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Beretta55 Jan 12th, 2010 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg (Post 134600)
Currently playing "Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times" for the DS. It's like "Harry Potter" meets "Animal Crossing", the best comparison I can think of. It's actually quite fun and there are a few points in the game that makes it shine from AC. But it might come off too childish for some which probably explains the lack of sales and distribution.

I've bought and played Uncharted 2, which was good but not quite as good as the first IMO, and Assassin's Creed 2 but haven't played it yet. Heard great things about it so far so I can't wait to give it a go. :)

AC2 has a pretty slow opening, it's not bad or anything but considering how fast AC1 started, it's a bit weird at first. But it sets things up well and makes Ezio a more fleshed out character then Altair so I didn't mind it personally.

Been awhile since I posted in here, right now I'm playing Borderlands with some friends, thinking of starting up Two Worlds soon for an RPG fix.

I'm getting Persona 3 and 4 for my birthday and I really want to play them, but even when my birthday rolls around next month I probably won't be able to play them right away. I no longer have a PS2 and my 60 GB PS3that plays PS2 games is borrowed by my brother and I don't think he's giving it back anytime soon. :disgust:

merylsilverburg Jan 13th, 2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Beretta55 (Post 134601)
AC2 has a pretty slow opening, it's not bad or anything but considering how fast AC1 started, it's a bit weird at first. But it sets things up well and makes Ezio a more fleshed out character then Altair so I didn't mind it personally.

Hey Beretta, thanks for the info. :) It's interesting how the second game seems to be focused on the idea of storytelling (main character, causes and effects, etc.) which is usually supposed to be the case in first installments. Would you say this one is better or worse than the first or about the same?

Beretta55 Jan 14th, 2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg (Post 134603)
Hey Beretta, thanks for the info. :) It's interesting how the second game seems to be focused on the idea of storytelling (main character, causes and effects, etc.) which is usually supposed to be the case in first installments. Would you say this one is better or worse than the first or about the same?

I think the story overall in AC2 was better and Ezio overall is a better character. Altair starts out really unlikable (to me anyway) then slowly changes his ways so he does develop as a character but other then the events of the first game and some references to him in the second one you don't really know what is up with the guys history or anything about him really. So he's sorta just a blank slate, which is fine I guess but compared to how they set up Ezio at the start and what happens with his life (the game chronicles at least twenty years of Ezio's life, not bit for bit but some of the DNA sequences move quite a bit by years and you see how Ezio has changed.) it's just a lot more fulfilling overall.

The game really does feel like a sequel should be, they make things better and fix the issues that plagued it's older brother, it is a more solid and enjoyable product then the first one. Ezio is also an enjoyable character too; he starts out interesting and matures from a young man with a devil-may care attitude to a mature adult who is a scary individual to come in contact with if you cross him. But his assassin abilities don't feel overplayed either, he doesn't act like he owns the place because of his skills and doesn't act like a generic badass you see in videogames. He grows into a relatively wise man who can also wipe the floor with you. You like the character because of how he acts and conveys himself not because "OH MAN HE CAN KILL TWO DUDES AT ONCE WITH HIS BLADES!!!!" you like him for who he is, not what he can do. But what he can do is also pretty damned awesome. :P

Although I did like the setting in the first one more, but I just personally felt the Middle East was a more interesting playground to the kind of themes they were presenting but that's just personal preference. Venice though is absolutely beautiful and gigantic.

goodman Jan 16th, 2010 04:38 AM

Been a while since ive updated also. Played and beat Dragon Age Origins, fantastic game and highly recommended! Played and beat Assassins Creed 2, and cant recommd a game much more, very, very fun! But maybe the best of all ive started back into Batman Arkham Asylum and just find this game to be amazing! Id only recommend a game to someone if i really felt they too would enjoy it since i do on so many levels id have to say give batman arkham a try. If your a batman fan (yes i was watching the "original" episodes of batman back in the mid sixties) then you cant miss out. Its based on the animated adventures and batman has the same voice actor as the animated show. Batman AA is true greatness and its huuuuuge! So this isnt a game anyone will just be walking through anytime soon, highly recommended!

