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Azuma_Ninja Jun 19th, 2003 01:39 AM


originally posted by omni vengeance

I hope that RE4 is the last one. But, there's never going to be and end to it.
Very true. Much like the FF name RE is a very easy way for capcom to make money. Don't beleive me, just take a look at RE Survivor or the new Dead Aim.........a good way to earn some quick cash if you ask me. I hope RE4 actually has some thought put into it... if not why waste our time?

blindman Jun 19th, 2003 07:23 AM

I think final fantasy and Resident Evil have already gone throught heir fame.
A game that bears the FF title or RE title anymore isnt that good.
I mean, look at FF now, its like an online game (not a bad idea but its not FF anymore).
Characters are unmemorable, Bosses are just there, everything got generic and theres no more fun to the FF rpgs anymore. Very sad story for i own FF8 and FF7 which give me the nostalgic feeling of RPGS.

Now resident evil. Its not really RE anymore to tell you the truth.
This is where every franchise suffers. Too many games get the series tired, and RE is still being squished the juice out wen there's none. RE4 is meant to be scary, but for what i read is more like a Silent HIll...this is a horrible last resort, but RE is not known for this, its mean to shock you with eerie music...not freak you out little by little which is why theres Silent HIll...REs true rival.
IF RE continues 'till RE5 im gonna cry.
Wheres Jill, wheres Rebecca? i love those characters which is why i personally love RE1 and RE0. This time around is LEON, but he doesnt fit that much as a solo character....hes alone...all alone...and then? wheres Claire, wheres Bary? wheres everyone?

Some companies forget the fame their games had before...and they try less and less with originality...and like Azuma said..putting RE or FF on a box cover means they are going to win money. Very sad...for Squaresoft and Capcom where companies i loved for a LOOOONG time now.l

Azuma_Ninja Jun 19th, 2003 12:56 PM

IMO Resident Evil should've stopped at 2. I used to love the series but now it means almost nothing to me anymore. Now the big thing is going online, but really i don't think it's going to be much of a story, just another way for Sony to say it's bringing the series into a new direction (FF XI).

blindman Jun 21st, 2003 10:29 AM

I actually like Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 3 so i guess after 0 it shouldhad stopped (obviouly never played RE4).
As for ff gameS? i think squaresoft should drop them...i mean its almost been 14 or so years? 15? i think thats enough of lifetime for a game. Resident evil should not make the same mistake...just let the RE licesnse and the Megaman license to fially get to their vaults...because i swear. .. 1 MORE GAME of megaman and i think its because the world is ending. And 1 more re game after RE4 would just make Capcom look bad.

omni vengeance Jun 24th, 2003 07:43 PM

Well, I can't wait for RE10 or something like that. Reserve your copy now, before it comes out in about 10 years!

blindman Jun 24th, 2003 09:23 PM

Omni, we are talking almost 2 decades from now:laugh:

Beretta55 Jun 24th, 2003 09:27 PM

RE4 does look amazeing and resident evil outbreak (RE: online) looks completely awesome. But i hope capcom finds a way to bring an end to RE sure its fun but i would love to see a mind blowing ending to the seris. Not to mention i didnt enjoy RE0 that much but i still have hopes for RE4. Rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy coming back to kick yo ass!:P
i cant wait i just cant wait.

omni vengeance Jun 24th, 2003 11:21 PM

I want to play RE 80...Leon's gonna be a robot and Claire's gonna come back as a sex bot...and it'll be the first game rated A+. Also, it's gonna be made into a porno movie and be known all throughout the world.

MakgSnake Jun 24th, 2003 11:30 PM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

IMO Resident Evil should've stopped at 2. I used to love the series but now it means almost nothing to me anymore
I just hope they keep on making Resident Evil games. I mean...... I do agree that a little bit of the story is getting old, but we all know its not gonna be the same with Resident Evil 4. That game will rock our world.

As for Resident Evil 5 (I know I am dreaming) but they should drop Umbrella Corporation. I mean.....there should be something new to Resident Evil...... something more to it then Umbrella.

blindman Jun 24th, 2003 11:33 PM

I like Omnis idea. and Snake? i think of that too. Umbrella is just old, and has been used oh so many times i think im going to faint. I hope RE4 is the last of Umbrella in the original storyline. Whatever though, i just hope something new happens. Its all your capcom, its all yours.

