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Cannibal Clown Mar 20th, 2002 04:54 PM

Well, by your list, I can tell you haven't seen anything outside of WB, Fox Kids, and Cartoon Network, so I sugest you see more anime, because there is a lot of awesome stuff out there.

And I'm also a big fan of DBZ, but I also have to agree that the fights do get very boring at times, and the stories become repititious. But the story as a whole is very interesting, and the characters seem to cover all sorts of personalities and feelings.

So I'm not argueing with DBZ fans out there, I just want you all to realise that there's more out there. A Lot More Out There!

I can't decide what my favorite anime is at the moment. I'm stuck between Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genisis Evangelion. but since everyone already posted what's great about Bebop, I'll go with Eva. Tonight I'm going to watch the 5th DVD, so I'm sure I'll like it a lot more by the end of the day, but I'll post what I can about it.

I love Eva, the Mechs are the coolest robot designs I have ever seen, and the fights are much more realistic than Gundam ones are. The characters seem to develop wonderfully and smoothly through out the series, and all of them have a lot of very emotional background to them. They seem to fit a lot of comedy and drama in the series at the same time, often mixing the two together. Especially the relationships with the Eva Pilots and the rest of NERV as they seem to intertwine so buetifully.

I do have to admit though that the animeation and drawings could have been done better at times. The lines become blotchy and not as detailed and a few scenes are done quite sloppely.

But over all the music, and the vioces, both English and Japanese are great, and again, I can't express how much I love the Mecha designs.

That my opinion though. I'm hoping that I'll soon be able to see Trigun. It's available at On-Cue, but I need money, so...

JC Denton Mar 20th, 2002 05:04 PM

you dont live in england do you?
because we get none of this or none that i can find. i would watch it all and probably like it, but its english tv that lets anime down.

Cannibal Clown Mar 20th, 2002 05:11 PM

Don't feel bad. In the US those are the only channels where you can watch anime as well. Most of the extra stuff I've seen came from the Encore Action Channel, or Showtime Beyond. And a few from the local video rental store.

And I bit that I was lucky enough to be able to buy.

JC Denton Mar 20th, 2002 05:20 PM

yeh i know but you would think out of 600 channels on sky at least on would be dedicated to anime.

Cannibal Clown Mar 20th, 2002 05:35 PM

Actually, there is a possibility that there may be a toonami channle in the works. I read tyhat up in an interview with Toonami and the reviewers of AnimeNewsNetwork. They said that it's gotten so popular that they may come up with something dedicated to anime, or at least action cartoons, primarily anime though. And there is a pitition for an anime channel on the net some where, and if not that, then an all asian channel where only asian and anime films would be shown. Unedited. Perhaps part of the Encore slot in place of Encore action Channel.

In an interview with Encore, they said that they saw the petition and were very interested in the idea af an all anime channel. And the popularity of anime has grown unbelievably for the last five years.

I'm not sure about this next fact, but one of my relitives told me that the most popular gift during christmas this year for teeneagers was anime!

So don't feel too bad about the shortage of anime. In some areas, you can see anime on pretty much every channel. At any thime of the day, it's easy to watch anime in places like Argentia and other poorer countries that can't make their own television, so they just dub japanimation and American television, like friends, and sinfield.

I'm sure that sooner or later, anime will show up more on public television. It's just a matter of time.

But don't hold anything I said on here againsed me. This is only stuff I read up on the internet at popular anime sites.

And if you'd like to see the petition, here it is.

BlackThornn Mar 20th, 2002 06:59 PM

I think my favorite anime's Macross Plus. It's not exactly long, but it is great. Terrific voice acting (english.. I haven't heared the japanese voices), good animation, and a very good plot..

Second, though, is Tenchi Muyo (The OVA.. I hate the way they overditzed Mihoshi in the tv series..), but maybe that's just because it was practically the first anime I saw and really liked off the bat. (Saw DBZ first.. after a while I think it gets boring, though..)

EDIT! --I'm talking about the Japanese subtitled version of DBZ. I forgot when but I encountered it on the international channel. The first block of dubbed DBZ episodes (up until about the point cpt. Ginyu switched bodies) The voice acting was good.. but after that it was like they yanked a bunch of twits off the street and told them to talk like pro wrestlers. I half expected the line "That's the bottom line, 'cause Vegeta sed so!!!" to pop up. :blergh:

BowevelJoe Mar 21st, 2002 07:53 AM

ahahah good one blackthornn

Dude, i totally hate the way anime is so dang expensive and hard to find, thats why i send free anime to people in need, i currently have a couple of series already burned and sitting here collecting dust.. lemme check em out

Trigun, Neon Genesis Evangelion and the 3 End of Eva movies, Serial Experiments Lain, Ah! My Godess, Gundam Wing, Birdy Double Trouble (all 4 eps :)) and i think thats tired of burning stuff and no one wanting it :laugh: ;)

007_JamesBond Mar 21st, 2002 12:24 PM

That would be so cool Cannibal Clown if they made a Toonami channel, I would defenitely get it. Evil Parrot has it about DBZ, the eps make the final battle all the better, in my opinion

Cannibal Clown Mar 21st, 2002 04:52 PM

Hey BlackThornn, I saw Macross plus like, a thousand times. It's one of my favorites. And it was the first anime I ever saw that was subtitled. i thought the japanese voices were very good, and when I saw the English version, I was very dissapointed with the voice cast. I suggest you see the sub version.