merylsilverburg Jan 26th, 2010 07:20 PM

Beretta, sorry for the late reply. :P Thanks for all the info on AC2, it sounds great, can't wait to start it! Probably will do so sometime in February. :cool:

I also tried out "Batman: Arkham Asylum" a few weeks back and though I enjoyed it (didn't get far though) it's not a game that I must own right now. I think I'll pick it up maybe when it drops but I'm not sure since it didn't stay in my mind after playing it. Which is a shame since I know everyone is nuts over it so I guess I'm the odd bird out. :laugh:

Beretta55 Jan 27th, 2010 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg (Post 134611)
Beretta, sorry for the late reply. :P Thanks for all the info on AC2, it sounds great, can't wait to start it! Probably will do so sometime in February. :cool:

I also tried out "Batman: Arkham Asylum" a few weeks back and though I enjoyed it (didn't get far though) it's not a game that I must own right now. I think I'll pick it up maybe when it drops but I'm not sure since it didn't stay in my mind after playing it. Which is a shame since I know everyone is nuts over it so I guess I'm the odd bird out. :laugh:

Arkham Asylum is a really great game, even if you aren't a batman fan but like most things like this, it doesn't hurt to be one either. It appealed to me because it didn't just go straight up Dark Knight the movie batman, which I throughly enjoyed (I think I saw it at least four times in theaters and three times on Blu-Ray.) it felt more in line with the early 90's animated series but with a more darker twist. Plus getting Kevin Conroy as the batman and Mark Hamill as the joker back from the animated series was such a great touch and it brought my childhood rushing back like a tusnami.

Also, by the time you get around to Assassin's Creed 2, both of the DLC should be out then, which I think one is three dollars and the other is five, something like that. I don't know if you have your PS3 online, but the option to expand the game is there especially since what happens in the DLC is relavant to the games storyline not a "okay, so you beat the game. Here's some random shit with little consequence you can do. Bye." :p

Out of curiousity, what of Uncharted 2 made you feel it wasn't as good as the first? If Bioshock didn't come out that year, the original Uncharted would of been my prime pick for my game of the year I had so much damned fun with it. Did the storyline in the sequel kinda of just fizzle out or is it the sort of things where it feels like it just drags on a little bit and would of been better suited to end eariler? Uncharted 2 is one of the driving forces of making me keep my PS3 around, so I'm pretty excited to get around to it someday.

merylsilverburg Jan 29th, 2010 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Beretta55 (Post 134612)
Arkham Asylum is a really great game, even if you aren't a batman fan but like most things like this, it doesn't hurt to be one either. It appealed to me because it didn't just go straight up Dark Knight the movie batman, which I throughly enjoyed (I think I saw it at least four times in theaters and three times on Blu-Ray.) it felt more in line with the early 90's animated series but with a more darker twist. Plus getting Kevin Conroy as the batman and Mark Hamill as the joker back from the animated series was such a great touch and it brought my childhood rushing back like a tusnami.

Actually I also used to watch the 90s cartoon when I was younger and it was one of my favorite shows. Of course, I didn't have much time nor TV privileges to watch as much as I wanted to so I never caught every episode. I also don't actually know the entire Batman comic chronology or history so I'm not considered an uber-fan or anything. I was also pretty pleased the original voice actors signed on to reprise their roles. I'm sure the game is fun but I guess it's just not my thing at the moment...ever since this new gen of consoles/games, I'm starting to lose a lot of interest in gaming and becoming pickier and pickier over what I play now.


Originally Posted by Beretta
Out of curiousity, what of Uncharted 2 made you feel it wasn't as good as the first? Did the storyline in the sequel kinda of just fizzle out or is it the sort of things where it feels like it just drags on a little bit and would of been better suited to end eariler?

Oh man, where to begin? Okay, well I suppose for me the chemistry between all the characters was just not as strong as in the first game. One reason why I loved Uncharted is because the characters had wonderful chemistry and you see the build-up to the relationships between the 3 (Nate, Sully, and Elena). They all had personalities that really shone. You'd think that because this is the sequel the chemistry would be pretty strong because of the familiarity but it just wasn't as great - aside from the moments between Nate and Elena towards the middle of the game. That still had some of the great dialogue and quips like in the first.

