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Frozen Nov 29th, 2002 12:11 PM

It is indeed true that they've taken a step away from what we are used to. This game looks like if it was directed more to male audiences given the female designs. The very first time I saw Yuna in that outfit I thought "WTF?" but now taking in mind the Al Behd influence it does not bother me even in the slightest. And what's sad is that people is judging the game already mostly becasue of Yuna's new outfit and crap, but don't even think about the improvements the game may have (regarding gameplay and such)

That's why I insist in not judging the game after you have played it yourself, even if it does not look so appealing right now. Have in mind is Squaresoft what we are talking about, I'm sure they know better than you and me how to do their things ;)

Sword 4 Hire Nov 29th, 2002 02:21 PM


kupoartist Nov 29th, 2002 02:31 PM

i'm really indifferent to this. personnally, FFX wasn't really the game i wished it to be (I don't feel particuarly motivated in trying to complete it in any way. main reason = voice acting.) But there are some good points to come out of it (disband the original voice cast! + Female main character shock!)but then ultimately, FFX-2 is very far down on my "anticipation list". When I have, Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy I-II, Final Fantasy : Crystal Chronicle, Unreal 2, Homeworld 2, Unlimited SaGa, Golden Sun 2, Metal Gear Soild 2: Substance, Doom III and god knows what else.... I'll be ready to think about buying it ^_^ (joking btw... at the moment :laugh: )

Carlito Nov 29th, 2002 02:38 PM


Originally posted by Frozen
That's why I insist in not judging the game after you have played it yourself, even if it does not look so appealing right now. Have in mind is Squaresoft what we are talking about, I'm sure they know better than you and me how to do their things ;)
They probably know how to make money better than you and me Frozen, but this doesn't mean the quality of the contents of the games will remain the same we are used to. Stop justifying their action with plot theories like "Al Bhed this and Al Bhed that". This is not the point. The point is, as it has been said, that there's this coincidence they're making this kind of game after all the economical troubles they're passing lately. Doesn't this mean anything for you? It's all marketing after all (it's not that I'm blaming them, but I'm not enthusiastic either. I simply don't care, also because I didn't like FFX much). Anyhow, they surely know how to sell a product. But that the product will be so good as you may say now only looking at the "coverage", this is not granted. And honestly, I'm not that impressed by these trailers or screenshots.

Sword 4 Hire Nov 29th, 2002 04:00 PM

As I said once before this discussion will never end...

kupoartist Nov 30th, 2002 05:46 AM


Originally posted by ZeroSniper
If anyone played FF international ( which I thought was another rip off ), then you'd have better idea as to why Yuna is dressed the way she is, as well as the rest of the femme committee.
wasn't FFX:International a Japan only game, released to bring a few extra boses and the option to listen to Japanese or English voices? ... and saying that Mystic Quest was better is a little exaggerated... perhaps :laugh:

and you'll be glad to hear that there is no FFX-3 planned (No triology), and sad to hear that there will be a Kingdom Hearts 2 then ? :happy:

Spank-A-Thon Nov 30th, 2002 11:09 AM

I love Kingdom Hearts incidentally!

One thing I'm not quite understanding is how people are praising MGS: Substance (which is nothing more that MGS2 with extra VR missions), yet moaning about FFX-2, which at least is a sequel.

Squaresoft are a business, and it's in their interest to make money - especially after the financial troubles they have had. So to me it doesn't really matter for what reason they are making X-2. The only thing that matters is that it's a good game, and doesn't damage the FF legacy.

- S

Sword 4 Hire Nov 30th, 2002 11:28 AM


Originally posted by ZeroSniper

I thought FFX was the worst FF ever made. Man, even FF: MQ was better :sarcasm:

Now that's a bit harsh don't you think?

Frozen Nov 30th, 2002 12:49 PM

The main reason probably I am going to get this game, si that unlike most of the folk around here, I thought that FFX was FREAKING BADASS (with a gay ending, tho) and as such I'll get the sequel. Period.

Matrix Nov 30th, 2002 02:24 PM

I thought FF X had the most replay.....I did every single thing from totally filing up my grid to killing I thought FF X ending was actually pretty good.


