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Phenom Feb 10th, 2013 03:41 AM

Oh my. I typed the name of this site in a google search just to see if it was still up, and what do ya know. Not to mention I also ended up just thinking about this place because a lot of sites I go to (not many) just seem so petty compared to this. I never had a run-in with anyone here, and everyone got along nicely.

As for what I've been up to. Let me think. Last time I been here was 2010, and I was going to ITT-Tech for Drafting and Design (graduated in Dec 2010), and since then I've basically been working at A123 Systems. Can't say I'm enjoying there, but it's earning me money at the moment.

As far as gaming goes. I've opened up a bit more (ended up getting a DS as well as a PSP. I'm not into portable gaming, and back then I would've never considered it), but at the same time I am still picky about what I play. I have quite a few games, but haven't really touched them since most of my time has been spent on Super Street Fighter 4, which I am terrible at, but enjoy a lot. I went to Evo last year in Vegas and enjoyed my time there even though it was almost ruined. I only went there to spectate. I'm not looking to becoming a tournament player or anything, but I am looking to get back into my competitive nature just a little bit since I use to play fighting games all the time. And at the same time I play just for fun, but the mechanics of the game makes me just want to learn it.

But yeah, it's good this place is still seeing a little bit of activity. I wish it'll come back to life though. I'll try to frequent this place a little more if I'm not too tired.

Harry Feb 10th, 2013 09:49 PM

Hello everybody!

So nice to see you guys posting here. I used to come to check on spammers mostly, then also those stopped bothering coming to the forums. But, as you can see we keep on making the forum run. So this place will be here for when you want to come and post.

Nothing really new and exciting from the old staff. Me and Panuru moved to Iceland 3 years ago, then now we moved to Portugal - both countries where we had never been before, and all moves done on a shoestring. We mostly do freelance work, but trying to make some small games is my focus for now. You can check us at Time and money is always the problem, so we only released a small crossword game, but I have some great things I would like to develop - small, powerful, adventure games would be what I want to do somewhere in the future. Panuru has been working in photography ( for a while now.

Carlito is in Argentina working on development for a web and security agency. Rei is around, not sure exactly where right now. Faile is in the U.K., recording the first full-length album with his band (check him here:, you can also listen to their previous EP).

It is great to see many of's long-timers here - but I wonder where many of the others have gone! I am only in contact with Meryl via e-mail, once in a while.

So, if you see this thread and are a long-time member of, just come and say hello! If you have any problem logging in or finding your password, you can contact me directly at [email protected].

Berserker Feb 11th, 2013 01:42 AM

Wow, this takes me back!

I saw your e-mail Harry and of course I had to react.

Really cool to read an update about you guys and girls. I'm for sure gonna check out you and Panuru's websites. Portugal is really nice, love the food!

I am sorry to say that I stopped gaming. I never bought the next gen consoles, I still have my ps2 though. There just isn't enough time. I work a lot nowadays, I'm a manager of a small team that does ERP software projects. I really enjoy the work. I bought a house 1,5 years ago, I've been working on it constantly for about a year. Besides that my main hobby/interest is music again, I really picked up on guitarplaying again. I haven't started or joined a band, but I'm planning on recording at home and start from there.... if only I had the time :P

Hope everyone is doing all right and we'll be seeing more familiar faces the next days!

goodman Feb 11th, 2013 02:22 AM

Hey zerk hopefully Harrys email has reached many of our old friends! Sleazy and ive been posting the last few months with a few occasionally joining in. Many former members are involved in software one way or another and doing well! Its great that psf is still around and we can get a chance to reunite and learn how our friends and acquaintances are doing! With folks scattered all over the world it was always interesting to see the differences and the similarities we shared! Ok folks chime in it sounds like we have enough musicians to form a psf band!

tempted Feb 11th, 2013 03:20 AM

I just got that email, and i of course i had to come say hi! So hi!!
I'm so glad to see some familiar names.

Wow you guys moved to Portugal?! Do you like it here? We're kinda in the crap right now. It will get better, i know it!:cry:

As for myself, 4 or 5 years ago my life was great, as far as work and money went, right now is not so great, but neither it is for so many portugese people so I can't really complaint. I did not give up on gaming, although i'm not into it as much as before, the last games i purchased were Uncharted 3 and Trine 2, so it's been a few months since i even touched the ps3, getting really excited for the new Tomb Raider that comes out next month, it looks pretty cool.