I think the reason why the character relationships and chemistry was lackluster is probably because of the extreme emphasis on action in this game. I mean, what happened? Did people complain that the first game didn't have enough extremely over-the-top action? :peoples: There were moments where this game had levels *cough* train and helicopter *cough* that seem to last a bit too long and were a bit too far-fetched - though Nate's comments are still very amusing in these parts and it was somewhat fun to play but that didn't stop me from being a bit exasperated. Also, the concept where Nate has someone constantly with him and hardly going on solo missions anymore was kinda a letdown. I could've sworn Uncharted left Nate to fly solo for a good portion of the time instead of acting like he's glued to the hip to another character. And the "co-op" missions with these characters are so ridiculous because all you're constantly doing is boosting each other up ladders or walls or whatever. What's that about?! It got really laughably annoying somewhere near the middle of the game.

The story was...okay. It still dove into the supernatural realm which I'm sure many people were unhappy about but I didn't mind so much. I think you're pretty much right when you said the storyline kinda fizzled out because I almost forgot what the hell I'm doing in the first place because, oh gee, the gameplay was distracting me. Also, the antagonist here was just so blah and unmemorable...oh look, I even forgot his name.

Ah, but the game is very pretty and I guess that's all that matters? Well, anyway, that's just my take on the game and I know that I'm one of the few (if not only) persons who didn't feel the game was as epic as the first. After I got done playing Uncharted 1, I was in a funk because I wanted to play more, the game was just SO good. After finishing Uncharted 2, I was more like "Oh. It's over? So where did the game go? What the hell was I doing for the past few days?" :disturb:

Whenever you do get around to playing the game, I hope you enjoy it more than I did. Here's hoping to Uncharted 3.

goodman Feb 3rd, 2010 05:14 PM

Im playing Bioshock, now! Amazing game in itself, ive only had a 360 for 15 months so never had a chance really until now to play this game. Loving it! And am getting Bioshock 2 next week on its release. Also, there is a big new expansion for Dragon Age coming in March called Dragon Age Awakenings, thats a first day sale!!!

jjmoohead May 18th, 2010 10:11 AM

Well I have some downtime at work and I just discovered that this site actually isn't blocked like other gaming sites so I figured I would pass some time while I wait for my day to continue. Its been a few months since anyone posted so its a great idea :)

Lets see, what am I playing, or better yet, what have I played in the last few months.

Uncharted 2: I have finished and achieved the platnium trophy. I loved this game even more then the first and really enjoyed the online aspect of the game. It is one of the best games I have ever played, if not the best.

Legends of Wrestlemania: I normally wouldnt mention this cause I only rented it a few months back but I picked it up for $15 last week and have started to play it again. It is actually a pretty good wrestling game and kinda fun to go back if give people devistating finishing moves that have no effect on Wrestling super stars today (DDT anyone?)

Killzone 2: I am not really a big FPS player on consoles, but getting the game for $30 seemed like a good deal for one of the best looking games of all time. It plays pretty great and yes the controls are a bit difficult but I like that its not a generic shooter like Call of Duty has become.

Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2 : Yes, speaking of CoD I rented MW2, and finished the game in about 6 hours. No I didnt play it on the hardest difficulty cause I am simple not good enough to do it. I dont have the talent to make it very far in the game at those levels. I think I only made it about half way through MW1 and pervious CoD before MW2.

Tiger Woods 2010: Been playing this a lot lately most cause I am working towards the platnium trophy. I only have 3 trophies to go, but they are the time consuming ones so another week or 2 and it should be mine :).

NHL 2010: Still playing this, I play a couple games a week just cause hockey is awesome. I am currently working on the plat for this too which is pissing me off cause I need a team to play 6 guys at one time and I can't find a team to do it. GRRRR

Assassins Creed 2: Started this a week ago and am now am about 3/4 of the way finished.

