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Spank-A-Thon Apr 12th, 2003 04:08 PM


Originally posted by Hero

Wow... You listen to N'Sync don't you?

It's a matter of opinion, not discrimination and don't try to label our points of opinion as so. If I want to say "I hate Lance Bass and everything he stands for!" I can say it, because that's what I want to say.

Back to topic: No, there could've been others that could've done the voice acting, and it wouldn't be his past that exploits him but his career in basic. People look to Sephiroth as a badass, not a singer. When you hear the name Lance Bass, you think "Wuss..." When you hear the name "Laurence Fishburne" you think "Yea! A badass!"
For those of you who dislike N'Sync, it's probably also worth pointing out that Linkin Park were put together by the same management team....

Anyways, does it really matter who does the voice acting for a character? To be honest I had no idea that whatsisface from N'Sync did the voice acting, but it really doesn't bother me. What bothers me is whether or not a) the voice, and b) the acting is any good - not the person supplying the voice.

It amazes the things people get upset about...

- S

legion Apr 12th, 2003 04:17 PM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

What bothers me is whether or not a) the voice, and b) the acting is any good - not the person supplying the voice.

It amazes the things people get upset about...

- S
Oh, I don't think anyone was really upset. It's just a joke to pass around.

Anyway, I finally got that FFX-2 movie from Gamespy I was talking about earlier. It's a fairly high res 15 minutes long. It shows the intro and a few fighting sequences after that. Of course, it's all in Japanese, but the basic idea isn't hard to catch on to.

Azuma_Ninja Apr 12th, 2003 05:43 PM

What's the battle system supposed to be like in this game? I heard it was a bit different? Oh and just for the record of why I pointed out Lance Bass doing Sephiroths voice is yes, I hate N'Sync and Sephiroth is my fav villian out of any FF game so naturally I would be upset to hear Lance did his voice. Think of it this way something you really like mixed with something you truly can't stand, that's how I feel.

legion Apr 12th, 2003 06:41 PM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

What's the battle system supposed to be like in this game? I heard it was a bit different?
It's active time, a la Final Fantasy VII. And, of course, the "job", or dress system, that can be used during battle is kind of cool.

Hero Apr 13th, 2003 03:04 AM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

It amazes the things people get upset about... I mean... Who are you guys, to have your own opinion and get mad about what bothers you! Who dare you be a fan of Sephiroth and expect his voice actor to not be someone really dumb... Tsh, people these days... When are you gonna figure out that you shouldn't have your own opinion

- S
WOW!!! So true! Such a powerful voice!

Back to subject at hand... The management team did what they did because they knew it would sell... Do you honestly think Linkin Park and N'Sync have anything in common? The same management teams that put together Nas work for Columbia Records... I'm pretty sure there are corny artists that work for Columbia Records... Does that make Nas lame? No...

The producers should have ran a poll on fans of Sephiroth to see how many say "Yes I want Lance Bass to do the voice of Sephiroth" and how many say "No I don't want Lance Bass to play Sephiroth" and there should've been a third option, "I think whoever gave the idea of Lance Bass playing Sephiroth should get beaten in the middle of the street"

That's my 2 cents, times 4.

Spank-A-Thon Apr 13th, 2003 07:56 AM


Originally posted by Hero

Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

It amazes the things people get upset about... I mean... Who are you guys, to have your own opinion and get mad about what bothers you! Who dare you be a fan of Sephiroth and expect his voice actor to not be someone really dumb... Tsh, people these days... When are you gonna figure out that you shouldn't have your own opinion

- S
WOW!!! So true! Such a powerful voice!

Back to subject at hand... The management team did what they did because they knew it would sell... Do you honestly think Linkin Park and N'Sync have anything in common? The same management teams that put together Nas work for Columbia Records... I'm pretty sure there are corny artists that work for Columbia Records... Does that make Nas lame? No...

The producers should have ran a poll on fans of Sephiroth to see how many say "Yes I want Lance Bass to do the voice of Sephiroth" and how many say "No I don't want Lance Bass to play Sephiroth" and there should've been a third option, "I think whoever gave the idea of Lance Bass playing Sephiroth should get beaten in the middle of the street"

That's my 2 cents, times 4.
Hero, you have your opinion and I have mine - both are equally valid.

However, for you to post a 'quote' from myself and to add extra things that I did not write is bang out of order. Those people who have been around these forums as long as I have will know I would never write anything like what you have quoted.

I think you have some explaining and apologising to do.

It can be quite easily proved by one of the admins that I did not write that - all they have to do is check the 'last edited' date with the 'creation' date of my post in the database. And besides, Legion has already quoted my post.

I've never seen anyone falsify someone elses post before.

- S

Pu the Owl Apr 13th, 2003 08:11 AM

Off Topic:
when you quote you shouldn't add anything extra to the quote. Quoting means repeating exactly what the person said, nothing less and nothing more. It doesn't mean adding your own stuff to the quote. Don't be childish, please, this is something a 5 years old guy would do, not a mature person.
I really hope it doesn't happen again.

