View Full Version : Is Squall.....(MAJOR FFVIII SPOILERS)

Feb 7th, 2002, 10:57 AM
I read a post on gamefaqs in which people debated over that Squall is Laguna's son. What do you guys think?

Feb 7th, 2002, 11:20 AM
Clearly, Squall is Laguna's son. They're tied up together during the whole game, and here and there, without clearly saying it, there are details that make you understand Laguna is Squall's father, and Raine is Squall's mom.
I know there's someone who says it's not true, that there's not clear evidence of their connection, but if you really played the game carefully, and I did, there's no need for a scene with Laguna saying "Squall, you're my beloved son!" and Squall saying "Oh father!" and final hug :D

Feb 7th, 2002, 01:27 PM
It's implied that Squall is Laguna's son. That would explain why he was at the orphenage.

Feb 7th, 2002, 03:23 PM
I just never realized it before..... gotta play FFVIII again..... aaaaaaaah

Pu the Owl
Feb 7th, 2002, 05:31 PM
Without a doubt Squall is Laguna and Raine's son. They clearly said after giving birth to her child Raine dies. Ellone (she was an orphan who used to live with Raine, and then with Laguna also) went to the orphanage and there Squall used to call her "sister" and they feel a deep affection for each other during the game (even if at the beginning Squall doesn't remember who Ellone is).