(gotta go to work now - Ill edit this later and finish :)

goodman May 19th, 2010 08:43 AM

Been playing mw2 for about 2 months, myself. Im playing the online multiplayer and just made it to lvl 68. Will probably take a break after i make it to lvl 70 for a bit, maybe check out mass effect 2. Been fun!

goodman Aug 10th, 2010 06:30 AM

OK ive officially gotten off of MW2 for a while anyways and have since completed both Mass Effect 2 and The Darkness, both great games in their own rights. And im currently just getting into Oblivion Elder Scrolls game of the year edition. Looks like a very quality title also, doesnt look like anybody comes here anymore but just thought id let ya know!

jjmoohead Aug 31st, 2010 03:43 AM

I still show my face from time to time, but my birthday was missed this year, first time in like 7 years (cries) and well I was hurt and didnt want to come back (I am seriously kidding).

I am playing Dirt 2, Infamous, Killzone 2, and Ratchet and Clank - A Crack in Time.

I most recently rented Red Dead last week and rather enjoyed the game. I also gave ModNationRacers a try and really like it.

Right now I am waiting for NHL11 and Move to come out (both preordered). Then I will likely wait for GT5 and Littlebigplanet 2.

You will be happy to know Goodman that I picked up a 360, only to have it RROD on me 2 weeks later. (it was my roomates, who owed me some money). I am picking up another one tomorrow for $100 from a friend who is in desperate need of money. I won't be going online with it though, I refuse to spend even $1 for online gaming. Well at least for now while I can still play for free on other consoles and PC.

goodman Aug 31st, 2010 04:20 AM

Hey Moo,

I just happened to jump on! Wow another ps2f member on here at the same time even! I have had my 360 for about 21 months with no major issues. I buy a xbox live card once a year for like $30, and make sure i have a good game im going to play online a while before starting it up, its efficient. I mean after playing WoW for 3 years at $15-$18 a months $30 a year aint bad. Im getting Fallout New Vegas, and probably either Medal of Honor online or CoD Black Ops, and will look into the new Castlevania game due Oct. 31. Also will check out Assassins Creed 3 lol, im sure it will be good, i like that series. Good to see ya around Mr. Moo, and yes this was the year of the missed birthday but i still love this joint!

Faile Sep 1st, 2010 03:12 AM

Red Dead is the bomb!

jjmoohead Sep 23rd, 2010 10:33 AM

Hello again, yes still checking out the site :)

I picked up the Move last week on launch day and can't stop playing it. If you even remotely liked the wii you will love the Move. The 1:1 is really something and the Sports Champions game makes Wii Sports and Sports Resort look and play terrible. Of course one could think I am bias cause I hated the wii to begin with, but what Wii didn't give me, PS3 now has. I totally recommed at least trying it, you won't be disapointed. NOTE: My arm hurt for a couple days after the first prepaired to hurt a bit because you will use muscles you probably have not used in a long time HAHA. Not a carpel-tunnel pain, but a I just played baseball for the first time the season kinda pain lol.

Also picked up NHL 11 as said in the previous post and really enjoy it. This year you can also play as the Canadian Hockey League teams. These are a group of Junior teams in Canada (aged 15-20). My local city has a team in the CHL and so I can now play as them in EA SPORTS NHL 11, which is awesome. This league is where the majority of players get their start before getting drafted in the NHL.

goodman Sep 28th, 2010 04:42 AM

Hey moo, i had been studying upgrading my pc for the past 7 months and finally bought this after getting the price i like:

So i will be moving back into pc gaming somewhat, maybe a mmorpg since its been almost 4 years since i quit WoW. This has been a great pc for surfing and downloading, and i will definitely be keeping it going, laptop will be great for gaming and portable useage. Glad your enjoying Move ive heard and seen its fun. You hanging out and teaching in Canada?

Beretta55 Oct 7th, 2010 08:52 PM

Hello everyone! Been awhile since I last posted here. How's everyone doing these days?

I'm not playing too much, just some things to pass the time. Playing a little of Fallout 3, Dead Rising 2 on co-op, and Halo: Reach for more co-op action or whenever any of my friends feel like playing matchmaking or firefight.

