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DSgamer Dec 12th, 2005 07:00 PM

it seems as though the only console that really has a concept of "next gen" is nintendo, everyone else is just upgrading graphics >_>. now im not a nintendo fan boy, but cmon, there is no diference from xbox to xbox 360 other than graphics and the ability to play smash tv :-P which you could do with an old xbox if you modded it.

kupoartist Dec 12th, 2005 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by gamer
now im not a nintendo fan boy

so umm... you're a nintendo fan girl or something?

Originally Posted by gamer
there is no diference from xbox to xbox 360 other than graphics and the ability to play smash tv :-P which you could do with an old xbox if you modded it

..... what the?

Originally Posted by Berserker
Call of duty beautiful beautiful beautiful, very intense gameplay, but still I get the same feeling when playing a FPS shooter on the XBOX or enter the room enter ze zermans! and you start blasting away.

Word in the industry is that First Person Shooters will still contain gun-firing elements for some time.

Originally Posted by Berserker
I think the second or third wave games will settle things and start showing what the machine is capable of gameplay-wise.

Yeah, the X-Box 360 titles look like they've been seriously rushed out... but then, so were the X-Box titles of their day (it begins with 'H' and it makes my skin crawl even now) and so are the titles of most console launches. Sorry to break it to you, but beyond basic e-penis and playground bragging privaleges, owning a console the minute it's released only gives you the distinction of being the silly tit who brought a machine before it was worth having and when it was considerably more expensive than it would eventually be. edit: excepting those who then sell them ebay for far more than they're worth, in which case you're an entrepreneur and inclined to steal from homeless people

Originally Posted by gamer
it seems as though the only console that really has a concept of "next gen" is nintendo, everyone else is just upgrading graphics

IMO, PS1/Saturn/N64 to PS2/Dreamcast/GC/X-Box wasn't any more than much better graphics either, but still people insisted on calling it "next gen".

dan da man Dec 13th, 2005 01:16 AM

I don't really care what people say, mad stuff like there no difference between xbox to xbox 360, I've owned my since day 1 and enoying very much.

Berserker Dec 13th, 2005 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by kupoartist
so umm... you're a nintendo fan girl or something?

Word in the industry is that First Person Shooters will still contain gun-firing elements for some time.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You know what I mean right, I wasn't expecting them to start throwing oranges at me from the back of a purple Yoshi. But just wanted some more advanced A.I. and gameplay. This is all IMO off course and from a firts look after 30 minutes of play. It's only a feeling nothing more nothing less.

PS Dan your pm-box is full.

kupoartist Dec 13th, 2005 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Berserker
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You know what I mean right, I wasn't expecting them to start throwing oranges at me from the back of a purple Yoshi. But just wanted some more advanced A.I. and gameplay. This is all IMO off course and from a firts look after 30 minutes of play. It's only a feeling nothing more nothing less.

PS Dan your pm-box is full.

Yeah I know what you mean :P Still, where AI is a problem, Shooting still rears its ugly head. AI has actually advanced quite considerably since the games of yore, but it's overlooked for a mix of two things:

1) Encounters with Enemies in shooting games involve shooting them. (sorry, couldn't pull of that sentence without a hint of sarcasm :) )Enemies that get shot, die and never get to show off flashy AI. You either break the immerision by making enemies take 40,000 bullets before dying, or you allow a progressively more skillful fanbase to walk all over the well crafted AI the second they meet them.
2) People just plain need to remind themselves how bad AI used to be. Take Half-Life 1 vs Half-Life 2. That's, "every second marine blowing themselves up with their own grenade" vs "grenade suicide a freak occurance, or the fault of the player (who picked it up and threw it back)".

dan da man Dec 13th, 2005 05:13 PM

^^ Sorry to break the news Kupo but that happens in Call of duty 2, the A.I is advance especially in Condemned too, maybe a few people should sit down and play the console for a few days, not 30 minutes on a booth and give opinions out off how bad A.I and Gameplay is, pretty funny.

Berserker, man I’ve deleted almost everything in my PM box I don't know what is going on.

kupoartist Dec 13th, 2005 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by dan da man
^^ Sorry to break the news Kupo but that happens in Call of duty 2

what happens? what has it to do with my arguement that AI is good, it's just people don't notice it? who played 30 minutes on a booth and made a negative judgement about AI? what the hell year is it anyway? who's the president?

dan da man Dec 13th, 2005 08:27 PM

The amazing AI you pointed out in half life 2, the marine blowing himself up etc.

