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Vicious_2003 Jan 22nd, 2003 04:14 PM

Yep these days companys that are centering only on gaming are on thier way out. Look at happened to them and I think eventually it will happen to Nintendo, a good thing for X Box and PS2 fans, to have all those great Nintendo titles like the Mario franchise , and Metroid. But I dont know Nintendo has TONS of die hard loyalist fans who would fight to keep it alive

ssjtrunks13 Jan 22nd, 2003 04:34 PM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

I know I'd rather be in a room with 3 other mates playing a multiplayer game, taking the piss out of each other, seeing each others frustration than playing against some faceless person across the globe. But that's just how I feel - obviously other people may feel different.
I probably would but all I've gotto play multiplayer games with are my brothers adn they don't take defeat very well.


They are an extremely well established Audio Visual brand and have managed to make the name 'PlayStation' synonymous with games consoles, much like they did with the 'Walkman'.
I don't know what kind of people would say they want a Playstation when they say they want a game console. Personally, if I say 'I want a Playstation' I mean playstation, not a XBox or a nintendo.

Silent Assassin Jan 28th, 2003 04:49 PM

dude..what have u been smoking
the Xbox is not domintating...its in 2nd..that study was made the other day when they announced about the next gameboy advanced....but they say that the new gameboy advanced which is comming out sometime soon..well they said it was supposed to take second and knock Xbox in 3rd...o well thats what i heard off the news but i dont think the new gameboy will knock it back for long...:peoples:

dan da man Jan 29th, 2003 03:13 PM


Originally posted by Silent Assassin

dude..what have u been smoking
the Xbox is not domintating...its in 2nd..that study was made the other day when they announced about the next gameboy advanced....but they say that the new gameboy advanced which is comming out sometime soon..well they said it was supposed to take second and knock Xbox in 3rd...o well thats what i heard off the news but i dont think the new gameboy will knock it back for long...:peoples:
maybe you should do some researh on the internet, i speant alot of time surfing the web and xbox is dominaing and doing very good, so please dont make your stupid comments.

Silent Assassin Jan 29th, 2003 04:00 PM

What sites are you reading???? of course some sites would have that Xbox is leading...or "dominating"..because they are biased or they dont own a PS2...and they go for what ever they have

Spank-A-Thon Jan 29th, 2003 04:15 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

maybe you should do some researh on the internet, i speant alot of time surfing the web and xbox is dominaing and doing very good, so please dont make your stupid comments.

v. dom·i·nat·ed, dom·i·nat·ing, dom·i·nates
v. tr.
To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power: Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.
To exert a supreme, guiding influence on or over: Ambition dominated their lives.
To enjoy a commanding, controlling position in: a drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market.
To overlook from a height: a view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley.
Dan da man, does XBox enjoy a commanding or controlling position the the games console market? No it doesn't. Given that worldwide sales are about 6 million compared to nearly 40 million for PS2 I think it's fairly safe to say XBox is not dominating, according to the dictionary definition of dominating.

Maybe you should make up with Silent Assassin and retract your statement that he made a stupid comment....

- S

Silent Assassin Jan 30th, 2003 10:28 AM


JC Denton Feb 1st, 2003 03:38 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

i dont think that would happen!!!! but u never know bill gates is that gready he will try and get his hands on squaresoft, but at the moment that b*stard is trying to get metal gear solid 3 exclusive to xbox. lets hope not!!!!!!
i hardly think that is appropriate he maybe throwing his money around but how do you think sony got into the market. He isnt beening greedy he is just trying to get the biggest foothold, he is also not a bastard he is not doing anything that most business men wouldn't. No i dont think he will buy squaresoft partially because of the fact sony would have to be pretty stupid to sell it, sony are also do well enough not to need to sell there shares.

its true microsoft aren't dominating but you need to watch out for somone that desperate to get into the market, and lets face it he has tried very hard to get a hold in the market that is dominated by two extremely well known companies such as sony and nitendo, sony also aren't a push over when it comes to size, sony has though got too larger product mix and seems to have over diversified.

microsoft will be trying to take nitendos place just as sony set to knock out sega, which they did, they also through money around and aquired companies, so you cant call bill gates greedy. And by calling him a bastard it makes you sound ignorant and naive and a little jealous.

im sure you meant it as a joke, but some people dont find certain things funny :laugh:

im not offended, and dont really care but you should be careful what you say.

kupoartist Feb 1st, 2003 03:42 PM


Originally posted by JC Denton
microsoft will be trying to take nitendos place just as sony set to knock out sega,
ooh historical note! I doubt very much that they set out to knock Sega out of the market. If they were wanting to kill anyone, it'd be nintendo, but regardless, companies don't go into buisness by killing off their competitors - that is simply a side effect of attaining the market share that they're after.

JC Denton Feb 1st, 2003 03:53 PM

sometimes compaines do set out to destroy competition, its a fact of life. Its is a great way to increase market share. destroying competition can be achieved by undercutting prices or starting rumers i dont mean anything like sabotage,

but when read like taht it is true, i dont mean literally to by them out of take there assets or anything like that, they will try an oust them out of 2nd place as sony did to sega,

kupoartist Feb 1st, 2003 04:40 PM


Originally posted by JC Denton
they will try an oust them out of 2nd place as sony did to sega,
actually they probably did try to beat Sega down quite a bit, because Sega weren't actually second palce anyway. Neither were Nintendo, but neither side was particuarly out-doing the other back in those days... hell, you could argue that Sega actually went and killed themselves when they released the Sega Saturn...

dan da man Feb 1st, 2003 05:22 PM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

From Dictionary.comDan da man, does XBox enjoy a commanding or controlling position the the games console market? No it doesn't. Given that worldwide sales are about 6 million compared to nearly 40 million for PS2 I think it's fairly safe to say XBox is not dominating, according to the dictionary definition of dominating.

Maybe you should make up with Silent Assassin and retract your statement that he made a stupid comment....

- S

Well to be honest, get lost, it was my Ipinion.

Spank-A-Thon Feb 2nd, 2003 01:12 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Well to be honest, get lost, it was my Ipinion.
Well, to be honest - no.

If you're going to post something, ask for people's feedback and comments, then you have to expect counter-arguements. If you're not mature enough to accept that perhaps you shouldn't post.

Dan, grow up - there has been a few times in this thread where you have insulted people. Calling people stupid and telling them to get lost simply because they don't agree with you is somewhat childish.

- S

dan da man Feb 2nd, 2003 01:23 PM

Ok, i did ask for your feed back and so basically im going to get people saying YES they are dominating and NO, some ppl agree and some ppl dont, and your one of the ppl who dont agree, so im not arguing here, i think they are dominating, you think there not. Thats how forums work, now we can get on about it nicely or dont even talk about it.

It looks like if u dont even like mircosoft thats why your arguing in this thread, i admit i argued, now lets clam down and just talk nicely about xbox dominating and why u think there not. settled?

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