Beretta55 Jun 24th, 2003 11:41 PM

Actully i like umbrella they can stay as long as they please. What would be more pleaseing is if you get to be umbrella characters you get to do evil instead of good:evil: yeah its wrong but umbrella has a hold on me and i cant shake it:laugh: or maybe go deeper into that company that wesker works for. they are called HCF i think.

MakgSnake Jun 24th, 2003 11:46 PM


Originally posted by Beretta55

Actully i like umbrella they can stay as long as they please. What would be more pleaseing is if you get to be umbrella characters you get to do evil instead of good
Well not exactly the same but similar stuff have been done. In Resident Evil 3, you control Carlos, an Umbrella Employee. Although you dont do evil in it, still that was pretty good stuff. I love Resident Evil 3 as well...ALOT.

But yeah doing something evil sounds pretty alright. I am so glad that in Resident Evil: Outbreak, you get to be the Zombie for the FIRST TIME EVER. How amazing would that be. It would just rock!.!

But for Resident Evil 4, I am just excited from the fact that LEON is back. He was an amazing character in Resident Evil 2. All Resi fans missed him for soo freakin long. So glad he is back.

Beretta55 Jun 24th, 2003 11:49 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Well not exactly the same but similar stuff have been done. In Resident Evil 3, you control Carlos, an Umbrella Employee. Although you dont do evil in it, still that was pretty good stuff. I love Resident Evil 3 as well...ALOT.

But yeah doing something evil sounds pretty alright. I am so glad that in Resident Evil: Outbreak, you get to be the Zombie for the FIRST TIME EVER. How amazing would that be. It would just rock!.!

But for Resident Evil 4, I am just excited from the fact that LEON is back. He was an amazing character in Resident Evil 2. All Resi fans missed him for soo freakin long. So glad he is back.

yeah i rented RE3 but actully infeacting a whole town would be fun. yeah dont mind me im being weird:laugh:
Leon kennedy is my fave character of the RE seris hes too damn cool. but they need to bring back a minor character that is of course barry burton i have only seen him in RE1 (i havent beaten RE3 yet but i do know he makes an appearence in RE3)
oh well re outbreak dosent come out until next year *grumble* so i will have to go on some old resident evil oldies to keep me going.

omni vengeance Jun 25th, 2003 06:21 PM

They just released Dead Aim not too long ago. God, the whole first person thing was retarded and it always will be!

*Stabs Survivor*

Azuma_Ninja Jun 25th, 2003 09:20 PM


Originally posted by Beretta55

(i havent beaten RE3 yet but i do know he makes an appearence in RE3)
Actually Barry's not in the game. He might be mentioned but at this time in the RE storyline he would be over in Europe with Chris.

omni vengeance Jun 25th, 2003 09:47 PM

Barry should've just been killed in the first RE!

Azuma_Ninja Jun 26th, 2003 01:04 AM


Originally posted by omni vengeance

Barry should've just been killed in the first RE!

Beretta55 Jun 26th, 2003 01:09 AM


Originally posted by Azuma_Ninja

Actually Barry's not in the game. He might be mentioned but at this time in the RE storyline he would be over in Europe with Chris.
there are diffrent endings to the game it just depends which one you do.
Spoiler: show
In one he comes flying from a helicopter and comes down picks you and carlos up and there you have it

eh but i always could be wrong oh and omni barry cant die. his magnum and obsession with guns keep him alive and besides barry is a cool cat nobody can keep him down!;)

Azuma_Ninja Jun 26th, 2003 10:55 AM

Hey Beretta55 thanks for that info. This is the first time I've heard something like that. I still wonder about it because like I said he technically should be over in Europe with Chris but oh well. This little bit of news might actually call for me to re-play the game.

omni vengeance Jun 26th, 2003 02:28 PM


Originally posted by Beretta55

there are diffrent endings to the game it just depends which one you do.
Spoiler: show
In one he comes flying from a helicopter and comes down picks you and carlos up and there you have it

eh but i always could be wrong oh and omni barry cant die. his magnum and obsession with guns keep him alive and besides barry is a cool cat nobody can keep him down!;)
Spoiler: show
Didn't you ever get the 'bad' ending in RE1? He gets killed rather horribly, if I do say so myself...

((The big 100 for me!!!))

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