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Preventer Wind May 16th, 2003 11:14 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal
There's one thing that confuses me though..and that's the heat vision/infared being used.
I think Infared was developed in the early 70s, though I am not 100% positive. I think it might have been used in Vietnam. I just know it's not that new.

If that is the M-16 hopefully it's the fixed version. Because I don't want my gun jamming up in the middle of a fire fight.

dan da man May 17th, 2003 07:46 AM


Originally posted by Preventer Wind
If that is the M-16 hopefully it's the fixed version. Because I don't want my gun jamming up in the middle of a fire fight.

I don't think it would get that technical, but hell it would be a challenge, if they but that idea in.

kupoartist May 19th, 2003 02:35 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

and you always want the good one to survive........ not saying "it doesn't matter, they both look alike"....
but is Big Boss really the Bad one? in the 60's, was he just like Snake, fighting for what was right, only for somthing to happen later in life that made him change his moral compass - the death of family, friends or maybe even his trust in the politics of the world and those in power? If this is Big Boss (and its not unlike Kojima to change main characters is it?), Kojima is going to try to make you see him as the good guy - even if its the good guy that later becomes a bad guy - As a character, Big Boss isn't someone we know much about yet - even his name lacks severe development time...

As for BB's codename... I wonder if its just plain "Snake" ?

Infernal Mass May 19th, 2003 03:42 PM

during the trailer there is mention of a battle of ideologies. In that pic of Big Boss he's split down the middle with the United States flag on one side and the U.S.S.R. flag on the other. That's gotta represent some sort of conflict within.

A mercenary isn't really on either side of the fence to begin turning bad isn't such a tragic fall from grace as someone who was once good and became bad. Still it's going to be interesting how Kojima presents Big Boss to the fans.

Frozen May 20th, 2003 02:48 PM

It embarrases me to have no comments in the topic, since my internet availability is so limited and I can't play any videos in this PC :(

But then this makes me think, if the game is gonna be a prequel, just as Makg said and I disagreed, but what ssjtrunks said could be a possibility, this game could perfectly show a link between Big Boss and The Patriots...

damn, either way it always gets more interesting, even though I do want to play as THE SNAKE playing as Big Boss would not be a big difference, I think, and I think it's an awsome way to go, because I'm sure he's gonna be much more cool than Raiden was, and it's not like I've complained about Raiden, ever.

I am indeed excited!!!! :D

MakgSnake May 20th, 2003 03:15 PM

Well.... I am indeed excited about it..... but its too far and The Twin Snakes seems a little near. So its a good thing that Twin Snakes will keep me busy till Metal Gear Solid 3 comes out. is it only me or this Snake in the trailer has different color eyes. For some reason his eyes seems Greenish Hazel to me. I dont know.....

Neway, about Big Boss being bad or good in the game..doesn't really matter. What matters is that ever since I played Metal Gea Solid 1 on PsOne. I just wanted to know more about Solid Snake's life. Not only me, but everybody. I know Raiden was a great surprise and a good character but it didn't help me learn more about Solid Snake. Big Boss would be an amazing thing but again.......I want to know more about Solid Snake's life. And no not from Third person prospective. But by actually playing and experience his instincts and situations.

Infernal Mass May 20th, 2003 07:53 PM

how much more is there to actually know about solid snake? his history was covered extensively in Metal Gear Solid. The real enigma is Big Boss. The entire Metal Gear saga begins with him. If it wasn't for Big Boss there'd be no Snake.

Going back to the origins of it all, of everything..that's what MGS3 is going to be about.

MakgSnake May 20th, 2003 09:09 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

how much more is there to actually know about solid snake? his history was covered extensively in Metal Gear Solid.
Knowing that one person is rude arrogant just because he killed his own father doesn't say much. There is so much more to that......playing the first Metal Gear games shows some of his past.....but there is a future ahead which should atleast tell whats there to come.

I seriously wouldn't like playing with BIG BOSS throughout the game. That would actually suck. Knowing more about him would be great and amazing, but Solid Snake is what everybody needs. You wouldn't know.

Infernal Mass May 21st, 2003 02:56 AM

you're right Makg, i wouldn't know.. cause i'm not swinging from Solid Snake's nutsack like you. What is interesting to me about Metal Gear is the whole big picture. Not just a character in the story..the whole story. Bringing Big Boss's perspective into the story adds to it all.