BlackThornn Mar 21st, 2002 07:11 PM

Yah, CC. :D I've been trying to get the Macross Plus subbed forever. But the local stores don't exactly deal in anime much, let alone subtitled anime. (Save someplace that sells H-vids.. but that's not exactly proper anime, now is it?)

I agree that there were some cartoony voices in the english of Macross Plus.. but overall I think it's quite good! ^_^ Miun (spelling?) isn't the most stellar voice actress.. but Isamu and Gould are. At least in my opinion.

Cannibal Clown Mar 21st, 2002 07:18 PM

I thought that Isamu's and Meun's voices were much better in Japanese. The most was the hacker dude, (can't remember his name) His voice was butched in the English version.

BowevelJoe Mar 21st, 2002 09:48 PM

aye, plus when they translate thing into english they can make good jokes sound terrible, like DBZ, they translated so much stuff wrong, and put in tons of stupid jokes that are not funny at all..the jap version is like 50 times better, you guys outta check it out sometime, its got nudity and language, they edited half of it out in the "unedited" versions they sell on dvd...bah, $20 for 2 eps of that crap, its not even worth it..

crap=the hacked up american DBZ, i have it all in jap subs, it was the raw stuff straight from japan, now THAT is DBZ

BlackThornn Mar 21st, 2002 10:12 PM

Man, I wish I could find some good DBZ tapes. From japan, not the s*** that FUNimation puts out.. they sully Toriyama's name.

Pu the Owl Mar 22nd, 2002 07:04 PM

I think my fave of all times is still Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (english title: The Secret of BlueWater). It's from the same staff of Evangelion, but it takes place in the past instead of the future (I think during the last years of XIX century). I think it came out in 1991, more or less, so it's not a new one. When last year Atlantis came out, many anime fans said it was a copy of The Secret of BlueWater. Well, it's not exactly a copy, but the greatest part of characters from Disney's movie are "inspired" by the ones of the Japanese anime, even if Disney staff keep on telling they've never heard of the Japanese cartoon before. :sarcasm:
In Fushigi no Umi no Nadia there are lots of elements taken from Jules Verne's books, especially from Twenty thousand leagues under the seas. Obviously, the story is not based on any precise book, but it's completely original.
I've watched the whole series several times and still I like it. Also it was the first series that really involved me into anime.

You said to choose only one series, so I picked this one, even if at the moment I'm obsessed with another anime series called One Piece which is cool, especially because it's about pirates :D, but I love Nadia more than One Piece, or at least I think so.

Anyway, NEARLY all the anime series you mentioned are among my fave ones. :)

Cannibal Clown Mar 23rd, 2002 02:23 PM

I remember hearing about how atlantis was copied from Secret of Blue Water, and it made me think, "hmm, I wonder, if we're already copying ideas from japanimation, thgen sooner or later, they're going to have to make all american anime, with the adult material, and for once, something that's drawn well. But I do know that Disney admitted that the main chick in Atrlantis was inspired from a japanese girl.

I've never seen Blue Water, but it does look pretty interesting.

Squidlankie Mar 23rd, 2002 02:31 PM

Bubblegum crisis is my favorite. it has an awsome story, awsome plot, awsome characters and it always leaves you hanging.

Cannibal Clown Mar 23rd, 2002 02:33 PM

which Bubble Gum Crisis are you talking about. Because there are several. My favorite is Tokyo 2040, the characters are soo well done, and the story has a lot of humor in it. But the drawings and animation don't stay consistant throughout the series. Especially towards the end.

jenova_jeb Mar 23rd, 2002 07:45 PM

My favorite is Gundam Wing. I've never watched an anime series yet that I've liked more than that. I love DBZ as well. It's an amazing series. I've never watched Cowboy Bebop, or whatever it's called. I watched a little bit of Bubblegum crisis at Squidlankie's house, and I loved what I saw. Unfortunately, I didn't see enough of it to know for sure just what I thought of it.

BowevelJoe Mar 24th, 2002 12:22 AM

aye, most people are demoted to being straight cartoon network anime fans, they havent even looked over the horizen into the world of anime, those are the people that need anime...and fast! :)

007_JamesBond Mar 24th, 2002 07:29 PM

Have any of you guys seen blue gender yet? opinions?

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