Mostly I'm just burning time until New Vegas comes out on the 19th. Then I'll nerd out for the next two years on that game alone. I mean hell I've been playing Fallout 3 in some form or another for almost two years now.

Phenom Feb 19th, 2013 02:23 AM

A lot of my time (what little of it I have) has been spent on playing fighting games. Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition to be exact. Sometimes I switch to Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, but most of my attention has been on SSF4. Me and SSF4 is like a marriage if I had to compare it. Some moments I love it and think it's the best fighting game around, and other times I hate it and want to chuck it out the window. The main reason is because of my limited time to learn the mechanics (especially since I came into the game pretty late). I don't want to be a tournament player or anything, but I'd like to be really good in the game. I even decided to dial it back a bit and start fresh. Made the full transition to using a fight stick, and went back to playing shoto characters, mainly Ken (and possibly Evil Ryu) because I gotta have fun with the game as well as learn the fundamentals all over again too.

I've dabbled with Persona 4 Arena too, and I was caught completely off-guard by the game. I was amazed at how easily accessible the game was, especially considering how technical SSF4 is where you gotta focus on learning links even though they can be so hard to pull off, while here in P4A, you can just push buttons and feel like you know what you're doing. Of course that's not the correct way, but you get the point. It's too bad that the roster is small though, and I think this is my issue with all of Arc Systems games, but I understand why they do it as well.

The game I'm focused on now is Street Fighter X Tekken. There was a lot of problems when the game 1st came out, but since the release of the 2013 patch it's had a resurgence, and it looks really fun, and even before the patch came out the core gameplay looked fun. Not exactly sure who my main team will be, but I'm leaning towards Jin/Hwoarang, Jin/Steve, or Ken/Jin. But even then, I'm also considering Kazuya, Guy, Cody and Lars as well. I won't be messing with the Capcom characters too much since they're almost identical to the way they are in SSF4. The Tekken characters on the other hand, because they have dashes that get them through fireballs, and the Tekken chains can make up for all the fancy combos that I'll have a hard time pulling off, just makes them more interesting. Because this game is using a similar engine to that of SSF4, I am glad that FADC's are gone. That made SSF4 far more complicated than it needed to be (Ironically I still want to learn how to do that). I do like the idea of having charge moves that you can cancel out of though. Makes things a lot easier, I actually wish they make all special moves charge-cancelable, but that's just a nitpick. Anyway, do I like this game more than SSF4? I can't answer that yet, but I can see myself liking it a little more down the line considering it's more accessible than SSF4.

goodman Feb 19th, 2013 09:00 AM

Its been a long time since i was into fighting games, although at one time i really enjoyed them sf2 in particular and i liked tekken quite a bit. With co-op and online play options so much more available, though, i expect a revisit may well be in order. Being a gamefly member i may indeed check out a fighting game again. And from what ive heard of that particular personna game its quite good. I myself dont have a vita, but know many who do... im enjoying Dead Space 3 atm!!!

Beretta55 Feb 19th, 2013 04:12 PM

Man, it's been awhile since this topic has seen any use, good to see posts in it again.

As for me I'm playing Aliens: Colonial Marines and dear lord do I hate it, so, so much. I'd say steer clear of this game, maybe a rental if you are really curious but don't buy it for the price they are asking, you'll be much better off.

goodman Feb 19th, 2013 05:18 PM

Yeah we were talking about that aliens game over at psxe last week lotta peeps decided against it. Im close to being done with dead space 3 and will resume with darksiders 2 soon after. Gonna probably be checking out crysis 3 also very soon. Although I havent co-op 'd yet on the ps3 my initial observations are the 360 is more user friendly on that end. As time and opportunity permits a deeper determination will be made.

Phenom Feb 19th, 2013 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by goodman (Post 134817)
Its been a long time since i was into fighting games, although at one time i really enjoyed them sf2 in particular and i liked tekken quite a bit. With co-op and online play options so much more available, though, i expect a revisit may well be in order. Being a gamefly member i may indeed check out a fighting game again. And from what ive heard of that particular personna game its quite good. I myself dont have a vita, but know many who do... im enjoying Dead Space 3 atm!!!