- I wouldn't mind playing the whole game as big boss myself as long as the story and gameplay match up to par.

mark0™ May 21st, 2003 03:39 AM

I'd Rather Play as Big Boss too. Whats left to know about Snake, he has no life really, and what life he did have we learned in MGS. I Really dont want to know what Solid Snakes favourite Movie is, I want to know about Big Boss. And Like Digi, I wouldnt mind playing the entire game with BB.

Qjij_jijQ May 21st, 2003 06:37 AM

Non, now kids...

You have to remember that, at some point, Big Boss is related to Solid Snake. So, by making MGS3 the 'story' of Big Boss, it might actually help us know more about Solid Snake at the same time... depending on how far in time they are willing to go, of course.

I doubt that this MGS will ONLY cover Big Boss, but it would be nice to see just how much he influenced the world of his time and what impact he had on the future. Heck, we might even get to see Snake's 'beginning', thus allowing us to know more, when it comes to the 'how' of his current situation.

... don't you think ?

dan da man May 21st, 2003 10:55 AM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Neway, about Big Boss being bad or good in the game..doesn't really matter. What matters is that ever since I played Metal Gea Solid 1 on PsOne. I just wanted to know more about Solid Snake's life. Not only me, but everybody. I know Raiden was a great surprise and a good character but it didn't help me learn more about Solid Snake. Big Boss would be an amazing thing but again.......I want to know more about Solid Snake's life. And no not from Third person prospective. But by actually playing and experience his instincts and situations.

I agree, MGS needs solid snake, I would'nt mind playing Big Boss, but I want to know more about solid sanke, its so exciting when you find out sometihng new in MG, all the twist and turns. If you do play big boss all thw way through MGS3 Snake Eater, alot of fans will be pissed of, I wont, but I would like to see more sanke, but if it is Big boss and its about orgins, we will learn more about snake becuase we will understand more how snake came if you know what I mean.

MakgSnake May 21st, 2003 12:17 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

cause i'm not swinging from Solid Snake's nutsack like you
Wha?... You couldn't find better words then that. :laugh:

Neway...I dont know if YOU remember or not, but where Sons Of Liberty left, it wasn't a very quite happy ending with all the answers. There were the patriots, Liquid's arm and more then any of that Ocelot. And you are telling me that you wanna leave all of that right there and start a storyline from the very beginning?.....? Huh?....

Even if people here dont mind playing as Big Boss throughout the game, I think Kojima would, because it wouldn't make any sense. The story of Metal Gear Saga should continue from where it left of in Sons Of Liberty.

From what I believe....... the game will start from where Sons Of Liberty left off. But we would learn about the patriots and may be one of them would tell us (Snake) more about his father, and then this jungle area will start and we will be Big Boss for the time bieng.

Leaving one story completely and starting another one is totally stupid. How will Snake get his hands on Ocelot, how will he face Liquid.....that is way important right now then how Solid Snake's clone samples were created. Thats like watching "Matrix Reloaded" and then in Revolutions they tell us how Matrix was build and what happened in the very one would want that!

Qjij_jijQ May 21st, 2003 02:57 PM

... true.

Frozen May 21st, 2003 03:17 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Wha?... You couldn't find better words then that. :laugh:

Neway...I dont know if YOU remember or not, but where Sons Of Liberty left, it wasn't a very quite happy ending with all the answers. There were the patriots, Liquid's arm and more then any of that Ocelot. And you are telling me that you wanna leave all of that right there and start a storyline from the very beginning?.....? Huh?....

Even if people here dont mind playing as Big Boss throughout the game, I think Kojima would, because it wouldn't make any sense. The story of Metal Gear Saga should continue from where it left of in Sons Of Liberty.

My very dear friend, are you forgetting it's KOJIMA the man behind this? He loves to play with us all. And releasing a game which throws us into the past rather than into the future we want to see, WILL MAKE US WANT to see that future EVEN MORE. So, with what I have been reading, this is making me think he's gonna leave the SOL thing for MGS4 and put MGS3 in between. Yes, makes no sense, not to us, but to him, it sure does.