Hero Apr 13th, 2003 05:33 PM

Immature is getting anal about someone having their own opinion; what's not immature is pointing out someone's close minded opinion with sarcasm...

I don't really owe you an apology, nor an explanation. People don't really read the quotes, and the main reason I did that was so that you could see that you were being close minded.

Regardless of how you look at it, Lance Bass playing the voice of Sephiroth is a travesty because he stands next to nowhere near what kind of character Sephiroth represents. He sings for a boy group, and badly I might add. He also made a movie, a chick movie, with really bad acting. How would you feel if Justin Timberlake acted as Solid Snake in a Metal Gear Solid movie? Because just as a MGS fan would feel about that, we feel about Lance Bass being the first person to voice act Sephiroth on authentic Squaresoft merchandise.

I have been a fan of Final Fantasy 7 since its release date, and I have every right to be upset about him playing the voice.

Not everyone is going to agree with you, and not everyone is going to share the same opinion as you... Don't expect an apology just because someone does things differently from you.

Hero Apr 13th, 2003 05:35 PM

Oh and if anyone doesn't know that I modified the quote myself to magnify my point, then they really don't deserve to be looking into this debate anyway. It's commonly done on other forums and it will be done again and again, because it's a good, logical way of pointing out someone's attitude.

Harry Apr 13th, 2003 10:56 PM


Originally posted by Hero

Oh and if anyone doesn't know that I modified the quote myself to magnify my point, then they really don't deserve to be looking into this debate anyway. It's commonly done on other forums and it will be done again and again, because it's a good, logical way of pointing out someone's attitude.
It's good in the other forums you visit, not in this one. You ABSOLUTELY can't alter the content of a quote, and I don't see any sense at all in doing so. This is the first time a thing like this happen, but frankly I would have never thought that someone could think that changing the content of a "quote" is a "good, logical thing". Please keep on discussing about the game, but don't do this again, and have some respect, or at least consideration, for what administrators say.

I do understand the sarcasm in your post, but you should have reported the "false" quote in another way...

Spank-A-Thon Apr 14th, 2003 01:44 AM


Originally posted by Hero

Immature is getting anal about someone having their own opinion; what's not immature is pointing out someone's close minded opinion with sarcasm...

Originally posted by me

Anyways, does it really matter who does the voice acting for a character? To be honest I had no idea that whatsisface from N'Sync did the voice acting, but it really doesn't bother me. What bothers me is whether or not a) the voice, and b) the acting is any good - not the person supplying the voice.
Where's the closemindedness in this? You're the one who's being closeminded by getting all bitchy simply cos a person you did not like supplied a voice for a fictional character. I'm simply saying I don't care who supplies a voice as long as it's well done - in other words I'll give anyone a chance. Look up the definition of closeminded before you accuse anyone else.

I don't really owe you an apology, nor an explanation. People don't really read the quotes, and the main reason I did that was so that you could see that you were being close minded.
No, what you did was wrong and against the TOS. If you are not mature enough to accept counter-discussion then maybe you shouldn't post. As Harry said, no one has ever done this before - well done, you're the first. I hope you feel proud. As for an explanation - you've already provided one. On to the apology - not offering one shows nothing but a distinct lack of class, maturity and respect.

Regardless of how you look at it, Lance Bass playing the voice of Sephiroth is a travesty because he stands next to nowhere near what kind of character Sephiroth represents. He sings for a boy group, and badly I might add. He also made a movie, a chick movie, with really bad acting. How would you feel if Justin Timberlake acted as Solid Snake in a Metal Gear Solid movie? Because just as a MGS fan would feel about that, we feel about Lance Bass being the first person to voice act Sephiroth on authentic Squaresoft merchandise.
Is that the 'Royal We' you're referring to? You cannot speak for everyone, you can only speak for yourself - it's shows sheer arrogance to assume to know what everyone else feels. But wanna know something.... it's... just... a... game...

I have been a fan of Final Fantasy 7 since its release date, and I have every right to be upset about him playing the voice.
....annnnnd, your point is? So what if you've been a fan since day one - that doesn't give your opinion any more weight than anyone elses.

Not everyone is going to agree with you, and not everyone is going to share the same opinion as you... Don't expect an apology just because someone does things differently from you.
Not everyone will agree with me? Well, thanks for clearing that up Einstein - that must explain other posts where people have said they 'disagree'.

I don't expect an apology because you have a different opinion - this place would be pretty boring if everyone thought the same as me. What I expect is an apology for is your actions in altering a quote. You cannot justify your actions in any way. It could be considered slanderous or libellous what you did - simple as that.

But I guess after all it would be too much to expect an apology from someone who obviously has no respect for anyone but himself.

- S

BlackThornn Apr 14th, 2003 02:18 AM

Well said, Spank.