Ok, it is time for me to get of the house, i just wanted to say hi to you guys! I'll come check this later on, to see if anyone else dropped by!


Harry Feb 11th, 2013 11:11 AM

Hey -

@Berserker: hey there! Thanks for answering the call: and good luck with your music! Guitar and writing songs used to be my passion long time ago, and it is the only thing I regret not pursuing more seriously and with more dedication. Keep us posted!

@tempted: Indeed we are! Yes, situation is very bad here when it comes to the job market, like in many other countries in Europe. But the place is very beautiful (so far, we have been in Lisboa, and without a car we cannot move around much), people are lovely, and the food is great. I would have not moved if I was looking for a job - but being freelancers working on the web you have at least the freedom of being able to move wherever you want since your clients are always the same. Not an easy life, but better than most.

Faile Feb 11th, 2013 11:40 AM

Hello everyone!
Thanks for the email Harry! Nice to see so many people a-posting!

Twitter has ruined my ability to write over a character limit I think! Strange to think of being nearly 30 when I was 17 when I first posted here. How did that happen? Kudos to Harry and Panuru and all for building a lasting community, which is sort of amazing when you think about it, isn't it?

Over the years I've meandered through many jobs, though today I work in arts and culture which is lucky, but as challenging as everything else given the countries precarious financial state. I don't feel nearly 30. In fact I don't feel any different to how I did all those years ago. The future has lied to me!

Thanks to Harry for the band plug - in return I have to suggest that everyone who has an iOS device goes and downloads tiny crosswords which is an amazing game and very addictive! Do it! Do it now!

As for gaming I tend to play a few things where I can dip in and out as I never seem to have enough time at the moment for anything other than iOS or quick fixes - I like pick up games of Fifa online for instance.

Though that said, I do play world of warcraft when I get the time - the result of breaking my leg and being stuck in bed with loads of time to get involved. Still play it today as a legacy of that (get it - leg-acy?) oh hoho.

Oh, editing again quickly, I did finally manage my replay for FFVII - it still stood up though I was amazed by how linear it felt in 2012... Still loved playing it though.

love to all x

Berserker Feb 12th, 2013 11:19 AM

Hi Harry, Goodman, Tempted and Faile!

Very nice to read up on you guys and thanks for all the nice replies.

This place was always different because of the nice, warm and easy going atmosphere (especially for a gaming forum). Good to see we still got it.:snooty::posh:
Oh how the internet has changed. I was really into this forum, but it's always been the only one. The whole social media thing has passed me by also, no twitter, AIM, Facebook etc. I'm digitally anti-social. Maybe I was ruined by the high standard you guys set.

For everybody visiting from the past drop a line, it's nice to read up!

Friza Feb 12th, 2013 06:52 PM

Wow... It's been forever and a day. What have I been up to? Not much, getting my BA in English, wrote a novel, published said novel, and been enjoying the transfer from PS to PS2 to PS3. Of course I also enjoyed the Transfer from XBox to XBox 360. I will say that I really haven't cared for the Wii as much as I thought I would. And recently I've been dusting off my NES and playing some old school games like Mario Bros 3. Oh, I got married. I found the rumored, but rarely seen, hot geek girl. She's just as big a gamer as I am. All in all... Life's been good so far.

Thanks for asking.

Friza :)

Harry Feb 12th, 2013 10:35 PM

It is great to see you guys and gals are doing great - if you have a link to share/promote the stuff you have done (music, movies, novels, comics, paintings, whatever) do not hesitate to add it to your post.

@Berserker: Amsterdam was one of the places we were thinking to move to, but right now it would have been a bit too complicated and expensive for us. I passed through the city while changing planes a few months ago, it is certainly a lively and colorful place. In 2 hours I have seen more stuff than I have seen in Reykjavik in 3 years, including two asian guys having a (real, apparently) kung-fu fight, complete with blood.

goodman Feb 26th, 2013 06:37 AM

We have already had more posts in 2013 than the previous 5 years! Lets keep it up!