Although I'm still hopinh this thing about the past is just going to be something like the tanker, and then throw us some 50 or 60 years into the future a la SOL (well, it was only 2 years but you know what I mean)

MakgSnake May 21st, 2003 04:15 PM


Originally posted by Frozen

My very dear friend, are you forgetting it's KOJIMA the man behind this? He loves to play with us all. And releasing a game which throws us into the past rather than into the future we want to see, WILL MAKE US WANT to see that future EVEN MORE. So, with what I have been reading, this is making me think he's gonna leave the SOL thing for MGS4 and put MGS3 in between. Yes, makes no sense, not to us, but to him, it sure does.
What?....Leaving that particular part of Liquid's arm and Ocelot for more then 5 years is not surprising but stupid. I am not even going to argue with this........because we dont know whats going to happen. Just my own thought that if this game revolves around Big Boss, then its plain stupid. Would still sell well, but wouldn't be the best thing. And I dont think Kojima is that stupid.

kupoartist May 22nd, 2003 01:13 PM


Originally posted by Frozen
He loves to play with us all
Perhaps it is then viable to suggest that during this year's E3, he has in fact been playing with us, Either by:

1. Showing us a whole load of footage with Big Boss, just for the hell of it. (with no Big Boss in the final game ala' his GTA tribute.) / to make us all discuss MGS3.
2. He's only showing us the bits he wants us to see, to get us all talking: in Makg's theory, this would be showing us a Big Boss flash-back, without showing us the actual Snake action of the game. All in the name of promoting discussion about his upcomming MGS game, thereby making a little publicity for it.
3. A third Kojima made way, based upon weirdness, hamsters and my inability to think of a third method.
4. .... Or perhaps Snake has found a time-machine. or he's mugged Doctor Who and nicked his Tardis.

If he is playing with us, as apposed to being a little strange in the subject matter of his direct sequels.

Zanku May 22nd, 2003 04:17 PM

If you watch the 31mb video from the website it looks as if it is taken from the game itself...with the third-person shooting, especially shooting the bee's nest, and when Snake sneaks along the side of rocks and presses against the wall, then crouches.

I dont think on the website and in the movie they would keep mentioning "A new Era", "New gameplay" and keep saying dates such as "1960" and "1961"...If they are just going to release something that isn't this at all. Snake even gets parachuted into the jungle, so is obviously on a mission...OH, forget i said Jungle too, because it is not a Jungle, its a Forrest, the trees are deciduous and it is more of a northern climate. It also looks dryer, with less of the jungles low consuming undergrowth. So from what is on the website, mentioning Russia alot, and the splash picture for MGS3 is a map of Russia, and the forrest conditions, im quite positive that we are talking about Russia. NOT Zanzibar nor Outer Heaven, seeing as Zanzibar was in 1997 in Asia, and Outer Heaven in Africa around 1980.

Remember Snakes age here we are talking about the 1960's, Snake has to be around his 20's in this game, around retirement in MGS2. And everybody, dont forget Metal Gear mechs...the paper pamphlet released about the game, includes a papercraft model of a "classified mech" designed for the new game.

Kojima is definately tricking us and playing us around alot, i think the website will raise more questions than answers...

Onto this thing about throwing us into the future, this will be a bold, and risky move... Imagine it, we have been shown all of these amazing clips and movies of a cool forrest setting, which is beautiful and provides brand new gameplay...and Kojima is only going make it last about thirty minutes then take us back to buildings, corridors and predictable plots/settings...everyone will be furious.
Bear in mind the whole gameplay appears to have changed (the movie even boldly says "NEW GAMEPLAY", remember how MGS1 and MGS2 were all right angles, you could see where the guards would go, and say "yeah if i hide here, he wont see me" appears in this new forrest setting, that it will be more than that, and about camoflage, and more interesting ways of concealing yourself. In this new open area, the angles are wide, this also leads to more extensive play, and a harder game for us (which is good, as it will last longer and be more unpredictable). Notice on the movie how Snake is sneaking through the grass, beside the can tell its real because you have those fake leaves blowing along your face. Why would they go to all these lengths of a basically new engine, to just waste it and make another game with similar gameplay to MGS1 and MGS2? And at that rate, even if its not going to be like this, why would they go to all these lengths to produce movies that seem to tell us about a new gameplay, to just let us down with another game full of endless corridors, buildings, bosses and the regular stuff we'd Seems abit stupid for Kojima to even think about doing that...

mark0™ May 22nd, 2003 07:36 PM

Maybe its a Big Boss Episode, set in the jungles of the Congo, becuase Big Boss was a mercenary during the Congo Crisis! Then theres a Solid Snake Episode in the Woods of Russia, where Snake is maybe chasing after the Patriots and or Ocelot?

Sounds reasonable to me. Snake has to be in the game, its a necessacity. The same reason a Metal Gear must be in the game, because of the title. Metal Gear guarentees(sp?) a Metal Gear, Solid guarentees Solid Snake in some form? Right?

Vic Viper May 23rd, 2003 04:27 PM

more big boss hints ??


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