jin transformation. He became so powerful that he didn't need to transform to increase his power. The power up also changes the attitude and mental stability of the

i new i'd find it somewhere

oh my dragonball buddy on the net answered the question as well this is wot he said

"Hey there!

Mystic Gohan came about during the Buu Saga. Gohan received a power upgrade from the Dia Kaioshin when he was able to pull the Zet Sword from the ground.

The power-up gave Gohan roughly the power of SSJ Level 3 at his normal non-ssj level.

In the end, he gave up the power, as he feared that if he accidently transformed, he would overwhelm the planet and destroy it, himself and everyone living on it.

Hope that helps!


man that boy knows everything
every question i ask him he always replyies and give me an answer.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 23rd, 2002 06:31 PM

Ok i have to correct you on the strongest thing ok.SS3 goku was stronger than mystic gohan,mainly because goku couldnt sustain the form due to the amount of energy it took outta of him,And kid buu is stonger than the buu form where he absorbed piccolo and gotenks

007_JamesBond Feb 26th, 2002 12:33 PM

Are you talking old Spopavitch or the Buu one?

I think that he would loose to Yamcha, he had been doing martial arts longer and knows energy attacks.

JC Denton Feb 26th, 2002 04:11 PM

off topic but does anyone else like seeing yamcha die?
ive been looking at some great ones of when he got his stomach blown out.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 26th, 2002 05:10 PM


Originally posted by 007_JamesBond
Are you talking old Spopavitch or the Buu one?

I think that he would loose to Yamcha, he had been doing martial arts longer and knows energy attacks.

Spopovich is stronger than yamcha

JC Denton Feb 27th, 2002 04:26 PM

the reason the zet sword has power is because Rou Kaioushin was sealed in it. Rou is also part witch thats how he did the spell to put up gohans power, he is part witch because he accidentally earing fused with a women witch, that is also why he does not look like Kaioushin.

and vegeta does admit that goku is a better fighter when fighting little buu. I cant believe it........

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