...Somebody from N'Sync did the voicing for Tidus..? WTF.. I thought he just sucked 'cause games as pretty much a standard have bad voicing.. not 'cause he was some pop culture floozie with no talent in the first place. *chuckles*

Harry Apr 14th, 2003 06:06 AM

I said to stop the thing here. I don't want to read more posts on the subjects; if you have more problems, solve them via PMs. Otherwise will go on forever on this Hero-Spank-Hero-Spank chain of posts.

Hero's quote was really easy-to-understand sarcasm, and while I can't accept that use of "quote", I don't like the harsh tone of this whole discussion. Calm down, it's just a game.

Back to topic... I don't like the fact Square is hiring this kind of "talents" just because they want to attract more fans and issue more press releases... but it's the direction the Final Fantasy series is going, at least on Playstation: RPGs for the masses; of course, any game is designed to appeal a large audience, but it seems that from Final Fantasy X that's Square's #1 priority, even before creativity. And we wrote this in our review of FFX. And after all, could it be any different with the enormous budget behind Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2?

kupoartist Apr 14th, 2003 04:12 PM


Originally posted by Harry
but it's the direction the Final Fantasy series is going, at least on Playstation
I've often wondered if the Playstation era hasn't put off the real heros behind Final Fantasy: Take Nobuo Uematsu for instance: ever since FFX, he's gradually toned down his presence, doing only 5 tracks for FFXI and choosing doing FF Tactics Advance over FFX-2. Final Fantasy is becoming more mainstream... but I wouldn't go bad mouthing Kingdom Hearts' voice talent: at least the voices don't make me cringe like they did in FFX. Besides, the majority of people do not know who's in this game: there was zero publicity to sell Kingdom Hearts on the basis of it's voices, apart from the mention of Haley Joel on the box... and he does at least deserve it (and there aren't hundreds of Haley Joel Fans are there?)

merylsilverburg Apr 19th, 2003 01:47 PM

Anyway, getting back to the topic....

From the sounds of things, it seems that FF: X-2 will be a disappointment. I just recently read a small review of it from the "Official Playstation Magazine" and they said:


Official Playstation Magazine

Wow. We knew Final Fantasy X-2 was meant to be a lighthearted fling of an RPG, but after playing through the Japanese release, we were blown away by its wacky humor and penchant for playful pulchritude. From the opening sequence (clearly inspired by Charlie's Angels) to the wacky battle animations to the diverse assortment of missions, everything is a radical departure from the serious tone set by prior Final Fantasies. Longtime fans might be a bit taken aback- but once you play it, you'll see it's also got plently of substance to supplement its sassy style.
Now, after reading that, I became very annoyed. "Charlie's Angels" inspired opening movie? How ridiculous is that? And they even said that one of the missions in the game requires Yuna, in disguise, massaging LeBlanc (I think the enemy in the game?).
The idea of the "Dress Up" mode is kinda interesting, I admit. Changing outfits in the middle of battle in order to change the stats, skills, etc. is a pretty neat idea, but then again, this is just probably "eye-candy" as well.
I'm all open to new ideas and though I appreciate Squaresoft trying to aim for a new humorous twist to the dramatic FF series, I say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". :disturb: Besides, I thought this was supposed to be a sequel to FFX? And FFX isn't all that "cheerful" considering the ending. So, how will making a game like this conclude what happens in FFX?

Despite of my "rant", I am going to try it to see just how "silly" the game turns out to be.

ssjtrunks13 Apr 19th, 2003 01:56 PM

I'll check it out, I'm sure I'll like it. I tend to like some RPGs better than most, it might be because all I really play are RPGs. It might not be what most people would expect it to be but it seems to me it'll still be fun.

legion Apr 19th, 2003 02:41 PM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg

Now, after reading that, I became very annoyed. "Charlie's Angels" inspired opening movie? How ridiculous is that? .
While anyone that has ever heard of Charlie's Angels might make the connection, I'm sure that the creators weren't just sitting around the office one day, going "hey, Charile's Angels was mederatly popular, why don't we do something like that?"
It's just what you get when you take three women that have to fight to live. It's just what comes out.

From the first day that I heard of FFX-2, everyone had been saying that it was a "departure" from the traditional series. They weren't joking.
But change isn't always bad. :)

Azuma_Ninja Apr 19th, 2003 10:19 PM

I'm not saying change is bad, but if it ain't broke don't fix it. Final Fantasy has been going strong for all these years. With the exception of 8 they all rocked (my opinion). But something about this game..........I just don't know. Tactics worked so maybe there's hope.

Squall4000 Apr 20th, 2003 08:17 PM

i'm gonna buy FFx-2 it looks pretty cool have you seen Wakka and Lulu's baby yet

Spank-A-Thon Apr 22nd, 2003 12:55 PM

Well, this link gives you a review of the Japanese FFX-2, and to be fair the review is very very positive.

I especially like the sound of being able to interupt an enemy just before they strike rather than having to wait for their turn. I'm looking forward to seeing a more 'happy' FF game because of all the one's I have played, only 9 stands out as being somewhat light-hearted.

Anyway, have a read of the review and lemme know what you think.

- S

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