Persona Golden Abyss is for the vita. That's that remake. Persona Arena is on the ps3 and xbox 360.

goodman Feb 19th, 2013 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Phenom (Post 134820)
Persona Golden Abyss is for the vita. That's that remake. Persona Arena is on the ps3 and xbox 360.

Ah amazingly ive never played a personna game amidst the myriad rpg's ive encountered.

Phenom Feb 19th, 2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by goodman (Post 134821)
Ah amazingly ive never played a personna game amidst the myriad rpg's ive encountered.

Ah I see. I have Persona 3 & 4, but I've yet to play them.

Don't be mistaken, though. Persona 4 Arena is a fighting game done by the same folks that did Guilty Gear. Persona 4 Golden (Golden Abyss...? I think Uncharted was in my head) is the remake of Persona 4 on the vita. Sorry for the mix-up.

Beretta55 Feb 25th, 2013 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Phenom (Post 134822)
Ah I see. I have Persona 3 & 4, but I've yet to play them.

Don't be mistaken, though. Persona 4 Arena is a fighting game done by the same folks that did Guilty Gear. Persona 4 Golden (Golden Abyss...? I think Uncharted was in my head) is the remake of Persona 4 on the vita. Sorry for the mix-up.

Persona 4 is really, really good. It has to be the last great hurrah game the PS2 got. Games like that reminded me why I played so many JRPG's last console generation.

I did everything I needed to do in Aliens so I'm trading that in as soon as possible, such an awful game. At the moment I'm going through both Sniper Elite V2 and Fist of The North Star: Ken's Rage.

Sniper Elite is a lot of fun and is a definite play, more so if you do enjoy sniping in other shooters. It has realistic bullet drop and wind is a factor on the higher difficulties, it's not just aim at head at any distance and get a shot like standard shooters. An X-Ray cam (that is really, really gruesome at times depending on where you hit a guy) adds flair to the game and tons of "Oh man!" moments to the game. Shooting a guy and having the bullet travel through his chest, only to exit out his back while severing the spine never stops being the gruesome sight it is.

Ken's Rage is made by Koei, so it's pretty much Dynasty Warriors in terms of how it plays. I've always had a soft spot for the Warriors games, despite how repetitive and little they change. Games like this are good to play for a few mindless hours or to play concurrent with other games. I also do enjoy the Fist of The North Star series so it is pretty fun to roll through town making dudes explode while Kenshiro spouts the deadly serious dialogue that he always does.

goodman Feb 26th, 2013 06:34 AM

Cool I think i own personna 3 although its never been played. Personna golden is getting positive vibes over at psxe. Finished dead space 3 recently and have crysis 3 for either xbox or ps3 up in my queue next for rent have heard its good. Bioshock infinite in 4 weeks! Be there!

Phenom Mar 1st, 2013 07:57 PM

I finally managed to pull myself away from Street Fighter X Tekken for a little bit to enjoy Mass Effect 1. I've played and beaten ME1 at least 3 times now. As much as a technical hiccup it is I still enjoy the game even though ME2 is clearly better. I just got Liara in the crew. Playing as female Shepard, and she's a soldier.

That said, I am back to playing SFxT though. Practicing some Jin combos.

DragonSphere Mar 11th, 2013 01:49 PM

Mass Effect is something I've been meaning to finish, but I've been "playing" the first one off/on for the last three years...:p

I'll always pick the sequels when they get cheap (got ME2 for $10 and ME3 for $15) but man, it seems so daunting to try and go back to it. I'd start over, but I think I'm too far into ME1 to even consider that.

goodman Mar 12th, 2013 03:28 AM

Good to see you around, Dragon!!!! :ghost: We have actually taken on the image of a semi-active forum again so be sure and re-visit soon! As for me, ive been absolutely loving Darksiders 2!!! Highly recommended, its one of my favs of this generation and the single player experience. Im highly anticipating the release of Bioshock Infinite and i started a thread over at Psxextreme to get the hype going!!! I had been renting mostly but am buying this game i dont plan on stopping playing it anytime soon!!! Hang out and lets keep this ball rolling!!! :love:

Phenom Mar 12th, 2013 11:22 AM

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
I haven't gotten deep into the game yet, and I'm still getting used to the controls, but I'm enjoying this game. The better I get at this game the more hooked I become because the combat just feel so good. If there's a story I don't know about it because I haven't been paying attention to it. A lot of games these days are lacking in the fun department, and lacking the replay value that I look for. I feel MGR:R brought me out of my funk simply because of how fun and satisfying it is. I'm hearing it's a short game, but that gives me even more fuel to replay the game on a higher difficulty, especially since you actually unlock meaningful stuff for beating the game on higher difficulties (I'd much rather unlock costumes than pay for them)

I also took someone's advice and ordered DmC: Devil May Cry. I'm expecting it to arrive between today and tomorrow. I don't expect to have his reactions and claim it's the best in the series, but I do expect to have fun and feel satisfied. The combat looks like it'll have that satisfying feel to it, especially after a long day at work. I also hear that this game is fairly short, but again, that's giving me a reason to replay the game.

I'm also trading in a buttload of games (pretty much doing an overhaul in a way). I'm keeping the Metal Gears, Uncharteds, Mass Effects, Halos, Devil May Crys, Ninja Gaidens, and my fighters, but everything else is gone. Not exactly sure what I'll be getting in return.

Sleazy P Martini Mar 15th, 2013 10:43 PM

Picked up Infamous 2. So far she seems like as solid title.

and of course Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim

goodman Mar 23rd, 2013 05:34 AM

Finally made it through darksiders 2! Wow what a big game its not the short borderline rental games we see so much of nowadays. Very fun though and never lacking for challenge! Im going to download the soundtrack today its very good. Getting ready for bioshock infinite this tuesday gonna check out uncharted 3 for a few days in the interim.

goodman Mar 30th, 2013 02:30 AM

Uncharted 3 is a blast and I will get back around to it after bioshock infinite!

Phenom Mar 31st, 2013 03:16 AM

I really need to start playing the Uncharted series, or at least Uncharted 2 and 3, but I can never get in the mood to actually play them.

In any case, I've started up DmC: Devil May Cry recently and it's not nearly as bad as fans make it out to be, but it's not as great as some review sites make it out to be either. To be honest, as big a DMC fan I am, my initial reaction when the game was first shown was definitely more on the negative side because of the look. The head guy at NT made Dante resemble himself, and that was a turnoff, but I got over that fairly quick when they changed him up. Anyway, the combat is nice, but they kinda dropped the ball without having a lock-on, and then to top it off you're forced to fight the enemies with a specific type of weapon, and while that's not a deal breaker for me, it does take away the freedom for playing the way you want. With that being said, though, it's still a good game.

With that being said I did put it aside to play Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Having a bit of a team crisis at the moment, but I am understanding the game a bit more. Originally I thought the game was super fast, but in the end you really have to take your time. And then the game is just pure fun. Some of the characters I've been dabbling with are Dante (he's just pure fun and my favorite character in the game), Wolverine, Vergil (did I mention how big a fan I am of DMC, but he is on the boring side though), Hawkeye, Spencer, Nova, Taskmaster, and Magneto. I'm also considering Strider as well.

Oh yeah, I also beat Metal Gear Rising: Revegeance as well. It's a good game with tons of replay value, but there are some things that could've been left out. Stealth in this game is just in the way. They have moments in the game where they tell you stealth is the best approach, but the game itself just encourages you to throw stealth out the window and go nuts. I don't recall you being graded on stealth either. It felt horribly tacked on. Speaking of tacked on, the sub weapons. I found no reason to use them what-so-friggin-ever. They really could've been used to include more blades to upgrade or something. But overall, it's a good game.

Some quick pickups.

Dragon Age 2
Infamous 1 & 2
Prototype 1 & 2

I'm also thinking about picking up the Bioshock series.

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