Berserker Dec 14th, 2005 02:24 AM

I was not passing judgement after 30 minutes of play, I was just saying how I felt after 30 minutes of play. I just feel a tiny bit dissapointed, but that's just me maybe I got my hopes up too high who knows. I'm not saying that the game is shitty at all, one of my best friends has it and he's my own computer guru who played every God$%@# FPS their is on console and he says it rocks him like hell and I believe him. It was just my personal opinion of the feeling after a first brief look that's all folks :laugh:

PS I'll PM you as soon as I'm on ET then, I was talking about last week or something it's probably sorted now.

dan da man Dec 14th, 2005 05:46 AM

Ok mate. Pm me when you're on.

Before when I mentioned when you have "30 minute go" I wasn't being rude, just thought how can there be hardly any positive comments about the Xbox 360 when it's the best gadget I've bought this year, best £400 I've spent to this year too and I'm having loads of fun on it! If it wasn’t for the 360 I would be loosing interest in my love for video games, the last games I played proper were MGS3 and RE4 and a bit online with the PC.

kupoartist Dec 14th, 2005 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by dan da man
If it wasn’t for the 360 I would be loosing interest in my love for video games, the last games I played proper were MGS3 and RE4 and a bit online with the PC.

If i'd just spent £400 on something, my love for video games would find itself desperately revitalised whatever I was playing...


Originally Posted by dan da man
The amazing AI you pointed out in half life 2, the marine blowing himself up etc.

I was saying how HL2 enemies don't blow themeselves up where 7 years ago, all of them did. I was pointing out that AI in games is past this stage, giving an example. I still fail to see what needs to be "broken to me" O_o

jjmoohead Dec 14th, 2005 01:32 PM

I didnt get an xbox 360 but honestly I do know where I can get a couple still. Truely I feel like I should be going out getting them and putting them on ebay. OMG they are still selling for over $1000 US. I could buy 2 sell 1 and keep one and still make a profit. If I could only find the $1000 to buy 2 of them.

It is pointless to get these console on the day of release. If you wait a while the new and improved xbox 360 will be out and will actually allow you to fix it real cheep when it doesnt work anymore. All consoles get updated with new parts or cheeper parts down the road and the orginal ones are expensive to fix and not always worth fixing.

I still love my ps2 and my xbox enough to keep playing them. And honestly I play so much PC these days that my consoles tend to stay off.

On that note though, I will be getting a PS3 on release day. Not because I want them so bad I have to, but because I will be doing reviews for this website once again. It sucks that I will have to buy another one in a couple years.

kupoartist Dec 14th, 2005 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by jjmoohead
I didnt get an xbox 360 but honestly I do know where I can get a couple still.

I know a place where the console practically grows on trees.

It's called Japan :P

Would have been nice if Microsoft allocated more stock to territories that actually wanted the damned thing, hmm?

Beretta55 Dec 19th, 2005 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by kupoartist
I know a place where the console practically grows on trees.

It's called Japan :P

Would have been nice if Microsoft allocated more stock to territories that actually wanted the damned thing, hmm?

Then there is also the fact Microsoft released the system with only one Japanese made game :P (Ridge Racer 6 I think.) Most of the kind of games may not appeal to Japan like they do to us, Microsoft should of waited till DOA4 was done, something Japan could really get excited about. I don't live in Japan obviously so I don't know their gaming tastes but if they had a choice between Perfect Dark Zero, Call Of Duty 2, Kameo and DOA4, I think they'd pick DOA4 since I think this gen Xbox releases of DOA games spiked sales for the system alone, but only for the week the game was out.

I didn't get one at launch, I still have some this gen games to play plus there are some that released recently that I might be receiving this Christmas. But I do want a 360, despite the launch their are some pretty good on the horizon games I really do want, I'll wait till next year to get it. I might ask for it for my birthday which is a couple of months into 2006, but I didn't want it bad enough to camp outside and wake up at eight AM on the freezing ground to get a console I can readily get in a few months from now, no point to me really. But for 2006 I cannot wait for games like Dead Rising, Gears Of War, Alan Wake, Lost Planet, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Too Human, Alone in the dark 360 etc.

Harry Dec 24th, 2005 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by jjmoohead
On that note though, I will be getting a PS3 on release day. Not because I want them so bad I have to, but because I will be doing reviews for this website once again. It sucks that I will have to buy another one in a couple years.

Well said, jj-man! ;)

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