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Dark Angel May 23rd, 2003 05:12 PM

I know, I did the whole responsible thing, as I couldn't really afford it and I had exams....and they all met Hideo Kojima too...

kupoartist May 24th, 2003 04:11 AM


Originally posted by Dark Angel
I know, I did the whole responsible thing, as I couldn't really afford it and I had exams....and they all met Hideo Kojima too...
go next year then :) ... regardless of whether there is any MGS (which there could be with MGS Online) Kojima will probably be there, and it may well be a big year for new Console Hardware....

dan da man May 24th, 2003 05:43 AM

Sorry nothing to do with topic, but dark angel your sig makes me laugh, what it says.:roll: :laugh:

Dark Angel May 24th, 2003 07:30 AM

Why is it so funny, if not being a bit corny?

dan da man May 24th, 2003 08:22 AM

Only when I read your sig for the first time I laughed, with dark angel you know, I just thought you were taking the mic, no worrys.

Dark Angel May 25th, 2003 06:29 AM

Heh, I got another new, all thanks to MakgSnake, thanks a lot by the way. I'll probably keep changing between them anyway.

And here's something else I found that hints at Big Boss being a main character:

dan da man May 25th, 2003 07:09 AM

Whoa, sorry if I offened you Dark angel, now you've changed your sig, I feel bad.

Zanku May 25th, 2003 08:16 AM

That pictures been posted, although its very good. Its rumored that the picture was if anybody has a real one, could they confirm whether or not its real?

MakgSnake May 29th, 2003 12:43 AM

I heard that the game really focuses on EATING habits of Snake. If you try to feed him only one type of food (animal whatever), that creature would decrease from the game. And HE wouldn't like it much either. And if you dont feed him properly, his stamina or strength meter would go down and his hands would shake while shooting at enimies. I am guessing that he wouldn't be able to climb trees then either and hang from the branches too. Sounds pretty cool eh. Lets see what more we hear soon.

Dark Angel May 29th, 2003 06:05 PM

Yeah, I heard that too Makg, sounds cool choosing what to make Snake eat. Hope it's just not a rumour or something, very early days still.

As for the pic I don't know about it being Photoshopped, I got it off someone else who posted it at a different forum, so I suppose it could well be.

dan da man May 30th, 2003 05:13 AM

Do you think in MGS3 we will still be able to pick up rations, I hope so thats the tradition.

Dark Angel May 30th, 2003 05:08 PM

Probably, gotta have those good ol rations.

Zanku May 30th, 2003 07:22 PM

Definately, it'll be like Mario without Golden Coins or Mushrooms. I hope the health system will be much more dynamic though...that'll make the game alot more fun and challenging.

kupoartist May 31st, 2003 03:37 AM

The rations will probably be in the interior third of the game that Kojima mentions. Unless he's expecting us to crawl around the air-vents and eat rats...

Zanku May 31st, 2003 04:28 AM

:laugh: Lol!! Hopefully the ration wont freeze like in the first one...although it was a good addition, it was just plain annoying :mad:

MakgSnake May 31st, 2003 11:11 AM


Originally posted by dan da man

Do you think in MGS3 we will still be able to pick up rations, I hope so thats the tradition.
Yes, Rations are there for sure.......but its not like before.......they wont be all over the place.

What I want to know is that will there be a way to cook some of the stuff.... :laugh: I know in the movie, he is eating everything RAW. But it'd be cool if there was a secret way to cook the meals which would give him extra strength and stamina.

Zanku May 31st, 2003 02:06 PM

It'd be cool to see Snake using some Army Hex grills or Gas Stoves, as a useable item...but i reckon cooking and stuff would be taking it perhaps a little too far...

Anway, along with the Ration's, hopefully Snake will be puffing on his cig's still (cant see why they'd take it out!)

Dark Angel May 31st, 2003 05:56 PM

*Snake sits down to a nicely cooked snake, the little gas stove warming gently next to him*

Snake: Mmm..

*A guard walks along, having noticed the fire*

Guard: Freeze!

Snake: Oh crap.........:mad:


Or not....

MakgSnake May 31st, 2003 10:42 PM

At the latest interview of Hideo Kojima, when asked about a new gameplay feature, this is what he said. I just love the sound OF IT!.! I cannot take it anymore. I want this game NOW NOW NOW!


GS: Is there a particular new gameplay feature that you’re excited about that will be featured in this game?

HK: There’s this thing called the camouflage index, it’s what kind of camouflage gear you wear, how you paint your face, against what background you stand, all this will really vary whether or not the enemy will see you or you’ll see the enemy. So, this will really add to the stealth element of the game. And you know, the theme of the game obviously is the jungle, but also survival in the jungle, so what you have to do is hunt for food. So, not only are the humans enemies, but you have bugs and animals, and not only are they enemies, but they can be your food. So if you hide wisely, correctly using the camouflage index, you might be able to catch animals that normally you cannot catch. For example, if you see a venomous snake, you can eat it or throw it at an enemy.
Awesome isn't it.
Hey, I was watching the trailer again and one thing I have noticed that wasn't mentioned in any of the interviews or mentioned in the previews of the game. That Snake is able to move forward and backward in first person mode. I dont know if you guys noticed this or not.... or may be it was only for the video purpose but whenever they show Snake in First Person mode, he is going forward in the bushes and coming back as well. Pretty Although I didn't like the First Person mode in Substance, that was not well done.

Zanku Jun 1st, 2003 12:50 PM

I think first person moving is better than just third person moving / aiming... With MGS2 you could aim in first person, but the transistion between the regular Metal Gear view (third person) to first person was rather confusing with angles in some situations. I think with being able to move in first person, will make it easier to prepare for aiming and shooting, if you know what i mean, and in the jungle i think this will be more important, because you need to be more ready at all times.

If you see in the movie (right at the end, the bumble bee nest), if you was just waking through the jungle, if you was not going in first person, you would not notice that automatically (maybe only when its too late), so some situations it will be very important to use, and extremely helpful!

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