1) it only makes sense that what happened happened at the end(otherwise the whole story would be sorta messed up, then you guys would have something to have complained about)
2) For once the main character died
3)some of you did not even consider tidus the main character(yuna was to most people)
4) as stated at the end of FFX international the al bhed was teaching everyone to use machina...this is one of the many reasons why yuna has guns
5)aren'y any of you wondering why tidus is still alive at the end of international??? (do not assume any of you know because I bet square is gonna make this story line in depth like the rest of the FF's)
6) and as someone stated above that there is not going to be a FF X-3...square said numerous times there is going to be

kupoartist Nov 30th, 2002 03:19 PM


Originally posted by Matrix
6) and as someone stated above that there is not going to be a FF X-3...square said numerous times there is going to be
this is however, more recent and therefore more accurate ^_^

Originally posted by The above link ^
Also, they discussed the possibility of a sequel to the Final Fantasy X sequel, Final Fantasy X - 2; Square said, in so many words, that it isn't gonna happen. Sorry, hentai fans.
and am i the only one who finds the last line amusing ^_^

and don't forget to use the spoiler code in the future (points at "spoiler" button next to "Quote")

Gadzoox Nov 30th, 2002 07:41 PM

I'll wait to pass judgement until I've played it. (I couldnt get the trailer to work for me but I looked at as many images as possible)

The graphics look beautiful, and I really like the idea of having the ability to change outfits throughout the game; you can have Yuna a slut, of you can have her as an innocent. (clothng wise anyways... who knows what her personality in the game will be like!)

Where's Wakka in all of this?
HE should be the one being scantally clad!! ahahaa!

Infernal Mass Nov 30th, 2002 08:35 PM


Frozen Dec 1st, 2002 12:50 AM


Your forgetting Kimahri.

Sword 4 Hire Dec 1st, 2002 08:21 PM

Isn't wakka overweight in this upcoming one?

happy_doughnut Dec 1st, 2002 09:17 PM


wasn't FFX:International a Japan only game, released to bring a few extra boses and the option to listen to Japanese or English voices? ... and saying that Mystic Quest was better is a little exaggerated... perhaps :laugh:
Yeah; I'm pretty sure FF: International was only released in Japan. However, there were many internet sites which let you " see " what the hype was all about. In it, it gave off this aura of a sequel to the original FFX.

Exaggerated ? Oh, no way. MQ was teh badass.


and you'll be glad to hear that there is no FFX-3 planned (No triology), and sad to hear that there will be a Kingdom Hearts 2 then ? :happy:
I don't think there'd me much to add to a trilogy game. I think FF X-2 will pretty much wrap up everything, not that it wasn't done in FFX. But in anycase, that's good 'cause then we might be seeing other god-forbidden things >.<;

KH2 ?
. . . :disturb:

And yeah... Wakka gained a couple tons... and Lulu ... aw, the ugly bebe.

Infernal Mass Dec 1st, 2002 09:20 PM


Originally posted by ZeroSniper
And yeah... Wakka gained a couple tons... and Lulu ... aw, the ugly bebe.[/color]
LuLu is also supposd to be preggerz by Wakka XD i almost forgot

ssjtrunks13 Dec 2nd, 2002 11:52 AM

ZeroSniper, I totally agree with you. I think the end to FFX was pretty good and I am looking forward to the sequal.

FlexMasterRice Dec 3rd, 2002 10:34 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

and saying that Mystic Quest was better is a little exaggerated... perhaps :laugh:

oh my god, i actually played and beat mq. i can't believe i sat through it....if i recall wasn't mystic quest out for a while before any other new FF was available.....(that justifies me playing it then...:phew: )

P.S. ...and what a sh!tty GAME! oh, but the graphics beat those of X-2 ANY day....:roll:

Gadzoox Dec 4th, 2002 05:33 PM

Are you guys serious about Wakka?!?!

But he is a hottie in FFX!! He really is!!! Mmmmm Wakka naka... haha, you know you like it!

I still have to finish the game! Just got it recenelty. :)

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