Sleazy P Martini Mar 2nd, 2013 11:19 PM

Wow look at all these posts!! Good to see everyone. Cool to see Faile is recording! Keep at er man! I just finished some studio work with Todd Geldart

Nice to see even more music players here Berserker! Love to hear some tracks if you ever get some down.

Cool game Harry! Hope you get to develop more. And Panuru's work is great! (Santa dude freaks me out a bit) Phenom, Friza Tempted! Good to hear from you.

Alright. I have to work in the morning...time for bed

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 9th, 2013 03:51 PM

Sup folks. I think its been years since I posted in here. Got a little family of my own. A few kids and another on the way. Going to be getting married next year. All is good :)

goodman Mar 9th, 2013 07:13 PM

Whoah 7 years between posts!!! Good to see ya again, stop by before 7 more!!!

Harry Mar 9th, 2013 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sleazy P Martini (Post 134833)
Wow look at all these posts!! Good to see everyone. Cool to see Faile is recording! Keep at er man! I just finished some studio work with Todd Geldart

Nice to see even more music players here Berserker! Love to hear some tracks if you ever get some down.

Cool game Harry! Hope you get to develop more. And Panuru's work is great! (Santa dude freaks me out a bit) Phenom, Friza Tempted! Good to hear from you.

Alright. I have to work in the morning...time for bed

Woah, awesome Sleazy P Martini! I remember you were always a guitar expert, I think we might have talked about guitars somewhere in the forum as well! How often do you do studio work? And congratulations on the new family! Thanks for the kind words as well - it is just a small game, we would like to make bigger things, but money and time is always the problem.

Uchiha Sasuke (SSSnake!): aaah long time no see around the forums. It is awesome to see you have a family, and makes me understand how much time has passed. I still remember you, Mourdor, Cannibal Clown going to school (high school I think? I never understood how the school system in the U.S. works) when you joined Ps2Fantasy (I wish we had not lost the first 100,000 post in the first DB crash of the website...).

DragonSphere Mar 10th, 2013 11:00 PM

Nice to see a bunch of the old names streaming in. Sorry for blanking out again for a few months since my last post. Harry: Saw your email from a few weeks back, and I'm glad it worked! Hopefully more will show their digital faces at some point again. :)

Goodman: You're not alone on finding Far Cry 3 kind of dull. I can enjoy it in quick bursts, but I do get bored of it after awhile.

Gaming-wise, I just spent 16 hours this weekend playing the new SimCity. Haven't binged-played like that in awhile! Great stuff -- when it works. Here's my gaming names if anyone wants to add me:

PS3 = Gunslinger_G
Xbox Live and Steam = theGLOVEbomb

You can find my writing over at GamesBeat. If anyone's got a Twitter, I'm on there too!

Sleazy P Martini Mar 11th, 2013 09:39 PM

Lol Harry I am FAR from a guitar "expert". I just came out of a long music hiatus and this is my first project. I play bass these days......listened to too much Rush :D

Check out Uchiha Sasuke's band Rogue Gallery! They rock.

goodman Mar 12th, 2013 03:36 AM

Great Stuff!!! Very good to see you around, Dragon!!! It was nice to see someone on another forum not be so excited about Far Cry 3 recently i told them it just wasnt for me, thats the way some games go!! Although im not a performer myself im still very much a jazz/rock/blues/you name it enthusiast!!! Going to the Moody Blues tomorrow night and Eric Clapton next week!! Ive always loved classic rock and have seen both of these folks more than once!!! I have probably 10 moody albums and quite a bit of eric. Have a minimum of 500 cd's and download mp3's almost daily on!!! Peace to all!!! Rock on!!

Sleazy P Martini Mar 15th, 2013 10:08 PM

Clapton! damn I'm jealous. I always enjoy live music. I took my wife to see Vince Gill last year....and I am NOT a country fan. I was blown away. A great entertainer and a killer guitarist. I had NO idea! :D

Saw Rush in Montreal last Oct....amazing

goodman Mar 15th, 2013 10:37 PM

Ive been a rush fan forever! The moodys were great a whole lotta good rock there! I was hearing today that clapton has a great supporting cast. Looking forward to it!

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