View Full Version : Plots

Jul 8th, 2002, 09:51 PM
Do you like most really complex and/or mysterious plots or do you prefer a clear storyline to always be aware of what's going on?

Pu the Owl
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:07 AM
Depends on the series. Some anime are all messed up because of a plot that pretends to be complex and in reality is a mix of nonsense. Other series have a plot that is so linear and banal to be ridiculous.

Jul 9th, 2002, 12:33 PM
Depends. If a plot has a few REALLY well done and plausable twists to it, then it's good to have it complex.. I know it's not a game but Metal Gear Solid 2 is the kinda plot I don't like. It changes too much to gain any momentum.

Complexity is good, but there's a difference between complexity and plot "twitching".. which is when everything jumps around every 3-4 episodes.. Like Gundam Wing. Yah. There wasn't really any continuing story for that. I mean, the whole Peacecraft nation lasted all of four episodes, when the struggle to keep it alive could have lasted the entirety of the series, if only in the background.

Introducing "new" enemies is also a thing I don't like to an extent. I mean, introducing either leutenants to a greater enemy or showing that there is a bigger "shadow" over all the previous events is one thing, but in many anime I've seen the main enemies all the sudden just dissapear or are usurped completely by other agents. It really depends on how well the series is executed, but having one flowing story arc is better to me than having the beginning of an arc... then a spike upward.. then a cliff dropping down to the bottom, then another arc.. then another spike.. which is what a depressing amount of anime's give us.

Y'know that "rules of anime" thing? I would like to see an anime where most of those are inapplicable. I mean, sweatdrops, girls with mallets, and big eyes are okay.. but stuff like everything slowing down for special moves, Mecha being the fastest things in the universe, little boys saving the world.. I would like to see an anime that is completely different annoyance wise from everything else out there. With one quality plotline, no jumps.

Man this turned into a rant quick. Sorry, Rei. :D

Cannibal Clown
Jul 10th, 2002, 12:47 PM
I like a complexity that keeps me wanting to watch more of the movie or series so that i can figure out what's going on. It's makes seeing ther whole thing more worth while, knowing that you got something out of it. Rather than a straigh forward plot, where you know exactly what's going on and if you miss about ten minutes of the movie, or a few episode sof the show, you can still keep up with what's going on. It looses the anime feeling. Japanimation is supposed to be all f*cked up with wierd as hell plots and scenarios that don't make any sence until the very end where you say to yourself "Oh i understajnd now! Awesome!"

Complexity is good, but like said before, nonsence is just flat out annoying when you want a real story.

Jul 15th, 2002, 03:57 AM
Well, like Fortune said, it really depends on the series. I kinda like a bit of complex, but a little clear plot will do just fine too. However, if the complexity is really dumb and is just trying to make it complex, then it's just nonsense. A clear storyline that is so clear and so obvious is also really dumb, so I guess I just like something that has some complexity but a clear story too.